The fire broke out, and the fire was extinguished.

Time moved forward a little.

At the same time when Clark exploded in flare mode and turned the entire court into ashes.

In the White House, the president angrily threw the decorations on the table to the ground, and his eyes seemed to be able to spew out substantial flames, staring at Killian in front of him.

"What did you, Avant-garde Technology, promise me? You will definitely kill Superman?"

A TV in the president's room still shows the last picture transmitted before the court was burned.


Even though they were far apart, the president could see that Superman was angry just by the transmitted pictures!

"What's the result? The kryptonite you made didn't restrict Superman at all, and the kryptonite bullets didn't kill Superman. What should we do now? Use my soldiers to fight Superman?"

At this moment, the president realized it belatedly.

The Superman in their world is not the same person as the Superman in the comics.

Their Superman is colder, more rational, and younger.

They also know Superman's true identity.

When Killian cooperated with Superman, he exposed Superman's true identity Clark to the government officials.

Therefore, they also judged that their too young Superman, because he knew his Kryptonian identity too early, did not even establish a sense of belonging to the earth.

He only had pure kindness and love for the earthlings, and did not have an inseparable hometown complex and compatriot complex.

"Mr. President, I must admit that our plan went wrong. Superman's power grew too fast. I didn't expect that Superman, who is only 16 years old now, has grown to the point where he can resist artificial kryptonite."

Killian's face was not good either, because they did not have a backup plan and did intend to kill Superman now.

It's just that the plan failed, and all subsequent plans were interrupted.

But at the same time, this is not all bad.

"Mr. President, Superman will soon attack the United States, and we must be prepared."

"Prepare? What should I prepare?"

The president did not deny that he would go to war with Superman.

This is also a good thing that Killian thought.

That is, the US government will have no way out and can only cooperate with them.

They can also get the full support of the superpower of the United States.

"We have already started to make clones of Superman."

After thinking for a moment, Killian said their backup plan.


The president widened his eyes.

"When did it happen?"

"About five years ago..."

The president thought back, five years ago, he was not even the president.

And Killian knew much more.

Five years ago, Phoenix appeared for the first time, and Richard later recovered Clark's blood samples that were scattered in the battle.

At that time, Killian learned a little news because of his relationship with Richard. After he led people to re-investigate, he indeed got a few blood samples.

From that time on, they were planning to clone Superman.

It was just that because the blood samples obtained later were too few, the progress was not good until Richard disappeared. Killian seized the opportunity to get more blood samples, and the cloning plan began to advance rapidly.

After explaining everything to the President of the United States, Killian also frowned and said.

"However, according to calculations, even if there are enough blood samples for experiments, it will take at least five years for the clone to be truly perfect."

"But we don't have time!"

Killian said this, and the US President also knew the problem. In five years, the United States will not know how many times it will be destroyed by the angry Superman in five years, even if Superman holds back and only destroys the US armed forces.

Five years is enough for other countries to divide up the entire United States.

"So we need the full support of the US government. We need a lot of materials and equipment to complete the finishing work of the clone in advance. In this way, even if the clone is not perfect, it will eventually be able to fight Superman."

"I understand."

Killian said it very directly, and the president thought very quickly.

"I will sign the document to give you the right to call on resources from all over the United States, and the soldiers will also be ready

Prepare to resist Superman. Remember, you must do it as soon as possible. I don't know if you have any conspiracy behind the scenes, but I know that if the United States is gone, your conspiracy will fail. "

Killian nodded and left the presidential office. He knew this without the US president telling him.

The purpose of Pioneer Technology is that if the world hegemon is not the United States, but the Eastern power, then Pioneer Technology will never have a chance.

After Killian left, the president picked up the only intact phone on the desk.

"Yes, it's me. Inform General Ross and ask him to tell his son-in-law that the president wants to see him. "


At the same time, on the mutant country Krako.

Logan, who was in a bad mood, was walking on the beach along the coast. Looking back, he saw tall buildings. Although it was only two years, the mutants had fully utilized their abilities to build their own homes, and the city had already taken shape.

All this gave the mutants a bright future.

But it was precisely because he stood in the sun that Logan could not forget the boy who tore the night apart for them.

He knew everything in the court. The United States regarded the trial and sanctions against Superman as a means of demonstrating national strength and broadcast the pictures to the world.

But in the end, Superman broke out, and the terrifying power destroyed everything around him.

"Teacher Logan, you are here too..."

At this time, a familiar voice sounded from behind. It was Iceman Bobby and the little naughty who had been injected with drugs and turned into an ordinary person.

"What? Scott asked you two to persuade me not to do stupid things? "

Poppy and Little Naughty looked at each other and smiled bitterly. Their intentions were discovered by Logan right from the start.

Perhaps Logan did not read much, but he lived a long life. Now he has asked Emma to restore his memory with his psychic ability. In hundreds of years of life experience, even if he has never read a book seriously, he will never do anything stupid.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid. Besides, I can't help that kid..."

Logan definitely stood on Clark's side, but he also knew that his ability was not enough to help Clark in such a situation.

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