The truth is, Natasha has completely given up. No matter what Nick Fury says, how can a mortal like her hide her identity in front of Superman? In fact, Clark knew that the other party was an agent at the moment of the interview. But Clark didn't care. Agents are good. The ability of agents is much better than those young boys recruited from American universities. So, Natasha successfully joined the company and began her life in hell. Clark once thought about hiring another secretary, because as the scale of the Parker Group grew, the number of affairs handled every day increased, and the affairs that Kraken asked to be issued every day were no longer a workload that one person could bear. But Natasha was unwilling to admit defeat at that time. Even if she was discovered, she would find a way to quietly collect intelligence under Clark's nose. So the matter of hiring a secretary was left unresolved.

Now the result is good, crazy!

Even if Clark gave a salary that matched the workload and the value of the work, or even more, the pure exhaustion could not be eliminated by the salary.

"I give up, boss."

After handing a new stack of information to Clark, Natasha collapsed in her chair.

"It doesn't matter what the task is. I guess Nick Fury only asked me to come here to watch you closely. If you want to hire a secretary, do it quickly. Anyway, I can't hold on any longer."

Clark smiled and walked into his office with the information.

That's the reason. How could the one-eyed dragon not know that he, who can indirectly achieve the effect of mind reading through microscopic observation, could not disguise himself by placing an agent around him.

And it's not that he won't sell these new materials to them. Moreover, even if there are agents who really find a way to get the synthesis method of these new materials, would Nick Fury dare to use it without his permission?

But to be honest, Natasha's unyielding persistence during this period did bring her a lot of fun, and Clark gradually got used to this kind of life.

Back in his office, Clark put the information on the table, and his ears suddenly moved.

"A bank robbery happened in Canada... Want to make money to sneak to Krako? It's outrageous..."

A group of mutant criminals with criminal records wanted to go to Krako, but Emma would not allow mutants who had committed crimes to join Krako, so this group of little geniuses decided to rob the bank and go to Krako with a lot of money, hoping that Emma would allow them to join for the sake of money.

First of all, not to mention that Krako is still in the construction stage, and the purchase of materials is mostly in cooperation with the Eastern powers. There is actually no circulation opportunity for Canadian currency there.

Haven't they thought that Canada is too close to New York?

"Eh... Why are there always such people?"

Clark stood up and sighed, then looked at the information on the table.

"It will be done in 10 seconds. Take some fresh air."

Ten seconds later, Clark reappeared in the office and picked up the documents on the desk.

In the lobby of the Canadian bank, there were several more mutant criminals who were knocked unconscious.


The next day, Katie joined Parker Group as Clark's girlfriend and second secretary.

But this scene almost made Natasha cry.

I promised to find a helper for myself, but why did a relative come? In this case, won't I still have to do the work alone?

In fact, Natasha's worries were completely unnecessary.

Although Katie was Clark's girlfriend, neither Katie nor Clark had the idea of ​​bullying. Katie's purpose was indeed to accompany her boyfriend to work, but she had to do a lot of work.

What's more, as a mutant, she was much more convenient than Natasha in many cases.

In Parker Group, Katie has no need to hide her superpowers. Even if the employees don't know that their current boss is actually a superman, no one dares or wants to gossip about Ji Jingjing because of her boss's girlfriend.

The boss is so nice, with no lack of benefits, and they get a stable salary for working. Why do they have nothing to do to comment on the boss's mutant girlfriend? Are they mad at the salary?

So, when delivering the information, Natasha needs to hold the information, run into the elevator, go to a specific floor and distribute the work to the leaders of various departments.

Katie doesn't need to do that. She virtualizes and walks through the floor, handing over the work arrangements to the lower-level leaders along the way.

, and have the ability to return to the secretary's office.

The efficiency is simply not on the same level.

Therefore, a month later, Natasha found that her salary as an excellent agent was no longer as good as that of this girl.

As for whether Natasha would be hit by this, it was not something Clark needed to worry about, because on this day...

"Clark, this is a market survey of Stark Group's gold-titanium alloy. Because in terms of performance, except for the weight that is still a little heavier than ours and the price problem, the performance of other aspects has reached or even exceeded that of ultra-high-tensile steel, so almost 70% of the US market has fallen into the hands of Stark Group."

"Really? I see..."

It should be a big deal that ultra-high-tensile steel has lost 70% of its share in the United States to gold-titanium alloy, but Clark's performance was very calm. This made Katie very puzzled.

"Clark, the current ultra-high-tensile steel is actually a semi-finished product. In fact, you can make its weight reach one-tenth of the mainstream aerospace materials in the past. How can gold-titanium alloy compete with it? Why don't you do this?"

In fact, Clark had thought about Katie's question a long time ago, and the answer was very simple.

"Of course I can take out the Kryptonian technology and the knowledge of my old friends in my mind to help humans develop rapidly, but in that case, wouldn't it turn the earth into another Krypton?"

By absorbing the technology of Krypton, the earth may not necessarily become Krypton, but if Clark directly takes out all the technology and shows the earthlings the road for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years in the future.

Then the earth, which has become dependent on Kryptonian technology, can hardly escape the same fate as Krypton.

Just when Clark was about to continue explaining to his girlfriend, his eyes suddenly became serious, turned around and rushed out of the window.

"What happened..."

Queens, a speech about the mayor of Queens.

And the person who attended this speech was naturally Clark's mother, May Parker.

Starting from being a community representative a few years ago, May has now begun to run for the mayor of Queens, and in a while, she will probably start the campaign for the mayor of New York.

In fact, this speech was just a show, because the ending was already determined. If May, who has the Parker Group behind her, cannot be elected, then who else is qualified to be the mayor?

Maybe when the time comes to run for mayor, the intervention of the Stark Group and the Austen Group will make the situation chaotic, but there is no suspense at all for a mayor of Queens.

But it was on such an occasion that a truck rushed over and rushed towards the venue of the speech.

If no one could stop it, this traffic accident would cause a large number of casualties.

While everyone was watching this scene in horror, May had a calm face, because the next moment, Clark, who was wearing his black and gold Superman suit again, fell from the sky and steadily blocked the out-of-control truck.

"Superman, it's Superman! Superman has appeared!"

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