Marvel: Silver Superman, Starts with Mutant Academy

Chapter 280 The sky is weird, sacrificing the world

"The world where the group members are in has been invaded and is on the verge of destruction, triggering a rescue mission."

"Group members can go to the world where Fujiwara Chika is located, rescue the group members, and complete the task. Each participating group member will receive 150 points as a reward.""

Although the alarm has been sounded, the reaction of the group members is not lively.

Because the points rewarded by this mission is 50 points more than that of Rias.

The task of 100 points has already appeared the dark Mephista that Saitama can't fight. This adds 50 points, isn't the opponent stronger than those dark Mephistas?

"It seems that the opponent is very strong this time," Saitama rubbed his bald head, "I'll go."

"@Group Master, group master, are you going to take a look, I feel that this time things are not right. Zoroite has Chen Tian.

"Wow, there are a lot of points given, can I go?" Limuru bubbling.

"Nine Eight Three" Chen Tian also noticed the task popping up in the chat group. When he saw that there were 150 points, Chen Tian's eyes lit up.

It's not because of the points, but Chen Tian also remembered the dark Mephista in the Rias world before. It was only a rescue mission of 100 points, and he had already harvested the blood essence of three multi-universe dark Mephistas. I don't know this time... will there be a stronger existence?

"You go first, I should also go and see." After saying this, Chen Tian did not appear in the chat group again.

"Okay, the group leader is here too, then you all come here," Fujiwara Chika said, "several cities have been destroyed, and even the land is crumbling, I don't even know who the opponent is.



Chihua Fujiwara is not that strong in the chat group, but the quest rewards released by the chat group will not lie.

The 100-point Rias world quest is just being invaded by Otherworld, and three dark Mephistas appear.

This time, Chika Fujiwara's world mission has 150 points. It's hard to imagine how powerful the enemy is. Could it be that some ancient god has come?

Chika Fujiwara was shrinking in the room, the ground under her feet kept shaking, and the outside roared, as if there were huge amounts of monsters walking outside.

The world outside the window could no longer be seen, shrouded in a gray fog, completely unaware of what was going on outside.

But Chika Fujiwara knew that in just one day, more than a dozen cities had been destroyed, the solid continental plates cracked, the plants withered, and the green land turned into sand.

It was as if the whole world of life was slowly fading away, dying.

At this time, the light in the room flickered, and a group of figures appeared, it was the group members who came to support.

"Wow! You guys are here!" Seeing the group members appear, Chihua Fujiwara almost burst into tears.

"What's going on in this world," Rias was taken aback as soon as she came to this world, "the life of the planet is being lost, and this world is dying slowly! 35

At the same time as the arrival, Rias' magic power has spread out, and she has discovered the situation of this world. Apart from those monsters with unknown shapes, what surprised her the most is that this planet is almost over.

This is different from her situation. It was an invasion from another world, as long as all the invaders were eliminated, but this time, the world of Fujiwara Qianhua was about to die!

"I don't quite understand what you mean, but the energy of this world is indeed draining." Bruce frowned, he also detected the same situation.


Just when a few people were trying to figure out what happened in this world, a loud noise came from outside the house, and the depressing gray fog was dispelled a lot.

"The monsters outside aren't strong," Saitama opened the window, "I didn't even try hard enough to explode.

Everyone was speechless for a while. Saitama was really a fighting maniac. Before he could figure out what happened in this world, he rushed out to blast the hammer monster.

"What are the monsters outside?" Rimuru asked.

"Ah... black, big and sharp?" Saitama thought for a moment and said, "It's probably like this."

"Interfering with the observation... Even Saitama is not immune? The 35 members of the group know Saitama's strength, the strongest person other than the group leader, but he can't accurately describe the image of the monster.

It can't really be something indescribable, can it?

"Let me try..." Limuru walked to the window and reached out to the gray fog.

Looking at Limuru, the group members didn't quite understand what he was going to do, but what happened the next moment surprised them.

"Predator. 99


A piece of gray fog outside the window was directly sucked into Limulu's body, and the group members almost went up to stop him, but they were stopped by Chen Tian's words...

"No problem, just be quiet.""

Now that Chen Tian has said it, the group members also pressed the action and quietly watched Limuru's action.

In the eyes of the group members, inhaling something with unknown composition into the body is tantamount to courting death, not to mention the gray fog that is likely to affect Saitama's observation.

"This seems to be... a strange substance?" After a long time, Rimuru turned around.

Just now, he devoured a small part of the gray fog with the predator, and then analyzed it with the great sage, but he didn't get too useful information. He only knew that it was a strange substance that could absorb the vitality of anything.

"It's really a little troublesome this time." Bruce frowned after hearing Limuru's words, "The enemy is unknown, but the world is dying. 35

"It's not that troublesome," Saitama waved his hand. "Aren't those monsters outside the best target, as long as you keep fighting, the boss will definitely come out."

"And after I defeated a few monsters just now, the gray fog has faded a lot."

What Saitama said made sense, after all, he was the only one who killed the monster, so he had a clearer understanding of the situation.

So, everyone split up and started hunting the monsters that were still wandering in the city.

During this process, the gray fog slowly dissipated with the death of the monster, but the image of the monster that everyone saw was different.

"Wow! Don't blow this up directly!" Rimuru hurriedly stopped when Saitama was about to blow up the monster with another punch.

"Let me 4.9 eat it with a predator and see if I can get more intelligence."

"All right.

Saitama nodded helplessly, then came to the monster, and gently poked it with his finger.


The monster's head exploded directly, and the body also cracked every inch. This was already the result of Saitama's control.

Just as the monster's head exploded, Rimuru unfolded the predator directly and swallowed the rest of the body.

And with the death of this monster, the already thin gray fog in this area also dissipated directly, revealing the streets on both sides and the dim sky.

"Is this cleaned up?" Saitama still felt a little weird looking at the empty street.

"Look at the sky." At this time, Limuru had also completed the analysis, and his face was gloomy, "Where is the source of this strangeness!"

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