Marvel: Silver Superman, Starts with Mutant Academy

Chapter 271 Death God Hikigu Hachiman Ginseng

And just in Chen Tian, ​​when he fooled Clark into the sun to evolve, breaking the shackles in the dark.

In the chat group, Qing Xuan exposed the villain's identity, and silently studied the chat group information, and Aizen, who had been diving for a long time, appeared.

"The group member Aizen, uploaded the Zanpakutō [initial form, light hit X2], and got 60 points. 35

With the prompt of the chat group, other people suddenly appeared.

"Hey, the big villain Aizen, who has been diving all the time, actually uploaded the Zanpakutō." Chika Fujiwara immediately started to startle Roar, obviously a little surprised.

"Uh... I don't refute the identity of the villain, but it's only in my world." Fujiwara Chika's words left Aizen speechless.

"And now that all this has not happened, after seeing the vastness of the chat group, I am no longer interested in the world of corpses.

"Now, my goal is to study the heavens and the world and set foot on a higher throne.

Qingxuan Fu 14 and said: "Aizen is right, many things haven't happened yet, so he's not counted as a villain, but even so, we can't relax our vigilance against you. 99

"After all, you are Aizen."

"..." Qing Xuan's words made Aizen, who wanted to change the impression of him in the group, a little speechless.

"Qing Xuan, these questions should be left to the group owner to worry about. Even if Aizen wants to do something, she has to ask the group owner. Zoro doesn't care.

Then, Zoro's voice changed.

"Moreover, a light hit with a Zanpakutō actually awarded Aizen 30 points. It seems that the quality is very high."

"After all, this is a Zanpakutō that unleashes the power of the soul." Hikigu Hachiman was amazed.

After seeing the copy of Death God's memory, he was very interested in the handsome Zanpakutō, but he didn't expect Aizen to upload two shallow strikes today.

"I don't know if Zanpakutō can make my Three Thousand Worlds more powerful!" Zoro was also moved, and the more he read the introduction of Zanpakutō, the more he liked it.

"Group member Zoro, exchange for Zanpakutō. In the initial form, take a shallow shot.

Zoro couldn't hold back, and after speaking, he exchanged a handful.

Then, without waiting for the others to speak, Hikigaya Hachiman also hurriedly exchanged the last punch.

"...!! You guys were talking about being vigilant about Aizen just now, but now you exchanged the Zanpakutō he uploaded in the blink of an eye, wouldn't it be too spineless.

He was also a little excited, but after a step slower, Ryuguyuan Seiya, who had not exchanged for the Zanpakutō, was a little speechless.

"Cough cough... I just simply like the shape of the knife, it has nothing to do with people." Hikigu Hachiman coughed twice, a little embarrassed.

In this regard, Chen Tian, ​​Bruce and others who were tasting wine just glanced at the news in the group and did not speak.

And Saitama didn't look down on Zanpakutō either, so he took a bubble while busy with his work, and went diving again.

"The group member Aizen will present an exclusive red envelope [Spiritual Pressure Quantity Seed], the exclusive person Hikigu Hachiman, Zoro.

At this time, the prompt sounded again, causing Zoro, who had just exchanged the Zanpakutō for a light hit, to light up Hikigu Hachiman's eyes.

"Good brother, you will be my brother from now on!" Compared with the more reserved Hikigu Hachiman, Zoro was very happy.

Directly regard the big villain Aizen as a brother.

Definitely, this brother is the wine and meat brother.

After he obtains this spiritual pressure seed, his strength in releasing his soul power will increase sharply again, and it will be just around the corner to dominate the world of One Piece.

Seeing this, Aizen didn't speak, but the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Sure enough, manipulating people's hearts is actually very simple, just give them what they want.

In a happy mood, Aizen, who just got 60 points, also opened the exchange page and exchanged an X Gene Mutant Ability.

Spiritual Department.

His Kyoka Suizuki was originally a Zanpakutō of the illusion department, so Aizen wanted to see if there would be any changes in the Zanpakutō if he obtained the X Gene Mutant Ability.

After all, Zanpakutō is closely related to the soul of the Death God.

At the same time, I also want to study, what is special about the X-factor uploaded by the group owner Chen Tian, ​​and whether it has anything to do with his terrifying strength.

"How's the Zanpakutō effect?"

"Sauron, your strength is already very strong, I don't know if you can solve it! Fujiwara Chika asked curiously.

In response, Zoro, who had already dived and refined the knife, did not respond.

Including, Hikigaya Hachiman, who also got the Zanpakutō's initial form, and returned to the room excitedly after receiving the seed of spiritual pressure.

In the room, Hikigaya Hachiman felt the Reiatsu that released 980 of his soul power in his body, bowed his head slightly, and looked at the Zanpakutō in his hand.

The shallow punch that has not yet been refined looks like an ordinary person's black short knife.

Hikigaya Hachiman took a deep breath, and according to the refining steps that Aizen gave him, he slowly entered the spiritual pressure that was integrated with his spiritual power into his hands and struck lightly.


With the influx of Death God's unique Reiatsu, this headless shroud emits an orange glow.

In the halo, the shallow hit was slowly refined, and then merged into Hikigaya Hachiman's body and into his soul.

Immediately deep in Hikiya Hachiman's heart, a special feedback flooded into his mind, telling him the name of his sword.

"Blood moon?"

A smile appeared on Hikigaya Hachiman's face, but the smile didn't last long before it stiffened on his face.

I don't know if it was because of refining the Zanpakutō, but Hikigaya Hachiman looked out the window and suddenly saw some strange figures that he couldn't see normally.

Hikigaya Hachiman: "Group leader, help."

This familiar scene made everyone stunned for a moment,

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