The battle was won, and the battle was over.

Knowing the current situation in the United States, Ross frowned deeply.

Superman, this is not an enemy that can be easily defeated by just shouting "for the United States". Without the help of other forces, the United States has no power to defeat Superman.

The so-called nuclear weapons are almost a joke in front of Superman's ability.

"General! We received a message from an unknown source, and it is an address!"

At this time, a soldier ran over and reported the latest situation to Ross, which instantly relaxed Ross's frown.

"Address? Where does it point to?"

"Brazil, a beverage factory in Brazil."

"Let's go! We'll go there immediately."

Ross immediately took his soldiers to leave the aircraft carrier by plane and headed towards Brazil.

When they arrived at the beverage factory in Brazil, they really saw a light on the roof of a house.

Ross and the soldiers around him used ropes to descend to the roof and finally saw the son-in-law he had been chasing for nearly a year.


When they met again, he was no longer a pursuer, but a person seeking help. Ross didn't know what to say for a while.

He had always looked down on this son-in-law. He hoped that his daughter would marry a soldier, but now the whole United States needed this fragile son-in-law to save her.

"You should not know what to say to me. Coincidentally, you and I have no common topics. Take me to see the president. Brazil is too closed to information. I still don't know what happened and why Superman suddenly turned against me."



The next day.

In the White House of the United States.

The president finally appeased today's parade and finally found time to meet his last trump card, Bruce Banner, in the office.

"Dr. Banner, nice to see you."

"Actually, I'm not that happy."

The smile on the president's face froze in place, but he quickly recovered and sat down in his seat.

"Now Superman has declared war on humans. The opponent's power is too strong. Humanity is in crisis. I hope..."

Once again, Banner interrupted the US president directly.

"Mr. President, you also know that I have 7 doctoral degrees, so please don't treat me as a fool. I will also go to the Internet to find information."

"Okay, I'll tell the truth."

The president calmed down like a deflated prayer, and told them everything they did and the situation they were facing now.

After listening, Banner could only sigh helplessly.

"If you are really afraid of Superman, you can tell Superman directly that you hope Superman will leave the earth. Why do you want to plot an assassination?"

Before killing him... Banner silently added this sentence in his heart.

In fact, he also likes Superman, but because he works in a military research institute, Banner can understand these people's ideas.

They will not feel at ease if Superman stays on Earth as a hero, because Superman has the power to kill anyone in any corner of the world in an instant.

But if Superman leaves Earth and goes to the universe, they will be even more worried.

Because Superman can leave, he can definitely come back. If a few years later, Superman not only comes back, but also brings a group of Kryptonians to inform Earth, what should they do?

Only a dead Superman can reassure these politicians.

But understanding is understanding, and Banner will not agree with this approach.

As if he also saw the rejection in Banner's expression, the president did not care about his identity and immediately reached out to grab Banner's palm.

"Banner shows up, now the United States is facing a crisis of national destruction, Xili must help us..."

Destroy the country?

Banner couldn't help but roll his eyes. What Superman did was just to destroy military forces. Ordinary people and soldiers have not been injured so far.

Is the president worried about the destruction of the country? They are worried that after all the weapons are destroyed by Superman, their government will no longer exist.

America is America, and the government is the government. Banner can still distinguish this clearly.

But after thinking carefully, Banner can't just sit back and watch the whole country fall into chaos.

After the government falls, I don't know how long it will take to restore peace.

Thinking of this, Banner gently pushed the president's hand away and said lightly.

"I will try my best to stop and persuade Superman, but you can also

Knowing how strong Superman is, please don't have too much hope. Hulk may not be his opponent. "


At the same time, in the hospital of the mutant country Krako.

Nick Fury, who had been in a coma for several days, woke up and found that his suitcase was not at hand. He was shocked and made a scene in the hospital.

As for the result, it was also very simple. He was easily subdued by a high-speed moving mutant who was hospitalized because of stepping on a nail, and then transferred to the mutant police station, and then sent directly to the president's office by the police station that received the order.

As for the army, Krako has no army now, because the first batch of mutants who joined Krako are the most lacking in mutants who are good at fighting.

In the office, Emma raised her head tiredly from a pile of documents and looked at Nick Fury, whose hands and feet were tied and wriggling in the dark like a caterpillar.

"Please calm down, Mr. Fury."

"Before I calm down, can you please untie me first? Even if you only untie the restraints on your feet, it will be fine."

"Wait a minute, Logan will be here soon, and it will be more efficient to use his steel claws."

After a while, Jean and Logan came to the office together, untied Nick Fury, and also brought the briefcase that appeared here with Nick Fury.

Nick Fury immediately pounced on the briefcase after seeing it, and only breathed a sigh of relief after weighing it and finding that it was indeed fine.

"Don't you want to explain what is in this briefcase?"

Emma asked when she saw the things in Nick Fury's precious briefcase. Because she knew Jean's size and knew that the things inside contained huge energy, she did not choose to open it rashly.

And Nick Fury shook his head after thinking for a moment.

"I'm sorry, the things in the briefcase are safest only when they are placed on Superman. "

Emma had expected Nick Fury's rejection. Her words were not credible in the eyes of these agents, but she still learned some information from them.

"You are going to see Superman? But why are you being hunted?"

After thinking for a while, Nick Fury still did not answer this question directly, but said.

"I know you have invisible fighters. Please take me to the Fortress of Solitude in the Arctic. There are some things that can only be said in front of Superman. "

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