The three cities are just like this..."

In the green light protective cover built by Canary, Clark felt such a terrifying energy explosion in person, and his body couldn't help but tremble.

On the side, Jonathan felt Clark's fear, so he took the initiative to come over and patted the other's shoulder gently.

"Don't be afraid, everyone will protect you..."

But such words made Clark excited.

"I...I am really scared! But...I also hope to help everyone! I don't want to be a burden to you, I also have power!"

Except for Superman who was stunned by the ruins of the three cities, everyone, including Wonder Woman flying beside Superman in the sky, heard Clark's words at this time.

"I... I always thought I was just an ordinary person, but the fact is that I am also a Kryptonian, and I also have superpowers. I just hate myself. I failed to protect my friends in my own world, and I became a burden here. What's the point of having such power!!"


Everyone sighed silently in their hearts after hearing this. All those who knew Clark's background simply regarded him as a young Superman, but until this moment, they realized that Clark was not Superman, he was Clark Parker, a Kryptonian living in a different environment.

At this time, Damian came over and also put his arm on Clark's shoulder.

"It's not your fault to have power. No one can decide their birth. If you feel confused, why not let go of these responsibilities that do not belong to you?"

If it were an ordinary person, Damian's persuasion would definitely achieve good results, but he still underestimated Clark, or underestimated Kal El.

As a Kryptonian, the natural empathy is basically doomed, and they are impossible to give up this responsibility.

Just like Superman who was looking at the ruins of the city and feeling sad, when they realized the extraordinary power they possessed, they could not let go of their responsibilities.

Even if Superman in another world became cruel and dictatorial because of the death of his wife and son, he still took on his responsibility to protect mankind, but in a different way..

"I can't do it! I obviously have power, so how can I ignore such things? I also want to do something, I also want to help others like you, instead of just living under your protection!"

Clark realized the despair of this world, so he couldn't just sit back and watch. In his own world, it was because he didn't react in time that his friend Matthew lost his eyesight, so he couldn't just watch it like this in this world.

At this moment, the heroes didn't know what to say. Cyborg and Green Arrow were not good at persuading others, and Canary was even more so.

As for Damian and Jonathan, their minds as heroes were not qualified, so they naturally couldn't say any great truths.

But there was only one exception.

Wonder Woman, who also noticed Clark, slowly descended from the sky and stood in front of Clark.

"I heard that you want to take responsibility like us?"

Feeling the strong and heavy breath of Wonder Woman, it was a completely different feeling from Superman.

Although they are both superheroes, Wonder Woman is closer to a cold warrior than Superman, who always brings hope to people. Especially in such a disaster, Wonder Woman's warrior attributes are more prominent.

"No... That's right..."

Clark nodded, suppressing his discomfort, and the next moment, Wonder Woman in front of him attacked and punched Clark in the face.


Wonder Woman's movements were not fast, at least that's what Jonathan on the side saw, but for Clark, he could only barely see Wonder Woman's fist swinging towards him.

Instinctively, Clark wanted to raise his arm to resist, but he was still a step late, and Wonder Woman's punch hit him hard in the face. The body flew backwards and broke through the green light barrier that Canary was gradually withdrawing, falling from the rooftop dozens of meters high to the ruins on the ground, raising a huge cloud of dust.

"Ah! Cough cough..."


Clark had never felt such pain since he was born. With his extraordinary talent and the love of his family, he had never endured such pain.

Almost instinctively, Clark was about to cry out, but at this moment, Wonder Woman, who had come to him, shouted.

"Shut up!"

This shout frightened Clark and forced him to hold back his tears.

"Diana... this..."

At this time, Wonder Woman's sudden action also successfully attracted Superman's attention. It's not that he didn't hear Clark's words, but because of the destruction of the three cities and the survivors in them, Superman had no time to take care of it.

After discovering that Wonder Woman directly attacked Clark, he immediately wanted to step forward to stop her, but was interrupted by Wonder Woman's wave of her hand.

"Superman, I remember you said on the radio that we need to gather all our strength to fight the virus? Is that right?"

Knowing what Wonder Woman meant, Superman nodded with a complicated expression and planned to continue persuading her.

"That's right, but he's just a child..."

"But he's also a Kryptonian, a future Superman, isn't he? He's you when you were young!"

This sentence made Clark completely speechless. What else could he say? Excuse himself? After Clark himself said that he hoped to help, he couldn't say such a thing at all.

At this time, Wonder Woman had already set her sights on Clark who stood up again.

Crying is just a child's instinct. Clark's super-developed brain and empathy far beyond normal people made him regain his sanity and look at Wonder Woman again unwaveringly.

In other words, after Wonder Woman's attack just now, he can now face this powerful heroine and the cold breath on her.

"It's still a bit like that."

In response, Wonder Woman nodded. After being attacked by herself, Clark not only did not continue to be afraid of herself, but instead had the courage to look directly at herself, which proved that the other party's statement that he wanted to take responsibility was not just talk.

"If you don't want to live under our protection, then become stronger and become a powerful warrior. If you don't have power, all your ideas are false!"

This is Wonder Woman's idea. She herself also became a warrior and gradually became a hero after gaining power.

"I will train you, and I hope you won't let me down!"

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