The old man was so angry that he was not able to fly.

"Still haven't learned to fly yet?"

When Wonder Woman solved all the satellites, Clark was still shining the yellow sun in the universe.

But even so, let alone flying, even the biological position has not yet appeared.

"It seems that the blood determination of the Kryptonians is far from being so fast, or it's because of you. Superman's speed of becoming stronger is far slower than that of little Jonathan."

Wonder Woman didn't know what secrets the Kryptonian body had, but she knew that they didn't have time to waste. A week was enough for these superheroes to destroy the Internet on Earth.

"It's time to go back."

Being pulled by Wonder Woman, Clark returned to Earth and came to the Fortress of Solitude that Superman transformed from a Kryptonian spaceship.

At this time, some new heroes have gathered here. The less famous ones are Hawkman and Hawkgirl. As for the famous ones, they are Martian Manhunter, a member of the Justice League, and Superman's mortal enemy Lex Luthor.

In such a crisis, Lex also put aside the conflict with Superman and responded to Superman's call to come here.

When Wonder Woman and Clark entered the Fortress of Solitude, they happened to see Lex find Superman and put forward his own opinions.

"Superman, you have to know that this virus spread through the Internet and did infect most people in an instant, but there are also many survivors. Although the technology in your Fortress of Solitude fascinates me, the Fortress of Solitude alone cannot accommodate so many survivors. We need other safe places to accommodate survivors."

In response, Superman also nodded. The size of the Fortress of Solitude is not large. It is okay as a base for superheroes, but if it is to be used as a base for survivors, it is a bit unrealistic.

Luthor's proposal is exactly what he is most concerned about now. He casts his eyes in the direction of Gotham and said.

"In Gotham, it's Batman's territory, but in a sense, it's the easiest area to deal with after the outbreak of infection."

Although Batman is a member of the Justice League, he can always achieve unexpected results with his wisdom in various battles, but in essence, Batman is just an ordinary person. The enemies he faces, even if they have superpowers, will not be that strong. The heroes and criminals there are more inclined to fight with wisdom, so it has become the safest place.

"Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy were not infected, and they also killed almost all the infected heroes and villains."

Yes, this is the Gotham Monster Room. If these enemies are normal people, then even Superman would have to worry about being deceived into entering Gotham without even a trouser left.

But if these people lose their minds, then even Poison Ivy, who is not a threat at all in Superman's eyes, can easily become invincible in Gotham.

"Today, Gotham has been controlled by Poison Ivy and has become a paradise for plants. These plants not only kill most of the infected, but also resist those who want to invade."

Poison Ivy's fighting power depends on the strength of the surrounding plants. Without any human or legal constraints, Poison Ivy has turned the entire Gotham into her own garden. In this case, if a battle is launched in Gotham, even Wonder Woman will not be able to get any benefits from Poison Ivy if she breaks in without a good countermeasure.

"If you can convince Poison Ivy and ask her to take in the survivors, then most people will definitely be protected."

"I'll go."

At this time, Damian and Green Arrow also came over. They all heard the conversation between Superman and Luthor. Damian naturally volunteered.

"Among the people here, I should be the one who knows Poison Ivy the best, so I will convince Poison Ivy."

Superman instinctively wanted to refuse, because in his opinion, Damian and little Jonathan were just children. Before the adults like them fell, these children should not be allowed to step into danger.

But Damian's reason was very sufficient. After Batman's death, none of the heroes present had ever met Poison Ivy, let alone understood her. Only Damian, the boy who had followed Batman to protect Gotham, was the most qualified person to carry out this mission.

"Okay, then Green Arrow and Canary will follow you. You must pay attention to your own safety. Although I don't know Poison Ivy as well as you do,

But no one who can enter Batman's database is safe. "

Hearing the concern in Superman's words, Damian smiled and said half-jokingly.

"Are you talking about yourself? In Dad's database, your information is ranked first."

Superman was stunned for a moment, then smiled again. He didn't feel angry or wronged at all for Batman's vigilance, because this was originally Superman's commission. He commissioned Batman to be ready to kill him at any time. Even the kryptonite stock in Batman's hands was actually provided by Superman.

"Really? It's worthy of being Batman. "

Time waits for no one. After deciding to set off, Damian, Green Arrow and Canary set off immediately, but it was obvious that Gotham alone was not enough.

Although they had not conducted detailed research, they still felt that these infected people seemed to know the location of the living people like them, and would find them accurately and want to transform them as well.

Although they did not understand the principle, considering that the source of the virus was the mysterious anti-life equation, everyone could only accept this result.

"Diana, you are back."

At this time, the two also noticed Wonder Woman who brought Clark back to the Fortress of Solitude, and at this time, Superman seemed to suddenly realize it and said to Wonder Woman.

"Diana, can you please communicate with Queen Hippolyta of Paradise Island? We need more and larger safe areas to accommodate the remaining human survivors."

Wonder Woman did not refuse this.

"Of course there is no problem. It just so happens that I also want to find time to bring Clark to Paradise Island for a good training. "

If it was peacetime, someone asked Wonder Woman if you could open Paradise Island to tourism? Then Diana would give the other party a big fight, but now the world is about to be destroyed, and Paradise Island will naturally not stick to the rule that men are not allowed to enter. When it is time to make adjustments, you still need to make adjustments.

"Thank you..."

Wonder Woman nodded and planned to take Clark, who had not yet had a sip of water, to Paradise Island, but at this time, Superman said again.

"You may need to stay in Paradise Island for a long time to protect the survivors there, but this time, please communicate again and go to the Fortress of Solitude. Kandak guarded by Black Adam is still intact. If possible, I hope to convince him to take in more survivors and protect the earth together."

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