Marvel: Silver Superman, Starts with Mutant Academy

Chapter 275 Metamorphosis Again, One Hit Clearance

In the world of Hikiya Hachiman, the three of Aizen are still doing their best to kill ghosts and gods.

Susanono had already been beheaded by Aizen, and the sharp sword in his hand was also in the bag.

But the ghosts and gods in the whole Japan started to riot. After the destruction of Susanoo, the ghosts and gods enshrined in the shrine attacked one by one.

Although the strength of these ghosts and gods is not very good, but there are so many, but they can't use those large-scale killing skills because they take into account that this is the world of Hikigaya Hachiman.

Otherwise, even if there are more of these ant-like things, they will be swept away.

"It can't go on like this," Aizen chopped down a ghost at random, looking up at the sky with a solemn expression, "The ghosts and gods in the entire Japanese country have rioted, and there are similar existences in other places on this planet."

A round of huge amounts of black vortex appeared in the air, and the vortex "Nine Eight Zero" that absorbed negative emotions in the shrine had already assimilated with it, exuding a terrible suction, directly robbing people's life energy,

"These ghosts and gods seem to be inexhaustible, and the rain of destruction behind Rias has not stopped for a moment." There are more and more demons, and they can no longer take care of the civilians.

Ghosts and gods are not a threat to them at all, but those demons are deadly to ordinary people.

"Their source, find their source," Hikigu Hachiman packed up a few demons, "It's useless to just kill those ghosts and gods, didn't you find that even ghosts and gods appeared repeatedly! 35

What Hikigu Hachiman said is right, but now they have no time to find the source, those strange ghosts and gods are constantly flowing, but it is a bit difficult to protect the people.

It's not that the strength is insufficient, it's just that AOE can't release it,


Hikiya Hachiman suddenly let out a startled cry,

In front of him, the dozen or so demon monsters that rushed over suddenly dissipated out of thin air, as if they had suddenly lost their strength, fell to the ground with a thud, and then disappeared completely.

"The power of these demons and gods has weakened... it's the group leader!

Rias, who had seen the power of Chen Tian, ​​immediately understood, and before rethinking that Chen Tian left, the fool knew that the sudden disappearance of these monsters and monsters was related to him,


Just as the power of these ghosts weakened and collapsed, an aura that seemed to dominate the world appeared in this world,

Ordinary people saw that the monster that had materialized in front of them suddenly became transparent, and then disappeared, and they sensed this breath again, and they couldn't help kneeling on the ground.

"It's God...the real God is here to save us!

"Thank God!


The people thought it was a god, but Aizen, Rias and Hikigu Hachiman knew that this was Chen Tian,

But now Chen Tian is almost no different from God,

The sky was suddenly gloomy, and when I looked up, I saw a big hand that covered the sky, and even the sun's rays couldn't penetrate it.

"Help... is the world going to end?"

The appearance of the big hand made the people who had just recovered to panic again, but soon they found out that they were wrong,

After the giant hand covering the entire planet appeared, the ghosts and gods who were still raging even though their power was weakened, the demons and gods shattered directly on the spot and turned into nothingness.

People can even feel a powerful energy passing through them without causing any harm to themselves,

There is no doubt that it was Chen Tian who took the shot, completely obliterating the ghosts and gods in this world who still relied on the power of faith for many years.

"Complete the task and reward 100 points.

"Complete the task and reward 70 points.

At the same time as the last ghost was wiped out, Aizen and Rias also received quest rewards,


Hikigaya Hachiman also received the reward, but he received very few points, after all, he did not participate directly.

"Go back," Chen Tian's voice sounded in their minds, "It's alright, those Chaos creatures have switched places to sleep."

After saying this sentence, Chen Tian's breath disappeared,

Rias is also used to Chen Tian Shenlong seeing the beginning but not the end, without asking any more questions, he returned directly to his own universe.

Aizen nodded and returned to his own world,

As for Chen Tian, ​​he returned to his own space-time universe,

After a "friendly" exchange with the baleen whale and Chaos creatures, Chen Tian harvested a batch of evil spirit blood and threw it directly into the space-time universe.

At the moment when the blood essence spilled into the space-time universe, more than a dozen plane universes that had been born but were not complete and integrated with them, evolved into the innate Mephista, standing on the plane universe,

These plane universes absorbed the blood of the evil spirits, completely evolved the universe, connected with the Chaos source sea, and began to swallow Chaos force,

Soon, more than a dozen plane universes have stabilized, and various universe rules and laws will be born.

But these are not the most important,

With the completeness of the plane universe, the power of the source has also been fed back,

With the blessing of these source powers, Chen Tian's power is also more and more unfathomable, and the biggest gain is the transition progress of the silver super super,

Host: Chen Tian

Race: Human

Rank: Fourteen-star time and space controller

Bloodline: Krypton Superman [Silver Age]

Super strength: Basic grip strength???

Super Speed: Base Speed???

Super Heat ray:

Super Hearing:

super brain:

Frozen Roar suction:

Defense: Man of Steel, Bio/Cosmic Field

Physiology: The cells of the whole body can evolve infinitely by absorbing the energy of the sun, and can strengthen, compress and store the energy of sunlight tens of billions of times......

X Gene Ability: Energy Control, Absorption, Fission [Super Omega Level], Psychokinesis [Super Omega Level]

Origin rule: reality, time, space, mind, power, soul

Origin Universe: Elementary level [100/25, twenty-seven creation rules blessing, each creation rule, can increase the attack power by 1%]

Origin points: 7


4.9 Looking at the attribute page, his eyes swept across the origin universe that has reached 25, Chen Tian smiled lightly,

The blood essence of those evil gods, that is, Chaos creatures is good, although it is nothing to the current Chen Tian.

But for his space-time universe, it is a great supplement, making more than a dozen plane universes complete at one time, Chen Tian also benefited from it, and got an increase in attack power,

Although it is only 25% now, you must know that this bonus is based on Chen Tian's own attack power. With Chen Tian's power, even if only a ten percent bonus is extremely terrifying,

Moreover, the transition progress of Baiyin Dachao is already full, and the next thing to do is to complete metamorphosis,

I just don't know, what kind of existence will metamorphosis be after he completely becomes a silver superstar with his At the moment strength?!.

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