Marvel: Silver Superman, Starts with Mutant Academy

Chapter 334 The final chapter of the zombie universe, removing the parasite

"Bruce! Quick!"

Clark punched the Void Parasite to the ground, looking at the picture displayed on the screen, anxious.

In the zombie universe at this time, Ant-Man is about to come to the location of the Observer Hall, and the zombie Spider-man and Wolverine who have recovered their sanity, as well as the War Machine Roddy and others in another universe, are also ready and the rest. Getting ready for a zombie war.

This is the final chapter of the zombie universe. Ant-Man is about to enter the observer's hall to find out the way to various parallel universes, while the zombie Spider-man and others will bring the decisive weapon to end this disaster.

This decisive weapon also starts from War Machine Roddy. He is not Roddy from the original zombie universe, but Roddy in another parallel universe.

Iron Man Tony Stark in this alternate universe is so decadent that he has even sold his entire estate to buy a distillery.

But the decadent Tony is the same no matter which universe he is in. In this universe, he is so angry with Pepper Pepe that he is about to resign.

Because Tony had completely lost his fighting spirit and began to drink like crazy, and by Tony's hand, a controller handed to him by Reed was frantically calling the police.

And this controller was discovered by Reed in the observer's laboratory. This is the controller of the observer's multi-universe teleportation device. At this moment, its alarm sounded, and it even spontaneously ignited. The frightened Hubby quickly looked for it. Something to cover the fire.

Then, Hubby heads to the basement to see what's going on, but ends up being the Ant-Man's mouth-in-the-wall meal teleported into this universe.

The timeline of the zombie universe has had a big problem because the observer was parasitized by the void parasite.

Ant-Man will come to the universe where decadent Tony is located, because he ate the Observer, he wanted to use the Observer's multi-universe teleportation device to go to other universes to forage, but the device was locked by the Observer .

That's why he came to this universe, targeting the multi-universe teleporter controller in decadent Tony's hands.

But now there is no incident where Ant-Man devoured the Observer, he just teleported directly to decadent Tony's universe, although he has not encountered the Observer yet, but he knows exactly what his goal is.

Likewise, it's not now that the zombie Spider-man, who has recovered his senses, goes to war with the remaining zombie heroes, or at least the two things didn't happen at the same time.

Speaking of decadence, Tony's side, with the appearance of the first infected person, the entire Stark Building fell into crisis, and it didn't even take an hour, the whole building was already full of zombies.

Roddy, who was in the building, was also surrounded by zombies. Although he was a veteran, he was invincible with both fists and four hands. No matter how accurate his marksmanship was, he could not resist the large number of zombies and hid in the bathroom.

But here he found Tony's suitcase, and inside the suitcase was the Iron Man suit.

At this time, Tony, who was on the top floor of the building, was still drunk and fiddling with the controller, ignoring that the surveillance screen behind him was full of zombies, and he was about to enter the office.

Pepper was so annoyed by Tony that he angrily scolded Tony, and under the scolding of Pepper, Tony actually walked to a safe.

I thought Tony was going to take out some big treasure, such as a brand new Iron Man armor, but when I opened it, it was another bottle of old wine.

Looking at Tony who had already poured himself a drink, Little Pepper didn't have a chance to scold him any more, because the zombies had already rushed into the office and nibbled on it.

Roddy, who was wearing the Iron Man armor, came a step late after all. He could only watch Little Pepper get infected, mutated, and then walked towards Tony.


As a result, Tony saw the terrifying appearance of Chili pepper after turning into a zombie, and spit out a mouthful of wine that he didn't swallow.


A completely unexpected scene appeared. This sip of wine actually scare the zombies away, and rushed out of the office screaming.

And the killer of the zombie Spider-man comes from this sip of decadent Tony.

That bottle of wine is not just wine. There is a nano-robot in it, which can automatically eat and decompose necrotic tissue and replicate itself. It was originally developed for the treatment of cancer.

I saw that the zombies soaked in the wine were gnawed into bones in the blink of an eye. For this kind of nano-robot, the zombies are covered in rotten flesh, isn't it the best target?

・・・・・Seeking flowers・・・0

But after driving the zombies out of the office, Rhodey wants to return the steel armor to Tony, so he can deal with the remaining zombies in the building.

At this moment, Ant-Man has also found the controller and left here directly.

"No, this armor belongs only to the real Iron Man."

With that said, Tony raised his glass and drank the fine wine in it.

"Come on, eat me!" After drinking the last drop of wine, Tony walked into the zombie pile without hesitation, "I've had enough vodka full of nano-robots!

Decadent Tony used his own life to send the last wave of poison to the zombies in the building. At the last moment, he was very flamboyant, as if he had returned to the era when he wore steel armor and acted as a chivalrous man.


And Roddy killed the zombies left in the building alone, and finally encountered the zombie Spider-man who also came to this era.

But now the timeline is chaotic, Ant-Man has not been to the Observer Hall, but he knows that he should come to the controller, and the battle between the zombie universe and the Spider-man group who has regained his senses should not be now.

The source of all these problems is because it is given to the parasitic observer by the void parasite.

If there is a problem with the most critical node, everything will be messed up.

"Almost," Bruce also saw the picture on the screen, "just a few minutes! 35

In the void, Chen Tian frowned slightly as he watched the development of the situation, his fingertips already had a purple light lingering, and he was ready to attack at any time.

If Bruce and Clark can't solve it, or if it's too late, Chen Tian will take action, directly freeze the zombie universe, and then return everything to the right track. Even if the problem is really serious, he can directly reverse the time and space and save the universe. return.

However, this situation depends on Chen Tian's mood.

This is the ability of the controller of the heavens and the world, and the existence and death of the universe are all in one thought.

"Clark!" Just as Chen Tian was watching the development with great interest, Bruce already had a solution, "I blocked the Chaos essence, you directly pulled the parasitic creature out! And

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