Although he appeared in a big city, the big city in front of him had an indescribable sense of weirdness.

Clark's clothes had burned out when he broke through the atmosphere. In desperation, he could only walk to a clothing store on the street, left enough banknotes on the counter, and took a set of children's clothes to change.

But what he didn't notice was that while he was changing clothes, countless figures began to gather from all directions and walked into the clothing store.

These people had red eyes, hideous and bloodthirsty expressions on their faces, and there was even blood dripping on their fingertips. Obviously, before they hurt others, they hurt themselves first.

Just like the zombies in science fiction horror movies, but unlike ordinary zombies, their bodies are not rotten, but like zombies, they will continue to attack any living objects.

When Clark changed his clothes and walked out of the dressing room, he saw countless hideous faces and their ruthless attacks.


Accompanied by Clark's screams, everyone rushed into the clothing store. The small store was filled with people, just like a zero-dollar shopping. Clark's screams of fear seemed so insignificant in their bloodthirsty and beast-like roars.

"No! Stay away from me!!"

Clark was not injured. His body was much stronger than he thought. Even if these ordinary people had unknown changes in their bodies, it was almost impossible to hurt Clark.

But looking at the faces of the people in front of him and the blood dripping from their mouths, Clark still collapsed. Such a scene was too intense for Clark, who had the mind of an 8-year-old child.

Under such stimulation, Clark's power burst out again, and dozens of adult men were pushed by Clark's brute force, breaking the reinforced glass of the clothing store and coming to the street.

After being in an open space, these ordinary people could no longer restrict Clark's actions. He quickly broke free from the grasp of these people, and ran away without caring about the damaged clothes again.

"Help! Someone attacked me!"

He saw a lot of figures, but when Clark got closer, he found that the people on the street were the same as those who attacked him behind him, with red eyes, blood on their fingertips and mouths. It is conceivable how many people they had attacked before.

"No! It's blocked!"

Clark can't fly. Facing people surrounding him from all directions, he has nowhere to escape and can only watch these crazy people approach him.

At the same time, he was afraid in his heart. Could this be a special virus? Would he become like this?

Clark cried.

After finding out that he had no way to escape, he could no longer hold back his fear and burst into tears.

After all, he was only eight years old. Even though he had the physique of a Kryptonian, he was only eight years old and had never realized his identity. Therefore, his Kryptonian physique had never been stimulated.

And the education he received was just that of ordinary humans. Facing such a scene, which eight-year-old child would not be afraid? Not everyone has an old grandfather in their mind, and not everyone can be older than everyone in the book in their past and present lives.

The crowd was getting closer and closer, but Clark did not resist at all, because his mind was blank. At this moment, he didn't know what to do?

From the moment the tornado appeared, everything happened too suddenly. Clark's young mind could not understand these things at all.

Just as these approaching crowds were about to touch Clark, a blue and red figure flew from the horizon like a phantom.

While passing over the ground, it also took the crying Clark away.

When his vision rose above the clouds, Clark suddenly realized that he seemed to be saved, and the one who saved him...

Clark was held in the arms of this man. He looked up and could see the familiar profile. He seemed to have seen this face somewhere.

And then, Clark saw the big S logo on the other's chest and the red cape fluttering in the wind behind him.

"Super... Superman?"

Hearing Clark's

Superman lowered his head and gave Clark a gentle smile.

"Don't worry, you're safe, but wait, you'd better close your eyes, otherwise you might get infected with the virus."

Superman was just talking simply, but his words seemed to have some magic, calming Clark, who was still a little frightened.

At the same time, Clark also asked the question that he couldn't help asking since he saw Superman.

"Isn't Superman... a fictional character in comics?"

Superman frowned. He was indeed famous, but it was definitely not because of comics. There were no comics about him in this world, and he had never sold his portrait rights to anyone. Comic characters here were only Spider-Man and Iron Man.

But even though he was confused, Superman didn't ask it now, but said to Clark while slowly descending.

"Close your eyes, don't look at any LCD screen."

Clark heard this and closed his eyes obediently, feeling the breeze blowing across the biological standpoint on his face, until they arrived inside the Daily Planet. Clark stepped on Superman's signal and opened his eyes.

"Is it really the Daily Planet?"

At this time, Superman didn't care about Clark's surprise, because he was also surprised, because the child in front of him looked almost exactly like himself when he was a child, except for the hairstyle, they were exactly the same person.

"Clark, you're back..."

Superman's wife learned that Superman had returned and immediately stepped forward to greet him, but at the same time, she also noticed Clark who was looking around.

"Who is this child?"

Feeling the gazes of the two, Clark finally cast his eyes on Superman's face.

This time, without Superman's magnificent chest muscles blocking his view, Clark was able to see Superman's appearance clearly, but with just one glance, even he realized something.

Because Superman's face is so similar to his own, he was still wondering where he had seen Superman's face. It turned out that it was in the mirror at home.

Although due to his age, Superman's face has more vicissitudes and maturity than Clark, as well as the perseverance as a warrior and hero, anyone who has seen Superman's face will not make a mistake. Clark looks exactly like Superman when he was a child.

"Kid, what's your name?"

"Clark Parker, and you are..."

"Clark Kent..."

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