“Aunt Mercy Feng, can I ask about the next training plan?”

“It’s 200,000 meters every day these days, I don’t feel any special meaning, Ge Xiaolun’s group of dicks still have melee combat lessons, we…”

Speaking of this, Du Qiangwei’s face was full of resentment, and she obviously felt that she and Qilin Weiying were treated differently.

“Rose, the foundation must be solid, this is a necessary process.” Mercy shook his head helplessly.

“This can also be regarded as preparation for the upgrade of your Shenhe genes.”

“You must know that if you rashly upgrade the Shenhe gene for you without enough knowledge, reaction, and combat effectiveness, it will often do more harm than good.”

“You still have a lot to learn, otherwise your brain can’t keep up with your body, and you will be counted dead by others.”

“I don’t want you to be proficient, more or less knowledgeable, even if you don’t know it, you must understand, it’s better to know how to run and how to crack.”

“God-level battles are not as simple as rushing up with knives and axes, if you really think so, you will definitely die.”

“Now, it’s time to lay the groundwork for you.”

“I understand this~” Rose Wei was suddenly deflated: “It’s ..”

“The important lessons are after tomorrow~” Mercy Feng gently stopped his pace: “Can’t come in a hurry!” ”

“After the arrival of the Sun Light Tirena, your training plan will change substantially.”

“You will be divided into two different teams, and you will be the core of one of them, so take advantage of these days to prepare yourself.”

“Moreover, what you will have to learn by then will be countless times more complicated than just running now.”

The words fell, and without waiting for Rose to reply, Mercy Wind took another step.

Du Qiangwei was stunned, and then suddenly raised her hand: “Aunt Mercy Feng: Wait a minute… One more thing…”

“Huh?” Mercy Feng turned around a little puzzled: “Is there any more problem?” ”

“Microwormhole handling… I’ve reached the bottleneck~” Du Qiangwei skimmed her head:

“I wonder if there is a better route forward? Or is there a mastery of this … God…”

“..” Looking at Du Rose in front of him, the corners of Mercy Feng’s mouth hooked: “Yes, yes, I just don’t know if you want to find it.” ”

“Rose, it’s good to be a little arrogant, but… It’s a bad thing to be overdone, and now you can put everything you used to and choose to be here… Resume. ”

“He just wants to sharpen your temperament now, you should know about it, right?”

“Girls’ dormitory, he should be entertaining distinguished guests over there in the dormitory building now, if you want to go, go find him!”

“By the way, remember to remind one when you go back, the next courses will almost always be practical classes, starting today.”

“That’s it.”

Nodding towards Rose, Mercy Wind turned the corridor, leaving Du Rose, who was silent beside the corridor, not knowing what she was thinking.

“Girls’ dormitory? Guest? Thinking of what the wind said just now, Du Qiangwei expressed a little doubt.

“Rose, what did Chief Mercy Wind say?” Looking at Du Qiangwei, who had a strange expression, Qilin and Wei Ying, who had just arrived, expressed curiosity one after another.

“It’s nothing~” Du Qiang returned to his senses and said softly: “Just let me inform you that we are also going to start the practical combat course, starting today.” ”

“Starting today?” Qilin gently turned her head to look out the window: “This… That’s right, Rose, the sun is already going down? ”

“I know, but~” Du Qiangwei shook her head gently: “That’s the notice I received.” ”

“Actual combat~~” Wei Ying’s face was solemn: “Can we do it?” ”

“If you can’t do it~” Qi said in a deep voice: “There must be some performance.” ”

“Are you sure it’s tonight?”

“OK!” Rose nodded.

“Then it seems that you need to prepare!” Seeing that Rose was sure, Qilin did not doubt him.

“Then I’ll inform the beaver!” Nodding towards Qilin, Wei Ying turned and walked in the direction of the cafeteria.

In the same training ground, the four women are in contact with each other quite well, and they all say that the three women are one play… Although several of them didn’t know each other before, their relationship is still okay.

Taking off her helmet, Qilin spoke again: “Rose, do you know who we are fighting against today?” Wouldn’t that be the crocodile? ”

“No~” Rose shook: “That crocodile is too strong, we can’t be its opponent at present, as for who it is, I don’t know the bottom.” ”

Seeing that Rose Wei was not clear, Qilin also shook her head: “Forget it, let’s adapt to the situation, do you want to discuss tactics?” ”

“It can be ~~” Speaking of this, Rose Wei paused in a tone: “You guys wait for me for a while.” ”

The words fell, and without waiting for Qilin to ask something, she walked directly towards the dormitory building with her legs.

“Why are you going to the dormitory?” Looking at the direction Rose left, Qilin frowned slightly.

The top floor of the girls’ dormitory.

Inside the room where Angel Yan and Angel chase.

“Are you sure that’s all you need?” Looking at the unusually ‘unpretentious’ room, Yoruichi said that he was a little surprised.

Leaning on the windowsill, Angel Yan chuckled: “It can be used to rest and drink tea, and casually look at the scenery outside, it is already very good~”

“It’s been like this for thousands of years, I’m used to it!”

Looking at the smiling Angel Hiko, Yoruichi said softly, “If you have time, how about telling me your story?” I was curious. ”

“Do you want to know more about me?” Angel Yan smiled back, and his pretty face was filled with a strange allure.

Yoruichi nodded slightly: “It can be understood that I am quite curious about the past of the angels, this story must be very long.” ”

“There’s nothing to say~”

The wings closed slightly, and Angel Yan sat down gently: “For seven thousand years, I have been repeating in the cycle of fighting, resting, and fighting. ”

“I’m either fighting, or I’m waiting for a battle, and the thing I think about the most is chasing their safety.”

“My story is not wonderful and may even be a little bloody.”

“You are a perfect executor~” Yoruichi nodded thoughtfully, “But now, maybe it’s time for you to change your style.” ”

“There is no need to change anything~” Angel Yan shook his head without hesitation: “With Queen Kesha here, I will be an executor.” ”

“Nothing bad, is it?”

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