The man was in a state of panic, and the man was in a state of panic.

Logan's fist extended three metal claws, two of which were already inserted into the pillar, fixing the man in place, and the claw in the middle was slowly extended, and finally gently pressed against the man's neck.

If Logan wanted, he only needed to fully extend the claw to pierce the man's neck and kill him.

"Logan! Don't kill people!"

Clark was also startled by this sudden scene. Now he is only gradually recovering his super senses, and his x-vision has not yet recovered. Naturally, he doesn't know that Logan is not an ordinary person.


At this time, accompanied by the sound of bullets being loaded, a shotgun was already aimed at Logan's head.

The tavern owner who was standing behind the bar took out his shotgun at some point and pointed it at Logan in front of him.

"Get out of here, monster."

Seeing this, Clark wanted to step forward to stop him.

"I'm sorry, sir, Logan may have been a little impulsive, but after all, he was the first to start..."

But before Clark finished speaking, the boss shouted loudly.

"Get out of here, don't force me to shoot you first, the little monster who stayed with the monster."

As he said this, the boss even vaguely pointed the gun at Clark, which frightened Clark so much that he took a step back. Now that he had no superpowers, it was almost impossible for him to withstand a shotgun bullet.

At this time, Logan moved.

He released the hand that was pressing on the man's chest and slashed backwards.

The sharp claws also stretched out, and in the blink of an eye, the shotgun in the boss's hand was cut in half.


The boss's confidence came entirely from the shotgun in his hand, and when the shotgun was cut open and gunpowder was scattered all over the ground, he instinctively raised his hands.

Logan already knew how sharp his claws were, and naturally no one wanted to try it out for themselves.

After releasing a man who was pinned on a beam, the strong man who had the courage to hit the man's head with a baseball bat had collapsed on the ground.

He could feel that the murderous aura emanating from the monster in front of him was not false, and the other party had really killed people and really dared to kill people in public.

After surviving the disaster, he naturally collapsed on the ground, greedily breathing the air and feeling the beauty of life.

"Old man."

Logan, who released the man, walked in front of the boss and grabbed the other party's collar with his clawed hand.

"It's no problem to deal with monsters, but even monsters can't point guns at children."

Logan's eyes were full of anger. Although he and Clark had only spent half a day together, protecting children is an instinct engraved in every living being.

The boss's behavior of taking out his anger on others and even children because of personal emotions naturally angered Logan.

"Okay, Logan, let's go..."

Just when the boss thought he was going to be beaten, Clark finally stood up and persuaded him, which made Logan gradually calm down.

"Let's go..."

As he said that, Logan quickly left the tavern, and Clark hurriedly followed after showing an apologetic smile to many ordinary customers in the tavern.

But what the two didn't know was that as the two left, a figure who wrapped himself tightly also left the tavern after looking around.

In the RV (the author had misunderstood and wrote it as a truck before.)

Clark sat in the cab skillfully, and here Logan started the engine silently.

"Boy, aren't you afraid?"

When the car roared, Logan suddenly asked. In today's world, it is quite normal for a child to trust a stranger, but it is rare for a child to trust a mutant.

Under the smearing of governments and some real mutant incidents, the name of mutants can be said to be rotten.

"What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of you, Logan?"

"I mean mutants..."

Thinking that Clark didn't understand, Logan simply named his identity, that is, mutants.

But Clark still behaved very calmly, without any fear.

"Why should I be afraid? First of all, you are Logan and a kind person who is willing to help me, right? As for mutants, everyone has some extraordinary places."

Clark is not unaware of the existence of mutants, but unlike ordinary families, Benjamin and May

I told Clark to be careful of mutants, but I also made it clear that not all mutants are evil, they are just ordinary humans.

In addition, Clark himself has superpowers, so he naturally does not feel repulsive to mutants.

On the contrary, because of today's experience, Clark clearly saw the world's rejection of mutants.

According to the news on TV, the US President believes that reaching a consensus on mutant management is the focus of this meeting.

Obviously, the other party started first, and Logan did not even hurt anyone, but the boss pointed a gun at his head.

Such an unfair experience made Clark realize the difficulties of mutants.

"I have to say, you kid once again impressed me."

Logan smiled. He never thought that the one who suited his taste so well was actually a kid under ten years old.

"Go back to the RV and take a nap. We have to travel overnight."

Clark nodded and returned to the RV, while Logan drove the vehicle towards New York with a faint smile on his face.

With the sound of the vehicle engine, Clark fell into a deep sleep.

The big move with Superman exhausted all his strength, and he was still weak after waking up. He was really too tired.


The sun rose slowly, and when he felt the vehicle stopped, Clark opened his eyes.

"Where is this?"

Clark did not get a response from Logan, and then he found that Logan had gotten off the car, and the sound of Logan communicating with someone came from outside the car.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry, I just want to take a ride..."

Clark got up and slowly walked down the RV. Sure enough, he saw Logan communicating with a girl about sixteen or seventeen years old.

"Logan, what happened?"

Noticing Clark waking up, Logan's face looked a little better. God knows what happened. This kid could secretly get on his car and was not discovered by him for a whole night.

"Nothing, just a hitchhiker. It's okay now. Let's go."

As he said that, Brother Luo threw the other party's luggage on the ground and planned to return to the car.

The girl also said at this moment.

"Please, I just need to go to the nearest town. I need your help."

"I'm sorry, I don't care."

In the face of strangers, Logan has always kept a distance, but Clark, who has received Logan's help, knows that Logan is just self-righteous and indifferent. In fact, he is still a kind person in his heart.

"Logan, the nearby town is not far from here, please help."

Looking at Clark who persuaded him, Logan sighed. If he really wanted to abandon a girl in the wilderness, he couldn't do it. Since Clark has already spoken for him, what else can he say?

"Okay, you are all good people, and I am the bad guy, right? Get in the car, kid, go to the car and have a rest."

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