After Odin and the Hammer God Squad disappeared,

Laufey looked at the sky for a long time without saying a word.……


Although Lao Fei's experience was very pitiful, Wu Yuyu was still unkind enough to record this scene.

A king was beaten at his doorstep by a fool who was over a thousand years old.

When he was about to fight back, the fool's father came and said,"He's still a child! Don't bother with it.""

I don't know how Laufey feels now, but after watching all this, Wu Yuyu felt very upset.

Over a thousand years old, child, only those immortals like them can connect these two words together... like the Ancient One, who worked so hard but only lived for a few hundred years, and it seems that he is not even half the age of Thor.

In other words, can the Ancient One also be called a child?

Wu Yuyu stroked his chin, and a picture gradually appeared in his mind.

Dormammu: Ancient One! Pay back the money! Or give me your planet!

With a"bang" punch, the Ancient One punched Dormammu back to the dark dimension.

He fanned the fan lightly, what to pay back, how can a child pay back the money!

He shuddered suddenly... The picture was so beautiful that Wu Yuyu couldn't bear to look at it.

At this moment,"Click!"

A thunderclap exploded in the sky.

Wu Yuyu looked up and saw the familiar stream of light.

He had seen it four times in a short period of time.

If nothing unexpected happened, the fool must have been exiled to the mortal world by his father.

He opened the portal and took a step out.

He just saw the hammer fall to the ground.

As for the other side, Wu Yuyu looked at the light column that was gradually dissipating in the distance. The fool must have been knocked unconscious by the car.

"A god who can be knocked unconscious by a car, tsk tsk tsk~"

He shook his head. The gods of Asgard were all outrageous.

He didn't think too much about it.

He made two"Puh-Puh" sounds towards his palms, rubbed his hands together, and walked towards the hammer in front of him with shining eyes.

His main point was that he had come.

Thor's hammer was right in front of him, how could he resist not trying it out? If he couldn't lift it, it would be fine.

If he lifted it,……


Don't even think about taking this thing back if you don't come up with something good!"........


After detecting abnormal fluctuations in the atmosphere, Fury's finger hovered over a phone number, but he couldn't press it for a long time.

After thinking for a while, his finger slid and pressed another number.

"Phil, there is a mission for you to go on.……"

Originally, Fury wanted to ask Wu Yuyu what he thought about the abnormal fluctuations just now.

However, the two sides did not establish any cooperative relationship, and he could not be sure that the abnormal fluctuations just now were caused by alien visitors.

After thinking about it, he decided to send a team to investigate the scene first before making a decision.

Soon, a car drove out of S.H.I.E.L.D. and headed straight to the place where the hammer fell.........

""Hey~ Hey~"

After trying for a while, Wu Yuyu wiped his forehead which was not sweaty. Sure enough, he couldn't lift the hammer.

He patted the hammer head.

"It seems that we are not destined to be together. You should just wait here for that silly boy to call you~"

He stood up straight and 'looked' at the restlessness in the town in the distance.

Obviously, the movement here has been discovered by the residents of the town, but because it was already dark at this time, and they didn't know what was going on, they could only hide at home and watch the situation here.

After taking a last look at the hammer on the ground, Wu Yuyu's body exploded instantly, turning into a point of light and disappearing from the spot.

A breeze blew, leaving only a hammer standing alone in the deep pit.……

"Hey, what do you see? A hammer!"

Early the next morning, the residents of the town came to the hammer to investigate.

Looking at the hammer in the deep pit, one, two... more and more people began to try to lift the hammer.

Without exception, all ended in failure.

In the distance, a man with a worrying hairline looked at the lively atmosphere here and took out his mobile phone.

""Sir, we found it."

The man was Phil Coulson, who had received Fury's order and rushed here overnight.

He reported the situation to Fury, and Phil began to arrange for people to seal off the scene.

This lively hammer-lifting competition ended with no one winning.........

In the small town

"Continued Cup!"

""Pah! Crack!"

As the cup shattered on the ground, the shop fell silent in an instant.

Everyone looked at the blond man who was still chewing his food.

Several customers who reacted quickly had quietly walked out of the room.

After all, no one knew whether the man would overturn the table and shout"robbery" in the next second!

Jane Foster quickly apologized when she noticed the change in the atmosphere in the shop, and quickly came to Thor's side and began to clean up the residue in the cup.

This restored the atmosphere to harmony.

"Your Highness, this is not your Asgard. If you want another cup, just tell the waiter, no need to break the cup."

Just when Jane was about to have a good argument with Thor, the chair beside them was suddenly pulled away, and Wu Yuyu held the plate, nodded to them, and sat down on the chair.

"Hey, has my name spread to Midgard? If you can tell me where Mjolnir is now, you will gain the friendship of the god of thunder."

Seeing that he was recognized, Thor's face suddenly showed an excited smile.

He threw the knife and fork on the plate and immediately wanted to grab the black feather jade and ask about the whereabouts of the Meowth Hammer.

"As the future king of Asgard, I think you should know etiquette. It is very impolite to disturb others while they are eating."

An illusory hand appeared and pressed Thor back to his original position.

When enjoying his food, Wu Yuyu really didn't like to be disturbed.

This scene was also seen by the scientific trio sitting opposite.

Looking around, they found that except for them, no one else in the shop seemed to have seen this scene.

This is unscientific!

Thinking of what Wu Yuyu had just said, the three of them raised their hands to cover their mouths at the same time, pressing back the shift that was about to come out of their mouths.

"You remind me of someone I know."

Thor also noticed the situation in the store, but he was not surprised.

Loki had used this trick countless times.

"I know who you are talking about, but unfortunately, you guessed wrong."

Wu Yuyu wiped his mouth slowly, put the meal fee under the plate, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

In an instant, the surrounding environment changed.

When it was quiet again, he had arrived near the place where the hammer fell.

"You're right, my brother doesn't have that ability."

Thor spread his hands and shrugged. This great teleportation technique made him realize that the man in front of him was indeed not Loki.

Wu Yuyu crossed his arms and nodded towards the simple base built by S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Your Meow Hammer is right there, take it if you want it……"

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