Marvel: Silver Superman, Starts with Mutant Academy

Chapter 412 Fixed Star Universe, Clark's Cultivation

Sun Wukong and Saitama finally arrived at the moment when Clark was about to be hit hard.

A qigong wave knocked away the filthy creation, Sun Wukong and Saitama blocked Clark's body, and the legion they brought also immediately plunged into the battle.

"You go back first, and Sun Wukong said without looking back, "The group leader asked you to practice, just go to the universe where he was before!

Clark was stunned for a moment, and without being pretentious, thanked Sun Wukong and Saitama, turned his head and left here.

"Oh, this filthy creature looks like me and Clark." Saitama touched his nose and looked at the filthy creature with a dull expression.

Although I have seen filthy creatures that look exactly like Sun Wukong before, I still feel uncomfortable when I see a guy who looks exactly like me.

"Did you fight a guy like me before?" Monkey King asked, his momentum was surging, his invisible airflow oscillated, his clothes were hunting, and his power was brewing.

Saitama nodded: "That's right, and that guy is very strong.

"Then let me try, does this guy like you have the same strength as you!"


The azure blue arrogance burst out. Sun Wukong, who had faced the beast of filth once, knew very well how powerful these creations were created directly by the source of filth. From the very beginning, he showed his most familiar and strongest attitude.

Saitama did not have the magnificent aura of Sun Wukong, but his figure flashed, and he came directly to the filthy creature like Clark, and punched it away.

"Wait," Just as the battle broke out, Clark was about to enter the star gate opened by Chen Tian, ​​"I will become stronger, and then protect my homeland!


Bright blue light, majestic fist style, Sun Wukong and Saitama have completely fought against two filthy creatures!

"Is the action of the source of filth a little strange in your eyes?" Luo Tian asked, looking at the battlefield situation displayed on the screen in front of him.

The purpose of reversing the heavens and the worlds to launch an all-out attack on the worlds and the worlds is to erode the entire worlds and the worlds and turn them into a world full of filth and evil like the reversal of the heavens and the worlds.

The source of filth's strength and his record of corrupting the original Chaos have already proved that it does have such strength. Since the creators who reverse the heavens and the world are so powerful, there are not many powerful guys in their hands. Can't tell.

And filthy beasts are extremely difficult to create, and produce things with harsh conditions, so filthy creatures should be the strongest combat power in the hands of filthy sources.

As a result, the enemy's strongest combat power looks exactly the same as his own, except that the face is blocked and it is impossible to see whether the appearance is completely the same, and even the ability is basically the same.

Could it be that the source of filth was actually a pervert, as Clark had guessed?

"It's very strange," Chen Tian nodded slowly, "not to mention that there have only been two filthy beasts, and now these filthy creatures and Saitama's identical appearance and ability is the biggest problem."

"If the source of filth created these abilities, the filthy creations that look exactly the same as Saitama's are to infiltrate the Empire of Ten Thousand Realms and replace the top combat power, why is it covering the face all the time?"

Saitama, who had killed a filthy creature before, told Chen Tian that even if the filthy creature dies, the thing covering the face will not dissipate, and will disappear together with the demise of the body.

In other words, this layer of unknown black object that blocks the face and prevents others from seeing its true appearance is not a mask, but directly grows on the face of the filthy creature.

This is very strange, Chen Tian doesn't know that the source of filth can only create things in the world, and the images of these filthy creatures appearing now make him a little puzzled.

Although he has long been omniscient and omnipotent, Chen Tian still doesn't know anything about the information about reversing the heavens and the world.

"If it's for disgusting people, I don't think it's necessary," Luo Tian looked at the filthy creature that was kicked away by Qiyu again, with a strange expression, "Just create two filthy creatures exactly like us. 39

Chen Tian nodded. Although Luo Tian's words made him feel uncomfortable, it was true. If the filthy creatures created these filthy creatures that are exactly the same as the gold-medal fighters' group is to disgust people or to shake the hearts of the army, then they would have two leaders who would grow up with them. Just get the same filthy creatures and come out.

The Emperor of Ten Thousand Realms and the King of Ten Thousand Realms became their own enemies. Although they knew it was fake at first glance, they would still have a certain impact on the warriors of the Ten Thousand Realms Empire.

After all, the influence of Chen Tian and Luo Tian on the worlds and the worlds is too great. The one who once formed the Wanjie Alliance, punched the Wanjie Administration and kicked the primitive creatures, brought the worlds and the worlds to the most brilliant era. .

And the other is the level of a man who fell from the sky. The first thing he did when he stepped into the void, slapped the Wanjie Administration with a slap, and forcibly wrote the destiny for the worlds and the worlds, and the Wanjie has prospered for countless years. That's the end of the administration.

The next thing is even more dizzying, unifying the heavens and the world at the fastest speed, resisting the resurrected Chaos evil god clan, the scene of three duplications guarding the entrance with a slap is still vivid in my mind.

And what Chen Tian did next was enough to make anyone stunned.

First, he single-handedly raised the entire Chaos evil god clan, established the Wanjie Empire, and wiped out the incoming primordial creatures. Finally, he led a team to wipe out all the primordial creatures hidden in the inner realm of the void, and the primordial spirit god emperor even more Directly defeated in his hands, the original rule, which was supposed to be invincible and omnipotent, was canceled by a snap of fingers.

If these two people are pinched by the source of filth and thrown on the battlefield to attack all worlds and all worlds, what kind of impact will it have on the warriors of the Ten Thousand World Empire who firmly believe in them can be imagined Know.

".~ Have you ever noticed that among the filthy creatures, apart from filthy beasts, you can't find anything that has nothing to do with the worlds," Chen Tian's eyes twinkled, "Is it possible to reverse the heavens? Myriad worlds are our shadows, there are some in all worlds and all worlds, and there are also some in reverse.”

When duplication entered the inversion of the worlds, Chen Tian had already thought about this issue. In that world full of filth and evil, he could not find any creatures that had nothing to do with the worlds and the worlds.

Even if those filthy creatures grow in strange shapes, and no matter how filthy evil energy spews out of those gray-purple nebulae, the world and their own essence are exactly the same as those in the heavens and the world!

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