Chapter 87: Carl mocked Nick Fury.

Tony on the other side knew that his satellite had really detected something falling from the sky in New Mexico. He immediately told Carl the news. Although he didn’t know what it was, Carl had hit him before. Hello, and he also wanted to ask Karl.

After Carl found out, he didn’t tell Tony directly, but said mysteriously that you would know it later. After Tony returned home from the company, he heard Jarvis’ report that the program had been modified and that there was someone in the house.。

“Do you think you are the only hero in the world? Tony Stark, you may not be a hero at all. “Nick Fury stood half-body in the darkness and said to Tony. Only his white teeth could be seen by Tony. After all, Nick Fury’s entire body was black.。

“Walt, you broke into my house and you wanted to tell me this? I’m not a hero to begin with, tell me who you are and what are you doing here? Otherwise, you will definitely go out lying down. “Tony looked at Nick Fury speechlessly. After snapping his fingers, several machine guns appeared around the living room and pointed at Nick Fury.。

“OK OK, I am the director of SHIELD. I am here to deal with your palladium poisoning. Your father is one of the founders of SHIELD. This is his relic. You can take a look. “After Nick Fury saw the machine gun coming out, he secretly wondered why Tony didn’t play his cards according to the routine, and gestured to a black box next to him and said。

“Palladium poisoning? nonono, I’ve been fine for a long time. Also, when did my father establish SHIELD? Why don’t I know why my father’s relics were only given to me now? Tell me your purpose! ! “Tony immediately noticed several problems from Nick Fury’s words.

Only Carl knew about his palladium poisoning, not even Pepper. If Carl hadn’t helped him discover the new element, would it be wrong if the other party showed up at this time? He is about to die. If there is anything in his father’s relics that can save him, they did not give it to him before, but now they give it to him. It is obvious that they have ulterior motives, and there is even an undercover agent beside him! Tony thought for a while After that, he immediately locked in his new assistant, Natalie!

“Well, we just found out about you. Are you healed of palladium poisoning? Have you found a way to heal yourself? You are indeed a genius. “Nick Fury said a little embarrassed after listening to the questioning in Tony’s words. Natasha didn’t tell him that Tony’s palladium poisoning was cured.


“State your purpose! Jarvis, call Carl over here! “Tony quickly walked to the round platform next to his living room, and immediately put on the steel suit. After knowing through the security system in the mansion that there were many people outside, for the sake of safety, he asked Jarvis to call Carl. Come here, because of Carl, Tony hasn’t had much contact with SHIELD and doesn’t know much about them.。

“Yes, sir, Mr. Carr’s number has been dialed now. ”

Jarvis said to Tony, and Nick Fury on the other side naturally heard the conversation between Tony and Jarvis, and looked at Tony who had already put on the suit and faced him, with all weapons locked on him. , even got through the phone call of that bastard Karl after a disagreement.。

“What’s the matter, Tony? “Karl’s v

oice came from the blue screen in the living room, with a hint of confusion. Nick Fury’s face turned darker after hearing Karl’s voice. This bastard blew himself up with a bomb like a normal person. He still had to Hold it in yourself。

“Hey Carl, there is a one-eyed black man here, and there are many armed people outside my house. Come and take a look. He said he is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., do you know what he is? “Tony watched Nick describe it to Karl.。

“Oh oh oh, you mean the braised egg head, okay, I get it, I’ll be right over. “Karl’s voice sounded after a while, with a tone of sudden realization. Tony searched for braised eggs in front of Nick in confusion, and then the screen of braised eggs appeared, and he turned to look at Nick Fu. Ray, I can’t say it’s irrelevant, they’re exactly the same!

Nick Fury on the other side also saw Tony’s behavior. When the scene of the braised eggs came out, Tony was looking at his head. He just wanted to kill him. Carl, this bastard gave himself a nickname again! The two just faced off like this, no one said a word, and Nick didn’t call anyone outside. He was here to pull people in, not to fight.


Carl teleported with Red Tank and appeared in the living room of Tony’s mansion. Red Tank walked to Tony’s bar without anyone noticing, took a bottle of wine and started drinking. Carl walked to the sofa and sat down, facing Nick. Fury waved his hand。

“Hey, Director Nick, yo, it turns out you’re not dead yet. Let me just say, there’s no way a bomb like that could kill you, right? “Karl greeted Nick Fury basely and teased him about the last time he bombed him.。

“Hey, Carl, what didn’t kill him? what happened? “When Tony saw that Carl and Red Tank were already here, he stopped confronting Nick Fury. He walked to the bar and brought two glasses and a bottle of wine. He put them on the table and asked Carl. Of course he could fight on his own. He passed Nick Fury and the group of heavily armed people outside, but he remembered hearing the name SHIELD somewhere, so he called Carl and asked him to come over and take a look.。

“It’s nothing serious. Remember when we went to Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters before? This Nick Fury was going to let the director of Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters, Charles, also known as Professor X, deal with me. But he didn’t expect that I wasn’t afraid at all. Psychic abilities, and even his own drama of wanting to be a white wolf with nothing to show for it, were all seen through by Charles, but Charles pissed me off, so we ended up in the Mutant Academy. Am I right, Director Nick? “Karl said to Nick Fury with a smile on his face.。

“Then Charles told me that it was you who wanted to deal with me, and then I asked the Black Shadow Ninja to take a time bomb and send it to your office as a gift in return. Unexpectedly, our Director Nick was not dead. He is indeed the king of agents. . “Seeing that Nick Fury didn’t speak, Carl continued to explain to Tony, and told him about blowing up Nick Fury.。

“That’s because you regard the law as child’s play. You even killed thousands of people in Clinton District. You, an uncontrolled person, will cause disaster sooner or later. You just act according to your own wishes and use your own power unscrupulously. ability! It should be destroyed! !”


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