The water was blown away, and the water was blown away.

Kara looked at her arms in shock. Before she could be surprised for too long, Hulk, who was full of green airflow, jumped up from the water, jumped hundreds of meters high, and smashed Kara on the ground with his fists raised high.

"Get out of here!"

Seeing that Hulk's attack was about to hit her home, Kara opened her mouth and shouted loudly. The powerful sound waves and shocks bombarded Hulk. Su Ri'an could not cause any impact on Hulk at this time, but he successfully shook Hulk, who weighed only half a ton, away.

However, even so, Kara only gained a little insignificant time.

The moment the Hulk, who was shaken away, landed on his feet, he burst out with terrifying power and shattered the ice under his feet.

The whole person turned into a stream of green light again and rushed towards Kara.

"What kind of monster is this guy?"

Kara stood up again and shook her numb arms. The green gamma energy on them was finally eliminated by the solar energy in her body. However, facing the Hulk who was rushing over, Kara did not choose to confront him head-on this time.

She jumped up when the other party was about to touch her, and dodged the attack while flying into the sky.

"His strength is already greater than mine, and it is still increasing. What is the principle?"

Kara was thinking about countermeasures, but before her super brain could start working, she felt her ankle being grabbed.


Looking down, Kara found that Hulk had grabbed her ankle without knowing when.

"Did this guy reach my flying speed by jumping?"

Shocked, Kara was pulled down from the air by Hulk and smashed to the ground.


At the critical moment, along with Kara's call to Clark, a black shadow swept across the battlefield the next moment.

Hulk's body seemed to have been hit hard, and the whole body almost folded together. The next moment, he flew backwards and hit the water surface heavily, stirring up waves hundreds of meters high.

When the dust slowly fell, Clark held Kara in a princess hug and slowly landed.

"Are you okay, cousin?"

"No... It's okay..."

Kara was stunned for a moment, and then said arrogantly.

"Have you been watching me make a fool of myself in the Fortress of Solitude? You didn't come out until I was about to get hurt."

Clark deliberately avoided Kara's sight when he heard this. What else could he say? Just admit it directly?

"Isn't want to come out instead of me?"

"Okay! You!"

Kara was interrupted by Clark before she finished speaking.

"Don't worry, cousin, it's not over yet."

While talking, Clark looked at the sea in the distance. The dazzling green light emanated from under the water, almost dyeing the sea green.

"Cousin, please stay away first, don't get hurt."


Kara nodded tactfully. It was a fact that he was not as strong as the big monster, so there was no need to show off in front of Clark.

And just as Kara flew away, the sponge exploded with the rising green light, and along with the green light, the Hulk, who was emitting terrifying green energy, appeared. In the blink of an eye, he came in front of Clark and punched him in the cheek.


Hulk's violent punch stopped steadily in front of Clark. His fist that was enough to tear the earth was firmly caught by Clark, unable to move forward.


In such a scene, even the extremely angry Hulk was slightly stunned, and then he threw another punch.

But the result this time was still exactly the same.

Compared with Hulk, Clark, who was extremely petite, had more powerful strength and caught Hulk's attack steadily.

"It seems that there is no possibility of communication. It will be a bit painful next, please bear with it."

Saying something that Hulk couldn't understand, the moment he finished speaking, Hulk felt a heavy punch on his face.

Accompanied by the sound of bone fracture, Hulk's face was directly deformed by this punch. He wanted to be angry, but before he could burst out with anger, he was punched in the stomach again, and the anger that had just emerged was extinguished again.


Hulk roared and rushed towards Clark in front of him, wanting to catch the villain in front of him and tear him apart.

But Clark disappeared in front of him, and the next moment he appeared above him and stepped on him into the ice.


...How is it possible..."

Not far away, Ross, who had been watching the battle, was completely desperate.

Originally, when he saw that Hulk could fight with Kara, he felt that hope for mankind was coming. As long as Banner was willing to cooperate with humans in the future, humans would be able to gain the power to fight against the Kryptonians.

But now, Hulk, who was able to suppress Kara just now, was beaten by Superman and couldn't fight back at all.

Even the roar of venting could not be done. Whenever Hulk was about to do anything, he was greeted by Clark's iron fist.

Gradually, Hulk, who realized that he couldn't even be angry, had another emotion in his heart besides anger for the first time.

The emotion called fear.

Under the influence of this emotion, Hulk's power became smaller and smaller, and his huge body, which had expanded to 4 meters high due to anger, was shrinking. Slowly, he was only about the same height as Clark.

Finally, he collapsed to the ground and turned back into the thin and shirtless Bruce Banner.

"Hmm? "

Realizing that the Hulk had disappeared and Bruce Banner's naked body could not withstand the coldness of the center of the Arctic, Clark disappeared from the spot, then took a blanket and threw it on Bruce Banner.

"If you want to leave alive, leave quickly."

Saying that, Clark had no intention of attacking these people, and flew to Kara. After nodding to each other, they planned to return to the Fortress of Solitude.

"Superman, wait!"

After getting the blanket, Banner came back to his senses, he struggled to stand up, and shouted at Clark.

"There is no Superman in this world anymore, call me Clark, or call me Carl."

But Banner shook his head and then knelt directly on the ground.

"Superman, please, let America go."

Banner knocked his head heavily on the cold and hard ice, begging the other party.

Kara's face changed drastically when she saw this, and she was about to start scolding Banner, but Clark spoke first at this time.

"So, this is your decision? "

Banner was confused by Clark's question, but his next words made his face change.

"If you can win, fight. If you can't win, kneel down and beg for mercy. Is this what you think? When you turned into that big green guy and attacked Kara, did you ever think that there would be a day when you would kneel down and beg for mercy?"

Clark looked at the other person with disgust. This was the first time he felt this way about a human being.

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