Marvel: Simulates Spider Ability, Stunned Gwen

059 Suffocating for the dream! (55 will be available at twelve o'clock tomorrow night)

Li Xiu was slightly speechless, the feeling of Flight was so cool that he was a little overwhelmed.

In fact, this is not to blame for Li Xiu. If anyone has the Flight Ability, the first step is to directly rush into the blue sky and fly with ease. It is human nature.

It's just that some people can't fly so fast and can't spontaneously ignite.

If you want to blame it, then blame Li Xiu for being too strong.

Li Xiu's body was instantly covered with the first layer of the 1.0 version of the cobweb battle suit, obscuring his body.

Afterwards, more tough cobweb flowed out, instantly covering Li Xiu's body, and began to outline a tougher cobweb battle suit.

This battle suit, coupled with the intrusion of a touch of Ice, should not be afraid of the ordinary 1.5 times Mach supersonic flight, which is the previous equilibrium speed.

After a long period of practice, perfection makes perfect, and now the hardened cobweb battle suit is completed faster.

It only takes 3 minutes to complete the build.

After doing this.

Li Xiu looked at Black widow on the plane and saw a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Thinking of the other party's words just now, I suddenly felt a little itchy.

He didn't expect that Black widow's little mouth could speak, just like consecration.

Don't let this guy fall into his hands.

Otherwise, you have to fight.

Now with his strength, he only needs one finger to make the other party understand why the flower is so popular.

Clouds flowed over Li Xiu's body, cool.

Raise your hand, it's full of water.

This is the high temperature generated on him just now, causing the surrounding clouds to turn into water.

Watching the rain on his hands slowly trickle down from his fingers to his palms and gather into a ball.

Li Xiu murmured, "It's amazing to turn clouds into rain."

Immediately he shook off the rain on his hands.

The second-generation battle suit on the body is almost formed.

Li Xiu flew out of the sea of ​​clouds.

Overlooking New York City below.

The real city that never sleeps, the lights are bright, like a bright flower blooming on the ground, which is extraordinarily beautiful.

A smile appeared on the corner of Li Xiu's mouth, and he clenched his fists, and a wave of strength poured out of his hands.

In just four days, his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes.

From the weak mortal before, it has become a brand new existence of the three hundred ultimate power and the power template of the first superhuman in the United States.

It has reached the top level of super-ability with the earth.

Now that he has the super ability and potential of the same model from the motherland, he finally feels a little confident.

This is more than enough for one-third of an acre of land on Earth.

As long as you don't provoke the existence of the very individual strong perverts, you can basically walk sideways on the earth.

In addition, he knows the future plot direction, and knows that those extremely powerful extraterrestrial existences will not come to Earth for a long time.

So he is very safe.

Taking advantage of such a long period of time, the simulation has been carried out.

When the extraterrestrial existence comes to the earth, he may have no fear.

Thinking of this, Li Xiu felt more at ease.

He now has the Awakening Motherland Ability, and the next step is to continuously tap this power through simulation, and quickly increase the power to the kiloton level and become more powerful.

Then surpass the natives and become the first person of the new superhuman.

As long as he surpasses the people of the motherland, as long as he is careful and does not die, he can basically walk sideways on the earth.

Moreover, he now has the fairy bean cultivation method and the palladium element reactor in hand.

At that time, he will be able to plant the fairy beans, which will produce the constant fairy beans.

With sustainably produced fairy beans, it's even harder for him to die.

Thinking of this, Li Xiu grinned, and his mood increased.

One thought of surpassing the natives.

When he really simulates one or two times, he will surpass the people of the motherland. At that time, the people of the motherland will dare to provoke him...

Li Xiu showed a bright smile.

He will have 10,000 ways to make the people of the motherland regret being born in this world.

Both simulations fell on this guy.

And twice, this guy got up and killed.

This guy can do whatever he wants to the extreme.

