"Yes, Doctor. We've found a peculiar mutation in the genes of mice. "

"These anomalies are really special, and we need to study the guinea pigs further."

"Yes, Doctor. So what should we do next?".

"We look at the genetic sequence of the mice and then find a special place to incorporate it into the potion. "

"It's the Doctor. "

So, Peter and Connors began experimenting.

They put the genetic sequences of the mice into the computer and studied them, looking for special anomalies. They carefully examined each genetic sequence and finally discovered a special anomaly.

Next, they need to incorporate this particular mutation into the potion. They began experimenting with genetic mutations in mice into the potion. They carefully operate every step to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the elixir.

The fusion process is a slow process that requires a lot of parameters and some data.

Peter and Connors were always busy, experimenting and tweaking.

They didn't pay attention to the time at all when they were engaged in the experiment, or because Connors was a little tired from doing the experiment because of his own hands, and he accidentally glanced at the time during the break.



"What's wrong, Doctor?".

"It's not early, if I hadn't rested and looked at the time, your family would have been worried so late. "

Peter also looked at the time.

"Well, Doctor, I'll go first, and you should rest early. "

"Okay, Peter. Remember to come back tomorrow, we still have experiments to do. "

Peter nodded, packed up his lab equipment, and left the lab. He walked home with anticipation and excitement in his heart.

When he got home, Peter did not sleep, but waited for Uncle Ben and Aunt May to fall asleep and then put on a spider suit to fight crime in the city.

Peter walked through the city at night, his spider suit glistening in the moonlight. He uses his agility and ability to walk against walls to make his way through the city.

On a remote street, Peter spotted a gang of thieves robbing a small supermarket. He sprang into action, firing spider silk into the roof and hanging down, silently landing behind the thieves.

The thieves were engrossed in the contents before them, oblivious to Peter's arrival.

"Hey man, look behind you. "

As they all turned, Peter instantly released the spider silk and bound the thieves tightly.

"Don't resist, it's useless. "

Seeing this, the remaining thieves looked around in horror, trying to find the attacker. However, Peter had already used his speed and agility to circle behind them and release the spider silk again, subduing them one by one.

"It's useless. "

Peter subdued them, picked up the thief's cell phone, called the police station, and continued through the streets of the city without staying long.

After Peter had wandered into the streets in the middle of the night without pedestrians, he returned home, and Peter's expression was unusually happy, but his eyes sparkled with satisfaction.

The next morning, Peter dragged his sleepy body to the laboratory again because he had slept too late last night and had woken up early today.

"Peter, you look a little tired. Dr. Connors looked at Peter and said worriedly.

"Doctor, I had something to do last night, so I slept late. But it won't delay the experiment. Peter explained.

"All right, Peter. We still have important experiments to do today. We need to further investigate the genetic mutations in mice to see if we can find more clues. "

Peter nodded and began to prepare the experimental equipment. They started a new experiment to continue studying the genetic mutations in mice. They carefully observed the mice's performance and reactions, recording every detail.

The experiment went on all day, and Peter and Connors kept busy. They are constantly experimenting and tweaking, recording every piece of data. Their eyes are full of focus and enthusiasm.

Finally, at noon, a new clue was found in the genetic mutation of the guinea pig.

"Doctor, what should we do next?" asked Peter.

"The next step is for us to incorporate this particular mutation into the potion. Dr. Connors replied.

So, they started a new experiment. They incorporated the genetic mutations of the mice into the potion, carefully manipulating each step to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the potion.

In the process of integration, they encountered many difficulties and challenges. But instead of giving up, they kept experimenting and adjusting.

"Next we need to do clinical trials. Dr. Connors replied.

So, they started experimenting.

An experimental mouse was taken out again, and the agent was injected into the body of the mouse, and the forelimbs of the mouse were reborn at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Peter began to count the time. "

"It's the Doctor. "

Peter began to clock in, and they watched the changes in the guinea pig. They carefully recorded every detail, including the mice's reactions and performance.

They found that the mice regenerated much faster than before, and the results were more significant.

"Doctor, this potion works very well!" Peter said excitedly.

"Yes, Peter. The effect of this potion is very significant. But we'll see if we can succeed!" Dr. Connors said solemnly.

While waiting, they began to sort through the experimental data and some genetic material.

Time passed little by little, and there were still no signs of death from the mice.

"Did we succeed?" Dr. Connors said excitedly.

Peter was also glad that their efforts had not been in vain, and that the potion had worked even better than expected.

"Doctor, what should we do next?" asked Peter.

"Next, we need to further refine the agent to improve its effectiveness and safety. And observe this experimental mouse to see if there are any side effects. "

"At the same time, we also need to conduct human clinical trials to verify the efficacy and safety of the agent. "

"It's the Doctor. "

"By the way, Doctor, we don't ......."


Ask for flowers, ask

for collections, ask for evaluation votes

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