Marvel: Simulates Spider Ability, Stunned Gwen

068 The ten precepts are in hand! The gravity onium that distorts the space! (4 more kneeling and be

[At your triple Mach speed, it didn't take you long to cross the entire continent to the western end of Cal City.

Definitely, the reason why you can traverse the entire airspace of the US Empire without any obstacles is because your nano battle suit later added the stealth function.

Otherwise, in this no-fly zone, you will definitely attract countless air strikes from the military.

Coming to the outskirts of Cal City, you turned on the super-perspective function, and compared with the pictures Iron Man gave you, you began to look for the traces of Mandarin.

As one of the super metropolises, California is still quite big. It took you a lot of effort to survey the suburbs of California with your eyes.

No way, your perspective radius is only 2 kilometers.

After a search, you didn't find Mandarin, so you increased the scope of the survey, and you scanned the entire California suburbs.

Finally, you found Mandarin in a private room in a private restaurant in California, who was meeting someone else.

And the person who met Mandarin was a former disciple of Ancient One - Kaecilius (the strange 1 villain).

However, this person has fallen into darkness, and there is darkness around his eyes. This man is looking for an opportunity to attack the Himalayas and kill his former master Ancient One magician.

The two are making a deal.

Mandarin handed him a box of gold bars, who gave him a parchment with a spell written on it.

Kaecilius said to Mandarin that as long as you keep using the power of the ring, the remnant soul in the ring will wake up, and then it will eat the master. Mandarin is best to use the power of the ring after strangling the remnant.

When you hear this, you immediately understand that there are still remnants in the Ten Commandments.

You didn't act rashly, because you didn't want to deal with magician for the time being, magician's methods were too tricky.

Soon, Mandarin thanked Kaecilius and left with the roll of parchment. 】

【You follow Mandarin closely, you do not act rashly. After all, the power of the ten precepts is not only powerful, but also has many functions. If you are not careful, you may overturn.

You followed Mandarin out of the city, and the moment he opened the door to go home, you launched an attack, hot vision spewed out, pierced through Mandarin's head on the spot, and killed him before he even had time to react.

You stepped forward, took the Ten Commandments and the roll of parchment, disposed of the corpse, and then left the place and returned to New York City.

You look at the ten precepts in front of you, regretting that you cannot use them immediately. After all, the ten precepts have huge energy and different functions, so they will be very easy to use.

For example, one ring is called dizziness: it can make the air move quickly, creating a vortex, and it can attack and defend; the other ring is called a ghost: it can make people have the ability to cut off the connection between molecules and atoms, and make hard objects break;

A ring called the ring messenger: to create dark areas; a ring of the ring spirit: to control electricity, generate electromagnetic fields, and so on.

It can be said that the function is quite complete and powerful.

Just like the ring finger elf, it can make you generate an electromagnetic field, so that you can hold up the plane instead of penetrating it, so that you can do things that the motherland can't do.

You look at the scroll of parchment again, which is dedicated to magic, but you don't currently have magic, so you can't complete it, and you can only temporarily suspend the idea of ​​using the Ten Commandments.

But you can conquer the extraordinary dragon through the ten precepts. It's just that the extraordinary dragon has left the first-line sky canyon and went to the whole world to find the ring thief, and it will return in five months.

So you have to wait five months for it. 】

The nano battle suit has finally been built, look at the function of the nano battle suit.

Li Xiu was quite greedy.

It can withstand 10 times supersonic speed, which is enough for him to use it for a while until his speed exceeds Mach 10.

For now, however, there is still a little distance.

After all, he's only Mach 3.

In addition, there is even an ultrasonic bath function, which is something.

This function is very convenient in the end, and ultrasonic bathing will be much cleaner than washing with water.

Then, there are basically no other functions left.

Not like Iron Man, full of weapons.

It's not that he can't wear it, it's just that those things are a bit gimmicky to him, after all, he was originally the strongest weapon.

In addition, what he didn't expect was that there were remnants of souls in the Ten Rings, and they would eat the Lord, which he didn't know.

After all, although he liked Marvel more in his previous life and read a lot of Marvel movies and comics, he couldn't read all of them, after all, there are too many Marvel comics.

However, this is not a big problem for him, and it is good to not use it for the time being.

And as long as this baby is in his hands, it's fine.

When he goes to the Himalayas to learn magic, he will be able to solve the use problem.

As long as something is in your own hands, it is not a problem, if it is not in your own hands, it is a problem.

Definitely, the matter of learning magic is definitely not now, after all, he has the current task now, and besides, Kamar-Taj can't get in if he wants to, and it probably takes a little effort to get in.

