The enemy was in a hurry to escape.

On the Ark, everyone felt desperate as they watched Superman approaching rapidly. Even Damian, who inherited Batman's mantle, found it difficult to remain calm at this moment.

In this situation, he was still able to manage his expression well, which was already the limit.

The survivors here had all been protected by Superman, so naturally, they were also very clear about Superman's power, until Superman was able to completely destroy the two Arks carrying their 14 million lives in a breath.

And there was one person who did not retreat at this time, but took a step forward as if he had made up his mind.


Louise's call explained the identity of this person.

Jonathan Kent Jr., the son of Superman, is now the closest person to Superman on Earth.

Under the current circumstances, perhaps only he can barely fight against Superman.

"Joe, you are no match for Clark..."

Louise persuaded him. He understood the current tense situation. If no one could stop Superman, then all 14 million of them would be buried in the universe along with the two arks, and then mankind would be completely extinct.

But even though she knew that only her son had the possibility to stop Superman, as a mother's instinct, she was still unwilling to let her underage child go to the battlefield, not to mention facing his invincible father?

"Mom, there are some things that only I can do, and I must do them."

Little Jonathan gently rejected his mother's retention, unzipped his coat, revealing the family emblem of the El family and his red and blue Superman suit.

"I will buy enough time, even if I have to fight to the death, I will stop my father from continuing to destroy and kill."

As he said, little Jonathan was about to fly out of the ark, but at this time, Damian grabbed his friend.

"Damian? Are you going to persuade me too? That's not your style."

Damian and Jonathan Jr. have a better relationship than Batman and Superman, but in the final analysis, Damian grew up under Batman's training. In this situation, it is Damian's instinct to make the right judgment.

"No, I just want to give you something."

As he said that, Damian took out a special smoke sprayer from his bat belt.

"This is a gas that can slow down Superman's speed according to the information left by Batman. After special modification, it can be used in space. But you also know that Superman's speed is far faster than the speed of the sprayer spraying gas, so it must be close to the face to succeed. It's a kind of guarantee..."

In fact, this kind of thing is very dangerous when it is given to Jonathan Jr. to use, because he is also a Kryptonian. The special gas that can work for Superman will also work for Jonathan Jr.

But Damian has no choice. After the virus outbreak, it seems that everyone has experienced a lot, but if you count carefully, it has only been a month.

Damian simply didn't have the time and resources to make his own preparations and research. At this point, all he had to rely on was Batman's legacy. At this point, apart from handing this spray can to Jonathan, Damian couldn't think of any way to deal with Superman who was completely controlled by the virus.

"Thank you."

Jonathan naturally saw that this spray can was also very dangerous for him, but he didn't care, or at this point, he had no choice for any guarantee, even if it was dangerous.

With Damian's gift, Jonathan flew at full speed towards Superman.

At the same time, he just happened to run into Clark, who came from behind at a faster speed and blocked Superman.

"Clark? You're still alive!"

Jonathan's tone was full of surprise. He originally thought that Superman came out to hunt them, which meant that the heroes on Earth had been wiped out. Unexpectedly, Clark was alive and rushed over at this time.

"Joe... go protect... the survivors... I'll... hold Superman..."

Unlike Jonathan, Clark seemed to be trembling with every word he said.

The red kryptonite made his energy absorption disordered. His body didn't care whether it could withstand such a strong energy, and absorbed the solar energy generated by the armor at full speed.

At this moment, Clark felt as if every cell of his body was taken out and roasted in the Flame Mountain.

Although this violent absorption

Collecting the sun's energy gave Clark a powerful force in a short time, and he could even barely match the power of the seriously injured Superman at this time, but even Clark himself was not sure how long his willpower could last.

Jonathan also saw that Clark seemed to be in pain. After shaking his head slightly and rejecting Clark's proposal to let him leave, Jonathan flew to Clark and said only a simple sentence.

"Let's fight together and protect everyone!"

As Jonathan finished speaking, the intercepted Superman took the lead in launching an attack. His body turned into a red light again and rushed towards the two, and the two also rushed towards Superman head-on at the same time.

In the end, Jonathan tried his best to suppress Superman's only remaining left arm, and Clark collided head-on with Superman's torso.

How to describe the force of the collision at this time?

It seems a bit conservative to describe it as a mountain. Clark only felt that he was hit head-on by an asteroid at this time.

Even though he had been enhanced by the powerful reaction force, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

The black armor on his body, which Luthor had gathered all the high-end technologies on Earth to make, had also been seriously deformed at this time.

The armor was originally made to enhance Superman at the necessary moment, but it could not withstand Superman's strength at this time.

But even so, Clark still had no idea of ​​retreating. He desperately pushed Superman in front of him and punched him in the face, but this full-strength blow only made Superman tilt his head slightly, and a scratch appeared on his cheek that recovered in an instant.

Obviously, even with many enhancements, Clark had just obtained the qualification to stop Superman. It was a fantasy to want to defeat Superman. Even Superman, who was seriously injured after his arm was chopped off and his heart was pierced, was not something Clark and Jonathan could face.

The next moment, the terrifying hot sight released by Superman's eyes swept across, almost accidentally injuring the Ark that was constantly moving away in the distance.

Clark reacted in time, grabbed little Jonathan and dodged the attack, but the moon, which was also within the attack range, was not so lucky. A small piece of land was almost flattened by the thermal vision just now, turning part of the land into a huge plain.

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