Marvel: Silver Superman, Starts with Mutant Academy

Chapter 331 Other Primordial Beings, The Second Parallel Universe

Zombie universe.

Reed walked on the streets of New York, and he saw, but there was no bustling scene in his memory.

There are only ruins, and the place is already dilapidated, and there are rotten and smelly corpses everywhere.

None of these corpses were complete, they didn't look like they were killed or blown up, but rather were torn apart and swallowed by some terrifying monster.

The hellish scene is constantly eroding Reed's sanity, he is very scared, the communication didn't say that this universe is like this?

blah blah blah blah

The crisp footsteps sounded behind themselves, and Reed turned to look, but could only see four staggering figures through the fog.

"Hello, me from the parallel world.

The figures in the fog gradually became clear, and Reed finally saw their appearance clearly. It turned out to be the Fantastic Four who had completely turned into zombies!

"You...what's the matter?! 35

Reed has not yet recovered from the shock, the zombie Reed's rubber hand has reached out and tied him firmly.

But he is also Reed, and he also has the same 14 Ability, which is directly cast, entangled with the zombie Reed, and in turn entangled the opponent into a ball, and then slipped directly and hid in the sewers.

"Stop for me... don't hide like a little girl!" Human Torch chased after him directly, but he didn't pay attention to the top of his head, while Normal Reed stuck to the tunnel and escaped in a thrilling way.

After escaping the pursuit of the Fantastic Four, Reed came to Times Square in New York, which was also dilapidated and devastated.

He now regrets his actions just now, and dares to go directly to another parallel universe without doing any investigation.

However, in such a world full of zombies, Reed dared to blatantly appear on the street, this is really mentally retarded behavior.

call out!

Sure enough, a spider web shot from an unknown source directly caught Reed and stuck it on the wall, and then came the zombie heroes led by Spider-man.

Originally, Reed was hiding in the sewers and would not be found, but when he ran to the street, he was directly caught by the zombies who smelled the fresh flesh and blood on his body.

Being stuck by the cobwebs, Reed couldn't move, and the rubber ability would also be stuck when he deployed it. He could only watch the zombie heroes get closer and closer.


Just when Reed felt high in Roar's death, a giant truck fell directly from the sky, and the leading zombies couldn't escape, and were directly smashed into a mess.

"Oh my god, run!" The zombie the United States captain saw who was coming, shouted and took the lead.

Shadows have shrouded the group of zombie heroes, Reed looked up, and saw countless vehicles suspended in the air, waiting for an order, and justice would come directly from the sky.

Boom boom boom!

Just as Reed thought, all kinds of vehicles in the air smashed down directly, and smashed firmly on the zombies. The explosions sounded constantly, and the zombies in the entire Times Square were bombed by this terrible car.

After driving the zombies away, a figure appeared in front of Reed and reached out to him.

"From now on, I am your only hope."

The entire universe is almost destroyed. In just three days, the entire Blue Star has fallen, and no one can stop the zombies from eating.

Even the powerful Planet Devourer is not an opponent of the zombie heroes. It was eaten to a pulp, and he and the silver skater died, and all the cosmic energy belonged to the zombie heroes.

After eating up the fresh flesh and blood on the blue star, zombie heroes naturally go to find new things, and the planet devourer brings them to the door, which is equivalent to giving them the ability of space navigation.

Countless life stars disappeared under their devotion, and no one could stop these crazy zombies.

And the source that makes all this uncontrollable is because of Reed of the zombie universe.

Convinced by the theory he discovered, that being a zombie is a great evolution, Reed summoned the Fantastic Four, infected them, and turned them into zombies.

The aerospace carrier has directly changed from the last fortress to a zombie paradise. In order to prevent the zombies from harming other universes, the heroes who returned from the ground destroyed the parallel universe shuttle under the suggestion of Nick Fury.

And the price is that the last humans on the Blue Star are almost all infected.

Thanos, Doujian, Captain Marvel and other powerful beings could not escape the means of zombies, all were infected and joined the army of zombies.

Bruce and Clark did not continue to watch, and the development of the zombie universe did not appear unexpected, so they chose to go directly to find the source of the problem in this universe, the observer.

With the guidance of Chen Tian's imprint, Bruce finally found the location of the Observer Hall.

This is a space independent of the universe, neither visible nor discoverable. If he hadn't made his mark here, Bruce would not have been able to find it.

"Who made the mark here?" On the way to the Observer Hall, Clark asked curiously, "This universe is so chaotic, how did you find it?"

"I remember Saitama," Bruce thought for a moment, "easy with his strength. 55

With the 043 strength of the zombie universe, Saitama and Clark can easily penetrate and leave their mark here, but these zombies were originally normal human beings. Under the premise of knowing the actual situation, they may not be able to make a move.

While speaking, the two had already arrived at the Observer Hall, but it was very quiet here, and the quietness was a bit strange.

"Strange," Bruce frowned, his heart aroused vigilance, "the zombies have not come to the observer hall at this time, how can it be so quiet?"

The two walked into the hall, where there were still lights, but the screen used to observe the universe was not turned on, and the observer was nowhere to be seen.


Clark suddenly raised his hand and punched Bruce behind him. Something shattered under the punch, aura surged, and the shattered thing appeared on the other side.

At this time, Bruce also reacted, looking at the direction where the breath finally converged, his eyes condensed.

It turned out to be an observer, but his shape was very strange, his whole body was lying on the ground, sharp tentacles appeared from behind, and his eyes were not filled with cosmic energy, but a kind of power that Clark and Bruce were very familiar with.

"Chaos essence... Actively induce Chaos essence into the body," Bruce looked at the observer and exclaimed in shock, "It turned out to be a creature born from the original Chaos?!

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