This time, Lu Shang, who was hit on the surface of the moon again, was simply unable to stop the impetus from Lin Fan as it did last time!

The moment it hit the surface of the moon, it completely broke the surface of the moon, which was supposed to be hard, and then the figure disappeared in it instantly!

Just left a huge hole in the shape of a clear chevron on this gray-white lunar surface!

But...the next moment...the sound like thunder came from the depths of this herringbone hole!

Then, along with the sound of this thunder, a huge amount of dust also erupted from the depths of the hole!

Immediately afterwards, countless cracks spread madly in all directions centered on the hole where the silhouette of the green wary disappeared!

At the same time, a super earthquake, which is even more terrifying than a tenth-magnitude earthquake, began to appear on the surface of the entire moon!

Lin Fan just held the nano-metal broken sword in his hand indifferently, watching everything happening under his feet!

Chapter 253 Moon Crisis! (two)

When Lu Shang launched a new round of offensive, it was unexpectedly interrupted by Lin Fan again.

Lin Fan had already stopped what he was doing, and instead of pursuing extraneous pursuits, he looked at the surface of the moon under his feet faintly!

At this moment, the surface of the moon is constantly rolling over like a boiling water surface!

Enough to predict what a terrible scene is now happening under the surface of the moon!

Finally... rumble!

When all the great commotion has subsided!

An incomparably huge, already more than one-tenth of the moon's volume by about 10%: a huge gap appeared on the surface of the moon!

Obviously...the moon at this already badly damaged!

The gap that occupies nearly one-tenth and 10% of the overall volume is directly... It makes the entire moon look like an apple that was originally kept in a round shape, and it is ridiculous that a piece is directly bitten off!

If such damage continues to occur, I am afraid that the moon will usher in the end of destruction!

In fact, it is not only the surface of the moon that has been damaged to a terrifying degree now because of that huge impact!

Even the orbit of the moon has changed significantly at this moment!

The moon can be said to have basically entered the countdown to extinction!

...watching bystanders watching this battle on the moon, there are multiple!

That's the ones that are all in space battleships...Superheroes!

At this moment, the superheroes are watching the battlefield on the moon through the huge screen on the space battleship!

Seeing that Lu Shang was repelled again and again, but fought back again and again, many superheroes were already so excited that they almost jumped in place!

But it is a pity that almost every counterattack of Lu Shang has only achieved a weak effect that can hardly be counted!

But no matter what, Lu Shang seems to be slowly becoming stronger and gradually chasing after the strength of that man!

At this moment, the future Tony Stark, who had lost his nano-metal suit and became a mortal, suddenly appeared two figures!

Those two figures are the Supreme Mage Gu Yi and the future Supreme Mage's Doctor Strange!


Your suit..."

Ancient One Mage looked at the future Tony Stark with an ugly face!

For.. the ancient master who was once the owner of the time gem is naturally one of the existences who can see through the timeline, so the ancient master can be said to be the most able to accept and understand these...... People in the situation of future superheroes!

When the future Hulk, who incarnated as Lu Shang, was challenging the invincible man on the moon, Master Gu Yi immediately rushed to the future Tony Stark's side, wanting to make sure of the other party's situation!

"No big problem!

Nano metal can be made again, and now my nano metal has been all used by Dr. Banner, although it doesn't seem to have any effect!


In the future, Tony Stark's eyes looked a little lonely and said!

Chapter 254 Lunar Crisis! (three)

The incomparably lonely emotional change on Tony Stark's face at the moment is a very normal thing!

Because, nano-metal can be said to embody the strongest means that Tony Stark currently has!

And from the scene, judging from the pictures that were conveyed back, Tony Stark's strongest means was not only that he could not help Lu Shang to establish any advantages!

It's even still: just turned around and became an accomplice to hurt Lu Shang!

And the last nano-metal giant sword actually fell into Lin Fan's hands, and he used it to give Lu Shang a head-on blow!

From here, we can also see the inadequacies of this method belonging to technology!

That is the lack of late-stage potential, and there is a huge barrier between each subsequent technological progress. If you want to enter the next level, you need to pay a huge price to completely break it. These heavy barriers!

The characteristics of this development direction of science and technology are... in the early stage, you can have gunpowder weapons and mid-term laser weapons... Powerful means of attack, as well as rapid and replicable development means!

In addition, in terms of creating a real powerhouse, it seems to be much inferior!

For example, Tony Stark is... a most typical example. After losing the nano metal suit, he is just a mortal body!

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