The audience around the world who were watching the live broadcast fell silent when they saw Clark appear in front of the camera and pick up the microphone.

"Everyone, everyone from all over the world must be very confused. As a superman, why should I do such a thing? Why should I help mutants so clearly?"

What Clark said is what most ordinary people in front of the TV think.

No one stipulates what kind of person a superman is, but no matter the plot in the comics or Clark's behavior in the past year, no one can figure out why Clark would help mutants in this situation.

In most countries in the world.

Mutants are regarded as dangerous elements and as factors that threaten social security.

The first reaction of ordinary people when they hear that mutants have appeared is to run away. Even in the Eastern countries that do not have any obvious discrimination against mutants, all mutants have been marked in their internal population system.

Compared with ordinary humans, mutants are indeed very likely to cause social unrest. This is beyond doubt and cannot be changed by Clark.

Just like himself, even if he does not become Superman, as long as this superpower is there, it will definitely cause some impact.

"My reason is very simple, that is, I don't want to cause casualties and pain because of these things anymore."

Clark pointed to his ears and said to people all over the world.

"I can hear, hear tragedies all over the world, hear countless people wailing."

Then he pointed to his eyes again.

"At the same time, I can also see that there are constant natural disasters and man-made disasters coming to this world. Even I can't stop all these tragedies."

Clark's words are full of a sense of powerlessness, which makes everyone feel the same. Even Superman has things that he can't do, what can they do?

"But this world is not just about sadness and pain, just like the problem of mutants. They are not others, they are also fellow human beings."

Clark continued to speak, and many ordinary people in front of the TV also pondered. They have always been controlled by the country's public opinion and have not thought about where mutants come from.

And some parents who gave birth to mutants in their families also put aside their worries and began to think about why their children have mutant abilities when they are obviously not mutants?

"That is a special mutation on the x gene, which is an inevitable phenomenon in the process of food reproduction. They are born from humans. I am not a human, but I became a hungry Superman. Look at the mutants around you. You have received the same education, you live in the same environment, and you have similar concepts. So why does a gene without consciousness bring original sin to people?"

Clark reached out and took the potion thrown by Hank.

"It is true that some changes in genes are unacceptable, but now humans have mastered the technology to take back these uncontrollable mutations. In this case, why can't we give mutants a chance to choose freely? They can give up their abilities voluntarily, but they should not be forced."

At this point, Clark smiled and pointed at himself.

"After all, compared to me who came from the universe, you can be called compatriots more."


Will Clark's speech work? Of course it will. Humans can accept aliens like Clark as supermen and worship him as an alien.

Then there is no reason not to accept mutants who are also born from humans.

What Clark did was actually to use his greatly enhanced appeal in this incident to fight against the inherent ideas generated by government propaganda over the years.

Destroy the idea that mutants are dangerous.

"Thank you, Clark."

After sending the reporter and photographer of the Daily Bugle back to New York, Emma came to Clark, and the gratitude in her eyes was beyond words.

"Next, you need to transform this island into a habitable land. I have confirmed that the mineral resources in this piece of land I lifted up are sufficient. At least for this area, it is already very rich."

Originally, Clark wanted to transform Krypton's environmental transformation technology to help mutants transform this land that has just emerged from the sea.

But the fact is

In this regard, Clark's help is no longer needed.

After providing this unowned land to the mutants, the mutants' various abilities have been demonstrated on this land.

With only simple plant seeds, the mutants who can control plants can make a large area of ​​plants grow on this bare island.

Mutants who can control the land can slowly change the soil.

Mutants who can control electricity can provide basic energy, so they don't have to climb the technology tree again from the Stone Age.

They may not be very good in battle, but if they use their abilities in development and construction, they will produce unexpected results.

And watching this scene, Clark's last trace of worry about his choice this time completely disappeared.

"If such a conflict had never broken out between humans and mutants, if mutants could make full use of their abilities thousands of years in advance, perhaps the heights reached by humans now would not be worse than their hometown, Krypton, which they have never met."

Emma is a smart person. She will make good rules and manage this mutant country.

Of course, no matter how well this mutant country develops, it is impossible to gather all the mutants in the world. Because there will always be mutants who will stay in their original countries and reproduce there.

And the biggest role of this mutant country is this.

Fully show the world the abilities of mutants, in addition to causing casualties and destruction.

In this way, other countries will naturally pay attention to the existence of mutants. As time goes by, more and more mutants who can generate value will appear, and naturally the discrimination that has lasted for decades will be completely eliminated.

And now, Clark should leave.

If there is no special situation, he should not come to Krako, the mutant country again.

As a superman, a walking threat, it is better not to be too sensitive about his scope of activities.

"Emma, ​​this is the future I promised to mutants, but it is also an opportunity. I will no longer interfere in anything about the relationship between mutants and humans. How far we can go depends on you and the joint choice of humans."

Leaving this last sentence, Clark left here.

At this time, the Red Devil teleported to Emma's side.

"Boss, or the first mutant president, should we leave?"

Emma nodded, took the Red Devil's hand, and teleported away from here.

"From this moment on, there will be no difference between mutants and humans in Superman's eyes, which means that if we pose a threat to the earth..."

"Superman will regard us as enemies and eliminate us directly."

As one of the few psychics who have entered Superman's brain, Emma knows it very well.

Their Superman, who still cares about the world, has actually changed, becoming more rational and more cruel.

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