In the living room, May and Mary prepared a table of dishes, but none of the four people were in the mood to enjoy them.

Richard and Benjamin were frowning. They had learned from Clark that he was the one who overturned the truck. In order to save Matthew and the blind man, he overturned the truck in a hurry, but the chemicals leaked and blinded Matthew.

But they also knew that if Clark hadn't overturned the truck, the out-of-control truck would probably still hit Matthew and the blind man who didn't completely avoid it. In fact, Clark also saved their lives.

Benjamin had naturally told Clark about these things, and even took out the video frame by frame for analysis, but it didn't work. Clark still blamed himself.

"This kid... is too kind..."

Richard and Benjamin have no good solution now. Clark's kindness is beyond imagination, but excessive kindness hurts himself, making Clark even begin to fear and hate himself.

"Maybe, we should tell Clark about his life experience..."

Suddenly, May proposed this idea, attracting the attention of the other three people present.

"You mean, tell Clark that he is actually an alien?"

Richard and Benjamin frowned. They were not sure if it was a good idea. What if this aggravated Clark's rejection of them now?

They once believed that Clark could figure it out by himself, but the fact was that Clark not only did not calm down his emotions, but began to reject himself because of his excessive kindness.

May was also very sad now, and tears could not stop falling, but he still explained carefully.

"I think the reason why Clark is so self-rejecting now is because he still thinks he is the child of me and Ben, and he is a human being, but his performance is better than that of humans, and he even hurts others. He thinks he is an alien among humans, a monster, so he rejects himself."

Clark lives on Earth, lives a human life, develops the three views of humans, and firmly believes that he is a human being. But now, his own changes are destroying the worldview he has developed for many years.

May believes that this is the main reason for Clark's emotional breakdown.

"We can't hide this news forever. If Clark continues to grow up, sooner or later, he will have all kinds of abilities that we can't explain in humans, but by that time, it will probably be too late."

"But May, do you know what this means? Do you know what it means to let Clark know that he may be an alien and his hometown is in the universe?"

Richard's question made May silent. How could she not know that if Clark knew that he was an alien, even if he still loved them, he would inevitably be curious about what his hometown looked like, why his parents sent him to Earth, and what kind of people his parents were. Even leave the earth and return to his hometown.

May thought about it. From the first day of adopting Clark, he had thought about this possibility, but he couldn't just ignore it because he was afraid that Clark might leave them, and just sit back and watch Clark continue to hate and hostile herself. She couldn't do this because she loved Clark too much.

"What May said makes sense."

In the end, it was Ben who stood up and put an end to this discussion.

"No matter where Clark comes from, he is May and my child, and our family, so I believe that Clark, no matter where he goes, will still have us in his heart. If the truth can ease his pain, then we have no reason to keep it secret."

As he said, Benjamin looked at Mary and looked at Mary's big belly, which also meant that Richard and Mary's child was about to be born.

"Mary is about to give birth. Richard, you shouldn't leave too far. Let me handle this matter. I will let Clark know how he came to me."

Benjamin didn't plan to take Clark directly to the warehouse to see the escape pod when he came to Earth. He wanted to recreate the scene of that year and let Clark witness with his own eyes how he came to this Earth.

"Then, I'll leave it to you!"

The decision had been made, and Richard had no reason to refuse. Besides, he believed in his nephew.

Clark would not feel alienated from them just because he knew he was not from Earth. He was a kind child who blamed himself for all the mistakes, and they all believed him.


A few days later, Ben had arranged everything and successfully persuaded Clark to come out and go to a place with him.

Until he got in the car, Clark thought his father was going to persuade him, but Benjamin didn't say a word until they were on the road.

"Clark, we are going to Kansas today. It may be a bit boring in the next few days. You can take a look at the comics I prepared for you."

Hearing this, Clark also found the box placed in the back seat. After opening it, he found that it was a full set of detective comics (Detective Comics, I don't need to explain it, doge)

And the superhero on it is really known as the greatest comic hero, Superman.

"Superman? I have always heard my classmates talk about it, but comics are fake things after all, so I don't particularly like to read them."

Benjamin, who was driving, smiled at Clark, who said he was not interested, but still opened the comic book honestly.

"Really? I thought you would like it. After all, you look a bit like this Superman, don't you think?"

"Are you similar?"

Clark thought about it. He was also incredibly strong, and his brain was also well-developed. In addition, his eyes could release heat rays.

"Now that you mention it, it seems that they do look alike."

Clark did not doubt anything, but his interest in Superman became deeper and deeper. He could not wait to open the comic book and read it.

But Benjamin's face was not so good at this time.

Originally, they did not think that the Superman and Clark in the comics had anything in common. When he came up with the name Clark, he did not consider Superman at all, and he was not a fan of detective comics.

But as Clark gradually awakened the power of his eyes to release heat rays on campus, he could not help but start to beat drums in his heart.

The content of this detective comic is not an entertainment comic, but a popular science article.

Krypton, Superman, and an old couple in Kansas, they are not really a family...

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