After saying this, Cyborg stared at Wonder Woman in front of him. He wanted to get an answer from Wonder Woman. At this time, Wonder Woman, who was originally extremely violent, suddenly regained her composure when she heard Cyborg's question. The fierce light in her eyes completely disappeared, as if she had regained her sanity. "No way..." Cyborg knew that the Lasso of Truth was also useful for the infected. When fighting Black Adam, he used the Lasso of Truth to make Black Adam say the word Shazam. But no one had ever thought that the Lasso of Truth could actually restore people to sanity. "What a stupid guy." Wonder Woman spoke, her tone was smooth, and she was completely different from the crazy look of others after being infected. "The answer is very simple. If the virus is born from your body, then the antidote is naturally hidden in your body..."

After saying this, Cyborg felt his mind explode with a bang.

Sure enough, the so-called anti-life equation virus is just an anti-life equation that spreads in the form of a virus. When infected with the virus, it means that one's consciousness has merged with the anti-life equation.

Then naturally, the person who knows how to target the anti-life equation is the anti-life equation itself!

This virus is essentially two parts of the anti-life equation, which were born in Cyborg's body together with the power of death.

While making Cyborg a pathogen, he is also the only one who is immune to the virus because he has the anti-life equation in his body.

The antidote has actually always been in his blood.

Everyone ignored this point, or rather, they tried to avoid studying Cyborg, for fear that something outrageous would be created again from Cyborg's body at this time, thus missing the optimal solution that was right in front of them.

If I had known it earlier.

Cyborg wanted to try harder. He loosened his grip on the Lasso of Truth, rushed to the edge of the cliff, and shouted to the sky, hoping to inform Jonathan, who also had super hearing, in this way.

"Come back! Everyone, the antidote has been found!!"

But Cyborg's call was in vain. At this time, the two arks had left the dead planet under the escort of the Green Lantern Corps, and left the solar system where the star began to extinguish rapidly. Cyborg's call did not receive any response.

The only one who took action was Diana, who had been infected.

Without Cyborg's restraint, she easily broke free from the Lasso of Truth, rushed to the defenseless Cyborg from behind, and grabbed his head tightly.

Cyborg's body was too fragile under Diana's power. His head was twisted off, and he fell into the endless abyss with his unconscious body.

The people who remain on Earth will face a more difficult threat than Superman, a demigod who is completely dedicated to killing, Wonder Woman Diana.


After an unknown amount of time, the two arks carrying the hope of mankind arrived at a new land, where they saw a blue planet very similar to the Earth, with green land and blue ocean. This will be the place where the hope of mankind lies in the future.

On the observation deck, Louise and little Jonathan stood here, looking at this planet as beautiful as the Earth.

They knew that the danger did not disappear because of their escape, and the monsters were still chasing them behind them.

But the next story belongs to them in the future.


In Kansas, Richard came to the edge of the cliff alone. The nearby residents who wanted to watch the excitement had been persuaded to leave by him. With the help of Franklin, this kind of thing can be done easily.

But just when Richard prepared his equipment and wanted to enter the cliff to find out, his phone suddenly rang.

Looking at the name of the caller, Richard frowned.

Obviously, the person who called Richard didn't like him, but he had to answer the call.

"What's the matter? I remember I've asked for leave, and my nephew is missing. Can't I have some personal time to deal with my personal affairs?"

The person on the other end of the phone seemed not to hear Richard's extremely complaining tone, and spoke to himself.

"We found a huge energy reaction in Kansas. According to the location, you are very close to the location of the energy reaction. It seems that you have already started the investigation, right?"

Richard looked at the bottom of the cliff and nodded.

"You wouldn't believe it if I said no, right? And after this call, I will definitely throw away this phone."

The man on the other end of the phone still ignored Richard's complaints and continued.

"In that case, please start the investigation immediately and report the situation later. The rest of the team is heading to where you are."

After that, the other party hung up the phone unilaterally.

This scene made Richard helpless. If Benjamin had thought it through earlier, the two brothers would have started a business earlier, so that he would not have been involved in such troublesome things.

But he didn't eat, who made Richard himself curious about what the falling sun was?

After getting ready, Richard started to rappel directly. His skilled movements did not look like a scientist who had worked in the Austen Group, but like a well-trained agent.

Soon, he arrived at the bottom of the cliff, but the person he saw next shocked him.

"How could it be!!"

Richard learned from Benjamin that they encountered a tornado on the road and he fainted, but when he woke up again, Clark was completely gone.

Because Benjamin was also injured, Richard searched nearby during this time.

But who would have thought that the one who fell into the cliff like the sun was actually his nephew?

Seeing the only remaining S logo on Clark's chest, Richard's outrageous guess seemed to be confirmed.


Although the experience was very similar, Richard never really thought that Clark was still the Superman, after all, the latter was just a fictional character in a comic.

But now it seems that even if he doesn't want to believe it, this is the fact.

Holding up his nephew's thin body due to the energy explosion, Richard suddenly heard the roar of the propeller above his head.

At this time, he realized that his troublesome organization had come to his door.

Richard realized that he couldn't let the other party know the specialness of his nephew. He smashed the ringing phone in his arms without hesitation, and ran to the bottom of the cliff with Clark in his arms.

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