As for Kaecilius, he really didn't expect to meet him in Cal City, after all, this is the werewolf who slaughtered Ancient One.

Definitely, Ancient One will die, and it is mainly because she has the will to die, otherwise it may not be possible.

Once the ten precepts are in hand, the next step is to tame the extraordinary dragon, just wait another five months.

He remembered that in addition to its super strength and supersonic flight, the extraordinary dragon could spew flammable acid mist from its mouth, releasing a sea of ​​blazing fire.

In addition, there is a more powerful Telepathy Ability, which can communicate with people from a distance, and shapeshift to any animal or shrink to human File size.

It can be said that the Extraordinary Dragon is a very powerful creature. Most importantly, this thing is a dragon, and you can continue to improve your strength and become stronger.

Being able to tame such a powerful creature is quite good.

The only pity is that this guy is a male dragon and cannot become a dragon girl.

It is estimated that if you want to become a dragon girl, it is estimated that you have to have the beautiful dragon from Da Luotian.

【The eighth month: The completion of nano research technology allows you to take more time to study space technology.

This also leads to the continuous soaring of your space technology, you have a deeper understanding of space folding technology, and you start to study how to create a strong gravitational force to fold space, thereby creating space equipment.

As long as you achieve this technological breakthrough, your progress will leap by leaps and bounds. The current knowledge acquisition progress has reached 50%.

In addition, Iron Man's technical research on the whole industry chain of electric vehicles is also coming out, but the research progress is still a bit slow.

The reason why it was so slow was because Iron Man would go out every day and get mad at Pepper.

But you don't care about the speed, after all, you know that Iron Man is a genius, and even if you play and research, you can get it out faster, at least until you get space gear. 】

[You have worked hard to develop super ability and constantly improve the strength of your ability. The range of your super vision has grown by leaps and bounds, and has successfully broken through from a radius of 2 kilometers to a radius of 5 kilometers.

Your super hearing has also improved by leaps and bounds, successfully breaking through from a radius of 2 kilometers to a radius of 5 kilometers.

Your current super-perspective and super-hearing range can cover almost half of the county. This makes you very happy.

In addition, by constantly familiarizing and using Super Hearing, your control over Super Hearing has gone a step further.

You can adjust the sound you can hear at will, even if there are a lot of harsh noises around, you can adjust their volume, these noises will not affect your listening to other important sounds, or even sting you.

In addition, for the unimportant, you will automatically adjust the sound to ultra-low volume, you can still hear it, but the brain will automatically filter it out.

If you encounter certain important sounds, your brain will respond and automatically feed the important sounds back to your mind.

In addition, your physical strength and thermal vision strength goes a step further. 】

[On the other hand, it was time for Mandarin to provide Kaecilius with supplies, but this time Mandarin did not come to the appointment.

Kaecilius found Mandarin's place, looked at the dusty room, and understood that something might have happened to Mandarin.

So he used magic to investigate and found that Mandarin was indeed dead. This made Kaecilius quite angry. After all, the supplier had been removed, and he could only find the next supplier, but it would undoubtedly delay him a little time. 】

【Month 11: In addition, Iron Man is horrified by your unremitting painful training every day. It is hard for him to imagine that people can survive under such intense training. You make Iron Man feel that his three views have collapsed again. ?

After this period of hard training, your strength has skyrocketed, and you have successfully increased your ultimate strength by 72 tons. The total ultimate strength has successfully reached 435 tons! You have successfully broken the 400-ton mark, and you are very happy.

In addition, December is coming soon, the extraordinary dragon will return, and then it is time for you to completely subdue the extraordinary dragon. 】

【After this period of frantic research and searching, you have finally found the key part of the space folded by gravity, that is, the gravitational buzzing.

Onium, a rare element with a very high atomic number, is so rare that most people don't even believe its existence.

After this thing is injected with energy, it can greatly change the gravitational field, and as long as specific means are used, it can generate strong gravitational force.

The world's Dr. Hall and Ian Quinn have previously proposed the theory of gravity recording, spent 20 years, searched six continents, and finally found it in 12 mines.

You have written down the location of a mine, as long as you retrieve the gravitational buzz, and then carry out relevant experiments to generate a strong and stable gravitational force, then your experiment is successful, and you can successfully manufacture space equipment.

After this study, you have made great progress, and your knowledge acquisition progress has reached 80%. You head to Mount Carr in Tovinia, Eastern Europe, ready to retrieve the Gravity Hum. You are one step away from success. 】

(Begging for flowers and tickets.).

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