The old man was very happy.

"Where am I?"

Under the care of everyone, Logan woke up quickly. When he opened his eyes, he saw Clark and Charles sitting in front of his bed.

"It seems that you are okay."

"Where is the little rascal? How is he?"

Although the person who made Logan unconscious was the little rascal, the first person Logan cared about after waking up was also the little rascal.

"She is fine and has returned to her room to sleep now."

Or all the students have been comforted by the teachers.

"That's good..."

Logan breathed a sigh of relief, but even though he had woken up at this time, he could still feel a strong sense of powerlessness.

After experiencing it himself, he finally understood why the little rascal had to wrap himself up tightly.

"Her ability is to absorb life force through skin contact. If the target is a mutant, then she will absorb the mutant's superpowers."

Charles explained the little rascal's superpowers, and Logan also felt a little scared at this time.

"She almost killed me..."

"If the time is longer, then yes."


Logan's awakening made everyone feel relieved, and they all returned to their rooms to rest. Clark was the same. The college arranged a brand new room for him and Benjamin to live in.

However, at this time, both father and son had no idea of ​​resting.

Sitting at the head of the bed, Benjamin asked after struggling for a while.

"Clark, can you tell me what you have experienced during this period?"

Others don't know, but Benjamin knows that Clark is a child who is very afraid of pain. Although he is almost never injured due to his physical condition, every time he is injured, the child always lies in May's arms and cries.

But for such a child, Benjamin learned from Charles that when they met Clark, Clark had extensive burns all over his body and his cervical vertebrae were broken by brute force.

He didn't dare to think about it carefully. What exactly did Clark go through in this month to make a child who would cry in his mother's arms so strong.

Others might be pleased with Clark's growth, but in Benjamin's opinion, he only felt extremely distressed.


Clark could see the worry in Benjamin's eyes, but he would not hide anything from his parents and told them all about his travel to the world of DC comics and his experience in that world.

Although he had roughly known from Richard that his child was Superman in the comics, when Benjamin really learned from Clark that he had even traveled to the world where Superman really existed, he was still scared.

"Parallel world?"

"Clark, do you think you will travel through time again in the future?"

Benjamin knew from Clark that there was no sign of this travel through time, and even Clark himself did not know why it happened.

"I don't know, but it is likely that it will happen."

Clark shook his head. Although after Luther's tutoring, his knowledge reserves were more than that of ordinary college students to some extent, but no one knew whether travel through time would happen again without detailed research.

"Is that so?"

Benjamin pondered for a moment and made up his mind.

Parker Biotechnology Company is now fully formed in the biological field. Even without her and Richard working in it, it can run normally. Some time ago, he had been thinking about which direction the company should develop if it wanted to develop new business. Since such a thing happened to his child, there was no need for him to hesitate.

High technology, this will be the development direction of Parker Group. Even if he can't make money, as long as he can protect Clark in the future, he will continue to develop in this area.

Benjamin naturally didn't tell Clark about his thoughts. After all, telling Clark would have no effect except to make him feel guilty about them.

"Rest, Clark. We'll go home tomorrow. Your mother has prepared many dishes you like, and your aunt Mary is about to give birth."

Richard's child is about to be born. This was the news before Clark traveled through time. As early as that time, Mary had already entered the period of waiting for delivery.

As for Clark's future

's younger brother, whose name had already been chosen.

Peter Parker, a very popular and ordinary name, but for some reason, Clark always felt as if he had heard of this name somewhere?


The night passed quickly, and in the afternoon of the next day, after investigation, Benjamin planned to take Clark away after confirming that Magneto had not noticed Clark at all.

This was also Charles' idea.

Now that the X-Men and Magneto are about to clash again, even if Benjamin is someone worth winning over, it is better to stay away from the center of the conflict as much as possible.

After all, Magneto's target is not Clark, and Clark is not a mutant.

"Dad, wait a moment, I'll go find someone."

After Clark said this, Benjamin knew that Clark must be concerned about the girl's emotions and wanted to say goodbye in person.

He naturally had no opinion on this, caring for others and being kind-hearted, this is his child, Clark Parker.

"I'll wait for you here."

Nodding, Clark left here and walked towards the lawn.

If I saw it correctly when I came out, the little rascal should be alone on the lawn chair.

But when Clark walked to the lawn of the college, he didn't see the little rascal at all.

"Have you returned to the room?"

In order to find the little rascal quickly, Clark directly used x time to scan the entire teaching building.

But looking at it this way, the little rascal was indeed not seen, but a familiar figure was seen at the door of a huge underground facility.


Although the time of knowing each other was very short, with Clark's super brain, it was not difficult to remember all the students in the entire college.

Judging from the figure, the figure should be the beast Hank, but didn't the other party just say goodbye to him at the entrance of the college?

And the next second, Clark's doubts were answered.

I saw that the original Hank's body began to change rapidly, and even the bones changed. In a blink of an eye, he turned into Professor X.

Now, even Clark can be sure that the unknown figure is the enemy.

Because everyone knows that Professor X needs a wheelchair to move.

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