Marvel: Silver Superman, Starts with Mutant Academy

Chapter 328 Entering the zombie universe, the conspiracy behind

Marvel zombie universe, safe and sound New York City.

Boo! Boo! Boo!

In the dim sky, a figure in a red tights was flying among the tall buildings, moving in a hurry.

It is Spider-man Peter Parker, who is now rushing home from his injuries, and he has to quickly confirm the safety of his relatives.

New York City is a mess now, but when Spider-man opens the window and enters the room, he sees that Mary Jane and Aunt May are both at peace and chatting happily.

Seeing that they were all right, Peter was also relieved. Just when he was about to leave the house and bring danger here, a burst of severe pain suddenly attacked him.

His breathing became heavier, his body curled up, clutching his body hard, and a gray viscous liquid dripped from his mouth.

"Jane... run, run,"" Peter struggled to maintain consciousness, so that Mary Jane, who was worried about himself, would not lean over, "I'm going to lose control..."

Mary Jane didn't listen to the persuasion, but just came up to support Peter. At this time, Mary Jane saw a wound on Peter's shoulder, as if she was bitten by something.

"Run... ooh!!


At the moment, the streets are full of zombies, including ordinary people, criminals, and superhero.

Superheroes like Hawkeye, the Captain of the United States, Wasp, etc. have all turned into zombies. They are hideous, and their bodies are full of rancid smells. They frantically hunt down and eat the humans who are running away.

And the origin of all this can be traced back to Magneto, who is currently on the outer space station of the earth.

"What have I done..." Magneto looked at the horrific scene on the surveillance screen and regretted it.

The zombie virus was developed by him, but his original idea was just to infect humans with a virus, so that Mutant could win and replace it.

But I never imagined that this virus mutated, not only turning people into zombies, but even Mutant could not escape the infection.

"Back to Earth, Magneto looked at the screen on the monitor, he couldn't calm down any longer, he turned and left, "We just want to defeat the human race, not to wipe out the entire planet's races!


A dazzling light flashed across the sky over New York, and Nova, who was patrolling, also saw the massacre being carried out by these zombies on the street, so he hurried to find Spider-man - Peter Parker to discuss what to do.

"Peter, are you there?" Nova opened the window, but got no response.

Isn't Peter at home, no, even if Peter isn't, Aunt May and Mary Jane should be at home, are they attacked?

Xin Xing entered the room cautiously, but saw a scene that made him unbelievable.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

It was the sound of chewing something, and Nova walked over boldly, only to see Peter, who had turned into a zombie, eating Aunt May and Mary Jane.

"I'm so hungry...I can't take it...I'm sorry..."

Peter said this while eating, and suddenly, he noticed Nova, who had already looked dumbfounded.

"Don't look at me!


Peter flew straight up and knocked Nova out of the room. Nova was pushed to the ground by Peter before he could react.

The zombie Spider-man opened his bloody mouth, and the rotten breath rushed toward his face, and the new star had been firmly held down, and there was no room for struggle.


Just as Nova was about to be bitten, a stick flew over and hit Peter on the head, diverting his attention.

"Kill him!" The person who saved Nova was Lawyer Ma - Daredevil, and now he looked at Nova who had pushed Peter away, and asked him to kill Spider-man while he was.

"Kill...kill him?" Nova hesitation, although Spider-man has now become a zombie, but after all, it is his friend, it is difficult to make up his mind.

"You have to... ah!"

Just at the stall of Nova Hesitation, the zombie Spider-man had already pounced on Daredevil and took a bite.

Daredevil is only a mortal body after all, how to fight against Spider-Man, who has super-ability from the beginning, has already died in the blink of an eye.

On the other side, the superhero who had been eating for a long time seemed to calm down.

"Stop!" The United States captain seemed to regain his senses, and shouted to stop the superhero who were still eating humans.

"We have solved the hunger, but we must not give up the hope of curing the virus," there was a hint of determination on that hideous face, "We are now returning to the base to find a way to solve the virus!"

The zombie virus didn't devour their sanity, it just gave them an insatiable hunger. When they were hungry, nothing could stop them from eating, and the only food they liked was fresh flesh and blood.

From the body of Spider-man Peter Parker, it can be seen that even relatives can become delicious food when the hunger caused by the zombie virus comes.

Just when the zombie crisis in the city center was subsided for a while by the return of the zombie superhero's sanity, the Mutant Academy in West Chester was also in chaos.

Professor X is dead, once again in the mouth of a zombie.

And the X-Men are fighting against the zombies, everyone is desperate, if not desperate, the children in the academy will be left unprotected.

Puff puff!

Just as the X-Men were getting a little weaker and were about to lose the battle, they saw a lot of metal objects flying in the air, directly opening the heads of many zombies, and the gray brains dripped to the ground.

"Magneto! 35

Wolverine recognized the nemesis immediately, but didn't expect him to help at this moment.

"Don't get me wrong," Magneto hung in the air with a nonchalant expression, "I'm just here to deal with my mess. 35

"Your mess, you mean you did all this?!" Wolverine wanted to rush up to make a skewer for Magneto on the spot after hearing that.

"You can kill me now, but killing me won't solve the problem," Magneto said.

It's not over, the zombies appearing at Mutant College and New York City are just the beginning.

"This world is completely over." In the air, Clark in red and blue battle suits and Bruce in Godslayer armor looked at the world below, and they were also disgusted.

"This is the fate of the zombie universe," Bruce looked at the world, and the battle armor instrument carefully analyzed it, "strange, nothing that should not have been detected, what is it that broke the cycle of this world?"

Bruce was very fortunate in his heart, it was not too late, it seemed that the infected observer used his last sense to restart the cycle.

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