The two of them were so excited that they were shocked.


Nick Fury took a deep breath, and Coulson didn't dare to speak at this time.

They had to admit that they were a little too naive.

According to the investigation and character profiling, they had already discovered that their Superman's personality was completely different from that in the comics.

But the position of director is still considered a high position, and Nick Fury still has a kind of pride in Superman in his heart, which is inevitable even for a calm person like him.

"I understand."

It can be said that Superman does not pursue their forcing Richard to disappear, which can be said to be the best news. In this case, it is better to be honest now, and make unnecessary tests, and wait until the matter is over.

"Superman, is the mutant war so serious that you need to enter the sun to absorb energy?"

This is the reason why Nick Fury came to find Clark this time.

Even Charles only knew a little about the Phoenix power in Jean's body, let alone him. With their intelligence, he could only barely know that there was another battle between mutants, and knew nothing else.

Clark nodded, understood the reason why the other party came here, and did not hide too much.

"Among the mutants, there is a person who has a powerful energy parasitic from the universe in her body. Now she has been controlled by this energy. I will go to fight her soon."

"Do you need help? Or what can we do..."

Nick Fury did not question the authenticity of Clark's remarks, not only because of his understanding of Clark's character, but also because he knew that Clark had no need to deceive them.

"Help? Really."

Clark said after thinking for a moment.

"I will try my best to transfer the battlefield between me and the enemy to the universe, but you should also be able to see from my attitude that the enemy is not ordinary, so be prepared for evacuation and rescue, and it is best to act immediately from this second."

After saying that, when Nick Fury wanted to continue asking some questions, such as who the parasitic mutant was, he turned around and suddenly found that Clark had disappeared from the spot without a trace.

"Where is Superman?"

"Director, while you were thinking with your head down, Superman had already left."

"Damn it."

Nick Fury cursed inwardly.

"It's obviously Superman, why does he talk like Batman? Coulson, summarize the information you just got from Superman into a report. I need to talk to those guys in the Security Council immediately. It's time for them to take it seriously."


"Enough, stop it."

After leaving, Superman came to the laboratory in a blink of an eye. It happened that he encountered the scene where the X-Men were completely wiped out by the desperate Eric, leaving only Logan to face the enemy alone.


Watching Clark coming, Eric felt his head, which was already a headache due to overdrawing his abilities, become even more painful.

"So you have made a choice to stand on the side of humans and exterminate mutants together? Is this Superman's choice?"

Clark slowly landed on the ground and shook his head at Eric's question.

"I don't belong to any side, and I have never thought about exterminating mutants."

"Then what you are doing now is different from extermination. 40 years ago, you talked about the future of mutants. After 40 years, I have not seen anything at all!"

Clark's eyes moved slightly. He didn't expect Eric to remember what happened 40 years ago.

"You didn't expect it, Superman. I once took off my helmet for the future you talked about. As a result, the terrible reality 40 years later made me remember that you are an out-and-out liar. You don't have the ability to give mutants a future. Even you are being watched by the whole world at this time. You will only be more restricted than the mutant group."

Clark was silent. Eric was right. Compared with mutants, he is now the one who is truly watched by the whole world. Everyone is watching his every move. After all, there is no accurate judgment on whether mutants can destroy the world, but Superman definitely has the ability to destroy the world.

"You are right."

Clark admitted this, but soon changed the subject.

"But that was me in the past. Now there is only one thing I need to do, which is to stop this meaningless battle."

"In that case..."

Eric's upper and lower teeth bit together desperately, making a harsh sizzling sound.

"Then let's fight for our lives!"

Shouting and roaring, Eric used all his strength to launch an attack.

When he was young, he also had the power to threaten the whole world, and he could shake the bottom of the entire earth at the same time and reverse the magnetic field of the entire earth.

But now, even if he gambles his life, he can only make this isolated island carrying the laboratory begin to tremble constantly. His ability to control the magnetic field has become so weak.

The sand and stones on the ground seem to have nothing to do with metal on the surface, but because they are mixed with metal elements, they can be used by Eric at this time.

These stones rushed towards Clark at a speed faster than missiles, and directly hit Clark who did not dodge.

But in front of Clark who can rely on his strength to crack the earth, the consequence of these stones and metals colliding at high speed can only be to break himself into pieces.

And then, Eric once again controlled the metal elements exposed on the surface due to the shattering of the stones, and transformed them into molecular-level sharp blades one by one, and attacked Clark again.

But this attack that Clark had spent a lot of effort to avoid three years ago, now he couldn't get close at all. These blades couldn't even break through the biological standpoint and broke in the air.

"Bastard! Bastard! Bastard!"

Eric roared and spit out a mouthful of blood, and the power of the magnetic field increased again. Obviously, he had overdrawn his body even more.

The entire laboratory on the isolated island was torn into pieces, turning into countless pieces of rubble, attacking Clark from all directions.

Clark completely ignored such attacks and instead turned his attention to the scientific researchers hiding in the buildings.

In less than a second, Clark rescued all the researchers who were in danger because of the attack, and transferred them to a city far away from the isolated island for refuge, and returned to the original place.

Eric knew nothing about this.

He controlled countless stones and metals to wrap Clark up, forming a huge rock ball, and as new metals and stones were constantly added, the pressure in the center of the stone ball continued to expand.

But everyone, including Eric, knew that this level of attack would have no effect on Clark.

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