So much so that he was instantly killed by Lin Fan's counterattack!

And at this time, the giant nano-metal shield that originally existed in front of Lin Fan had disappeared.

Then, Lin Fan looked at Lu Shang, who was raising his head and roaring in pain, but raised his hand slightly, and an extremely dazzling light burst out immediately above the tip of his finger.


This beam of light is like a light, and it cuts directly on the palm of the nano-metal giant sword of the Green Warrior, that is... Matter.

It turned out that Lu Shang's fingers were all cut with deep wounds!

"It's really amazing defense, if that's the case, why don't you try to use your strongest weapon to fight, instead of these nano-metal weapons that are more decorative than actual!


As soon as Lin Fan raised his hand, he had already taken over the nano-metal giant sword that fell from Lu Shang's hand!

Chapter 249 The limit of the green war! (one)

Lin Fan was still quite surprised by the formidable defensive power that Lu Shang possessed.

Because, he could not have imagined that his two consecutive attacks could not completely inflict truly fatal damage on the dark green giant in front of him!

Whether it was the flow of nano-metal particles that burst out when Lin Fan collided before, or the death beam-like ray that Lin Fan stimulated through the power of the demon Buu in his body later. Attacks cannot completely penetrate Lu Shang's body!

It only left deep scars, and this was the most formidable defense Lin Fan had ever encountered so far.

Even the God King Odin, who had reached the peak of his extreme state, was simply not as good as one-tenth and 10% of the defensive power possessed by Lu Shang now.

Compared with the power of Lu Shang, Lin Fan thought that the defensive power possessed by Lu Shang was more impressive.

Therefore, after taking the nano-metal giant sword that fell from Lu Shang's hand with one hand, a curious smile appeared on Lin Fan's face!

That is, whether the anger that Lu Shang can achieve is really like his setting, can continue to grow without an upper limit!

You know, in Marvel's movies, when the Hulk is facing the existence of Thanos, his performance is quite unreliable!

It's not just the super strength that he used to be proud of, not only did he not have any suppressing effect against the unarmed Thanos, but he was even dazed by the punches of the Thanos series, and directly fainted on the ground.

If it weren't for the fact that Loki finally sent the Hulk Hulk back to Earth at the cost of his life, I am afraid that in the first confrontation with Thanos, the Hulk Hulk would have become the one who was killed. the victim.

And what's even more outrageous is that after returning to the earth, the Hulk Hulk seems to have completely cast a psychological shadow on Thanos, and never dared to come out again in the Infinity War!

So much so that the body of the Hulk, Dr. Banner, had to drive the anti-Hulk armor specially modified by Tony Stark for him to participate in the latter Infinity War.

Compared to the state where it has evolved into a green scorpion, it is simply... just like the difference between clouds and mud!

Therefore, Lin Fan decided to seize this opportunity and study what happened to the Hulk!

And after receiving two powerful attacks from Lin Fan in a row, Lu Shang was already shrinking in size!

This also means that Lu Shang has already begun to show a trace of fear in his heart, which makes the power of anger continue to decline!

It's just that correspondingly, along with the size of Lu Shang's body shrinking, the wounds on her body have also begun to shrink correspondingly, so that they don't seem to be so deadly anymore!

"In the face of an attack from a more powerful enemy, will the power of anger be greatly reduced because of fear?"

Chapter 250 The limit of the green war! (two)

The changes in Lu Shang's body at this moment are undoubtedly the weaker ones!

In other words, in the face of the almost irresistible attack from Lin Fan, Lu Shang's anger was constantly disappearing, and his fear was increasing!

Just like the original one... When the Hulk faced Thanos, he was beaten down by a punch!

Lin Fan understood in his heart at this moment that Lu Shang did not mean that he could completely reach the level of infinite anger!

Because, in Lu Shang's heart, there are other emotions that affect the purity of his anger!

It is as if ink has been dripped into the clear water, even if it is only a very slight drop of ink, it will eventually make the clear water: turbid!

That's the problem with Green War becoming weaker!

But this is not what Lin Fan wants to see. What he needs to see is a real green mourning. In his heart, apart from... anger, it is definitely... without any excess emotions. war machine!

Because only such a green war can defeat more members of the Tianshen group!

In the current state of Lu Shang, when facing the members of the Celestial Group, he may be able to kill several members of the Celestial Group, but it is still far from enough!

Once the members of the Tenjin group discover the weakness of Lu Shang, then Lu Shang will undoubtedly be... will be directly dragged down by the weakness and fall into a situation of failure or even death!

You must know that the members of the Tianshen group are at least calculated in units of thousands. Killing a few members of the Tianshen group is simply a drop in the bucket, and it will not have an important impact on the overall situation!

Therefore, at this moment, Lin Fan decided to show some obvious changes in person!

This kind of change is..., to remove the necessary things, to make the green war more pure!

Seeing Lu Shang, who was still roaring in pain, Lin Fan stretched out the palm of his Infinite Gloves and gently pointed out!


Above the infinite gloves, a golden light shone!

A scorching golden beam formed on Lin Fan's fingertips, and then landed on Lu Shang's body in a blink of an eye!

This is... the power of the Mind Stone!

Mind Stones can not only control the consciousness of living beings, but also affect their emotions!

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