Marvel: Silver Superman, Starts with Mutant Academy

Chapter 442 The contract of the source of filth

The voice sounded again, but this time it was getting weaker and weaker, as if it was going further and further away.

"I just said, I am you, and I am everywhere. As for why you need to help you, I am helping yourself. I have already given you the method. How to choose the rest is up to you."

"I'm not unconditional about helping you. As for the conditions, I'll ask you for it later."9

Immediately in front of the source of filth, a transparent contract appeared, with regulations densely written in golden text.

The voice continued: "Sign this contract, the space stone is yours.

The source of filth looked at the space stone in his hand, and suddenly he had an idea, but the idea was quickly stifled by the sound and put in the cradle.

"I know what you're thinking, don't take chances, you know that with your current strength, it's easy for me to kill you, I can be you or someone else, you're not the only one candidate.

The source of filth frowned and did not speak. After hesitation for a while, he knew that he had no way out, and he put his handprint on the contract in front of him.

The contract was completed, the contract disappeared in mid-air, and the voice said: "Good luck"

After speaking, the sound disappeared, and the source of filth searched for the sound and shadow of the sound, but no matter how the source of filth called Roar, there was no sound again.

The source of filth is holding the space stone in his hand, and he seems to have made up a certain determination.

"Take a gamble.

Just after the source of filth left, Chen Tian and Qiyu appeared on the small planet of the source of filth, and they landed on the small planet.

Chen Tian senses the energy fluctuations around, the small planet is not big, it can be said that it can be seen at a glance.

Saitama said, "How is it?"

Chen Tian shook his head and said: "The aura of the source of filth has disappeared, I can no longer follow it, and the last place to disappear is here, the filth on the small planet has not completely dissipated.

"Looks like it's just gone.

The small planet that was originally lacking in resources has been visited by the source of filth, and it has become contaminated with the source of filth. In the next thousand light years, no plants will grow on the small planet.

Saitama said, "How could this be? The source of filth is at a weak time, how could we not be able to detect his breath?"

Chen Tian shook his head and said: "I don't know, go back to the heavens and the world first.

A thought flashed through Chen Tian's consciousness. After the source of filth disappears this time, there will be big things that will happen later. This feeling does not appear out of thin air.

Ever since the original Chaos Emperor said that the source of filth still had his back, he had noticed that something was wrong.

The source of filth left the small planet and came to other planets in war. On the interstellar planets of war, there is a lot of filth, fear, greed, hunger... These emotions are the source of energy for the source of filth .

The source of filth is madly sucking the foul air that is emitted right above the planet. After the source of filth has sucked more than a dozen planets, the energy and injuries on the source of filth are gradually being made up.

Although it has not been able to return to the heyday before, but now the source of filth bruises the heavens and the world, and it is not impossible to fight back.

After sucking the last planet, the source of filth turned into originally sitting on a stone, and he had the ability to summon his own (well done) filth duplication.

The filth duplication appeared in front of the source of filth, knelt down on one knee and said, ".~ Lord's Day."

The source of filth slowly opened his eyes and said, "Which planet is the book that records the Space Stone on?

The filth duplication was silent for a while and then said: "In Lan Moxing.

The source of filth said indifferently: "How many light miles is it from this planet?"

Filthy duplication said: "One hundred million.

The source of filth waved his hand, the filth duplication disappeared, and then the source of filth began to set off for Lan Moxing.

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