Wanda said in a frenzy: "Then why did the songmela, which has disappeared for tens of thousands of years, appear in front of us!"

Chen Tian reassured Wanda and said, "Is there a possibility that it has been in the Pyramids for tens of thousands of years since it disappeared?"

After hearing Chen Tian's words, Wanda was shocked, and she calculated in her heart that the time when the Golden Pagoda appeared was indeed similar to the time when Gemela disappeared.

Chen Tian helplessly excreted in his heart: "This idiot woman, with her IQ, I am afraid she would have died in the first stage.

The head of the lion snake said irritably: "These two little things are quite noisy! It's annoying!"

Said that the lion snake head swayed the snake tail and slapped the mercury water by the lake, and the mercury lake water was set off by a huge wave of mercury and attacked Chen Tian and Wanda.

Chen Tian grabbed Wanda and took Wanda to jump up to avoid the attack of the mercury wave, and Wanda also came back to his senses at this time.

Now is not the time to explore, now the more important thing is to obliterate Gamera in front of him.

The lion snake head laughed teasingly and said, "Oh? You actually avoided the huge mercury waves, or escaped under the magnetic field of the gold tower. This time the food has some skills."

Wanda looked at Gomera in front of her, she was the most embarrassed to be demeaning, and she got angry when she heard the words from the lion and snake head just now.

Several crimson rays shot out from Wanda's palm, and the rays shot straight towards Gamela, although Wanda could only use 20% of the energy now.

But this 20% energy should not be underestimated. The temperature of the ray is as high as 10,000 degrees Celsius. The ray hit Gamela and directly burned the mercury on her body.

The mercury mucus around the lion snake's head was burned, and it began to become a little anxious. The beautiful snake head on one side was also dodging, while the spider snake head in the middle spit out a cobweb to extinguish the fire.

And Wanda continued to attack immediately, her body was surrounded by crimson mist, a crimson energy crown appeared on her head, and her whole body was half-floating.

She constantly shoots crimson rays at Gamera, and Wanda's eyes are dyed crimson inside, which is one of the signs of her anger.

However, Gamera is not in a hurry to build a wall of water with mercury to resist Wanda's attack. If in Wanda's heyday, it would be a matter of minutes for Gamera to be resolved in Wanda's hands.

But now Wanda only has twenty molecules of energy to use, which gives Gamera the upper hand.

The beautiful snakehead in Gomera said with a smile: "I got hooked.

Chen Tianbao caught this look, he realized that something was wrong, he looked in Wanda's direction, and she found that the crimson aura around Wanda didn't go away.

It even means more and more violent, Wanda is still fighting with the lion and snake head, Chen Tian can feel that the breath of Wanda is starting to be uncontrollable.

Chen Tian's mind suddenly stunned and thought: ".~ It's the mercury mist just now! 39

After these days of getting along, Chen Tian knew that Wanda was not such a reckless person, but it was different just now.

Seeing that the aura around Wanda became unstable, and Wanda's consciousness began to blur, Chen Tian realized that something was wrong.

"No wonder, from the very beginning, I felt that the breath on Wanda's body was not right, and the complexion on (Dewang's) face was also very wrong. More

Chen Tian flew towards Wanda and interrupted Wanda's spellcasting, Wanda glared at Chen Tian and said, "What are you doing!

Before Chen Tian could speak, the lion snake head attacked again, Chen Tian took Wanda to avoid the lion snake head attack.

Wanda struggled and said, "Let me go, I'm going to kill that beast."

Chen Tian directly stunned Wanda, if she continued to let Wanda continue to release her power, she would be devoured by her own power and exploded to death.

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