After Li Xiu also experienced a wave of Flight, his stomach was also a little hungry. He was going to go down and buy some cola fried chicken and go back to eat.

Just at this time.

His ears moved slightly and he heard a pop of air.

Looking sideways.

With Super Vision.

I saw Iron Man is galloping Flight.

Play the effect of super hearing.

He heard that Iron Man was talking to Lu Dantou, Lu Dantou told Iron Man about the Hulk, and asked Iron Man to hurry over, Iron Man responded immediately.

Iron Man is going to find the Hulk?

Li Xiu has no interest in this.

Immediately he withdrew his gaze.


Speeding towards the ground, shopping for something to go back to eat.

the other side.

Iron Man has been watching Li Xiu's side.

His eyes widened when he saw Li Xiu come out wearing the cobweb battle suit again.

He couldn't believe it: "Why did he put on a new set? He went into the cloud to change his clothes?

Where did he get his new clothes? Is this dress a top memory nanomaterial? ! No, isn't it easy to prevent friction from top-level memory nanomaterials? "

Iron Man was a little puzzled.

at this time.

Lu Dantou called and asked him to find the Hulk.

He readily agreed.

Get ready to meet that weird guy before going.

As a result, when he called, the other party seemed to find him.

But after looking at him, he ran away.

Iron Man saw this and wanted to chase, but when he passed, there was no trace of them.

Iron Man clenched his fists. "Damn, this guy is running too fast."

Immediately he raised his eyebrows and said, "Speaking of J.A.R.V.I.S, why did he run away after looking at me? Am I so scary?"

J.A.R.V.I.S opened his mouth and said, "It is possible that the other party is a super criminal, knowing that you are Iron Man, so he ran away in order to avoid being called by you.


J.A.R.V.I.S also wants to say, maybe the other party doesn't know you or is not interested in you.

As a result, Iron Man interrupted him, shook his head slightly and said, "Sure enough, sometimes being too famous is not a good thing, it makes people afraid and creates a sense of distance."

J.A.R.V.I.S: "..."

Iron Man shook his head: "Forget it, let's go find the Hulk first."

J.A.R.V.I.S reminded: "Nick Fury said, this time I want to see the strength of the Hulk, so please don't interfere. The matter of winning the Hulk, wait for it to finish fighting the hatred."

After speaking, he galloped towards the place where the Hulk was.

Li Xiu landed in the city.

Definitely, he didn't have any money on him, and even if he did, it would be wiped out by friction and lighting.

However, if you don't bring money, it doesn't mean you have no money and nothing.

After all, New York City is a city full of wealth, and it will not disappoint everyone who has dreams and works hard.

For example now.

A group of guys are robbing a gold shop.

They are rushing to buy gold and silver treasures, and their eyes are full of frenzy.

These people are full of dream fanaticism, and they are not afraid of every possible bullet at any time. They rack their brains every day to strive for the freedom of sight and wealth. They are a real group of fanatics who suffocate their dreams.

After all, others sacrificed their sweat for their dreams, and they sacrificed their youth and even their lives for their dreams.


A man in a white spider suit landed at the door.

However, the people inside didn't pay attention to him at all, and their fanatical eyes were full of gold and silver jewelry.

After all, there are not many superheroes in New York City, just one Iron Man and one Captain America.

As for the unarmed guy in front of him, in the eyes of the robber, there is no threat at all.

Li Xiu was slightly embarrassed and coughed.

Now, according to international practice and common sense in the universe, he should let these guys lay down their weapons and surrender when fighting criminals.

So Li Xiu said, "Hand over your money, I'll buy a fried chicken to eat."

The people inside all slowed down, turned their heads slightly, and stared at him with big eyes: "?"


(These two recently are a bit long, equivalent to three chapters. Keep begging for tickets. If there is no accident, it should be on the shelves at twelve o'clock tomorrow night, and I beg for a wave of support at that time!)*

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