The familiar arena. Clark followed the familiar figure to this place again. "It's not been long, but I always feel that everything here is so familiar." "Then it's probably because your Kryptonian brains are stronger than ordinary people. I only feel familiar with this place after continuous training for almost half a year." The female warrior smiled and walked to the opposite side of Clark and skillfully took out the scarred shield from the weapon rack. Obviously, this is the shield Clark used in those days. After Clark was recognized by the heroes and left Paradise Island to perform the mission, the female warrior has been keeping this shield. But this time, the female warrior did not throw the shield directly to Clark as usual, but asked with a smile first. "How about it? Now that you have powerful superpowers, do you still plan to use this shield?"

Clark smiled and stretched out his hand. The female warrior on the opposite side immediately understood and threw the shield over and was caught steadily.

"This is a trial for Amazon warriors, so naturally it must be carried out using the methods of Amazon warriors. At this moment, I am not a Kryptonian, just a warrior who accepts the trial of the master."

The smile on the face of the female warrior became brighter. Clark's words at this time undoubtedly put himself in the position of Paradise Island and regarded himself as an Amazon warrior.

Admittedly, Clark can use all kinds of superpowers of Kryptonians, super breathing, thermal vision, biological stance, flight, etc.

But in that case, it would be to abandon the previous training, which is a hidden betrayal.

Although the female warrior will not say much, because Paradise Island has always had the concept of respecting the strong, but she will feel uncomfortable anyway.

And at this time, Clark is no longer the Clark who told the Amazon warrior that he didn't want to hurt you.

He took into account the pride of the female warrior as an Amazon warrior, and took care of such emotions, picking up the Amazon weapon to fight.

This is a kind of recognition, and also respect.

He has learned to take care of the hearts of others, instead of just being foolishly concerned.


"The battle begins!"

The female warrior launched an attack the moment she finished speaking, leaning forward, and rushed towards Clark at the fastest speed.

And Clark, as he said, did not use the biological force field to fly, but only relied on the physical fitness brought to him by the Kryptonian blood, and raised his shield to meet it.

He had already been familiar with the female warrior's attack routine, just as he could roughly master most of the basic knowledge of the space colonization spacecraft in a week. During the training with the other party, he also learned almost all the fighting skills from this experienced warrior.

So as expected, the shield steadily blocked the slash of the long sword. The encounter during this period made Clark quickly stronger, and there was no longer any gap between the two in physical fitness.

The blocked female warrior raised her leg and swept across, while Clark jumped up on the spot, dodging the sweeping kick while throwing the round shield in her hand like a boomerang, hitting the female warrior in the face.

Clark used all her strength in this attack, because only fighting with all her strength can show the greatest respect to the Amazon warrior.

"Well done!"

Clark's reaction surprised her. The boy who was once beaten by her has now grown up completely. The training in Paradise Island and the battles he has encountered from time to time as a hero recently have made him a qualified warrior.

However, surprises are surprises, and the female warrior will not be defeated so easily.

Swinging the sword to knock the shield away, he rushed towards Clark who had just landed again.

But at this moment, he and Clark were still a distance away for a while, but Clark made a kicking move in advance, which made him feel a little confused.

Such a mistake in distance control does not seem to be a mistake Clark would make.

But soon, reality told her the answer.

At the moment Clark kicked, the shield that was knocked away by her long sword flew back like a boomerang and appeared right in front of Clark's ear.

From the moment he recognized the shield, Clark used his super brain to make detailed calculations, giving the shield a specific rotation and taking into account the angle at which the female warrior knocked the shield away, so that the shield would fly back to him at this time.

In front of him.


Clark kicked the shield hard, and after getting new power, the shield hit the female warrior who failed to react in time, and knocked her out directly.

As for the scarred round shield, it drew an arc in the air and was caught by Clark.

The trick of using the shield that Captain America in another world mastered after injecting super serum was mastered by 8-year-old Clark.

But even Clark himself didn't know it.

Although he knew that the world he was in was also a comic world for this world, just like the comics he read were very different from the world now, the stories in the comics can only be used as a reference, so Clark didn't read the so-called Marvel comics.

"You kid, you have mastered a good fighting method."

The female warrior wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth. She didn't show a painful expression when she felt the pain in her chest, but became more excited.

Fighting with only a shield, this kid really did it.

"But the battle won't end just like that. Are you ready to fight for the whole day?"

Clark smiled slightly and took a fighting stance again with his shield.

"At your service!"

The two charged at each other again, getting familiar with each other in the battle.

The prepared female warrior would naturally not be attacked by Clark's trick of using the shield, and the battle immediately fell into a competition of endurance.

Clark would be scratched by the long sword, but the self-healing power of the Kryptonian could heal these wounds in a very short time.

The female warrior would also be attacked, but with her tenacious will and the good physical fitness of the Amazons, she managed to survive.

Unconsciously, more and more Amazon warriors were attracted by the battle between the two and gathered in this arena.

And when they found out that the boy who used the Amazon's fighting skills was actually a Kryptonian, the feeling of being recognized immediately made them accept the boy from the bottom of their hearts.

In this way, the battle lasted from day to night, and the loss of sunlight did not weaken Clark. Until the sun rose again, the two continued to fight tenaciously.

The female warrior hoped that Clark would surpass her, but when that day really came, she found that she was unwilling to lose.

The Amazons watching them had no effect on them. Instead, at this time, an unexpected person came here.

"Diana, you are back."

It was Wonder Woman. She returned to Paradise Island from the Fortress of Solitude. The moment she came to the arena, she also noticed Clark fighting with the skills of the Amazons, and she also showed a satisfied smile.

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