If it weren't for the ancient one's calculation of magic, he predicted that Doctor Strange has the potential to succeed him, and he would not have brought Doctor Strange here!

Chapter 265 Traces of Reality Gems! (two)

Although it is said that Master Gu Yi is bringing his own future successor, so that he can receive as much experience and see as much of the world as possible, so that he can progress fast enough!

Because Master Gu Yi knew very well that even if Lin Fan didn't show up, his own life would have been exhausted!

As a supreme mage cultivated in the body of a mortal, although the ancient mage can have the magic power of moving mountains and reclaiming seas, there is still one thing that cannot be escaped!

That is the limit of human lifespan. As a supreme mage who has survived for more than 400 years, the ancient master is relying on the extraction of dark mana from the dark latitude to prolong his life!

But at the same time, the dark mana is also corroding the soul of the ancient wizard!

One day, when the ancient master's soul is corroded to the limit of the ancient master's tolerance, the ancient master will completely change from good to evil!

Become a Dark Master Mage more terrifying than Dormammu!

That's why when Lin Fan met Master Gu Yi, he said the words that the warrior who slaughtered the dragon eventually became an evil dragon!

And now, with the arrival of that day, it can be said that only the second half of the year is left!

Therefore, Master Gu Yi, who had long expected that day to come, was already prepared and chose to train Doctor Strange to take his place!

And bringing Doctor Strange here is just to let Doctor Strange realize the power of Lin Fan!

However, the Gu Yi Mage, who had calculated thousands of calculations, couldn't calculate it. Lin Fan's purpose this time was to include Doctor Strange in front of him!

It can be said that it took no effort to get it, but since Doctor Strange is still standing in front of Lin Fan with a face of ignorance, then Lin Fan does not need to worry any more!

Because the opponent is now like a bird in a cage, and he can't escape Lin Fan's palm at all!

Now Lin Fan doesn't need to worry about Doctor Strange!

And only need to concentrate on another purpose of his trip!

That's... the remaining Infinity Stones!

Lin Fan intends to let these superheroes from the earth help him find out!

Now that Lin Fan is in the sight of the members of the Heavenly God Group, if he wants to take action in person or send his own men to search for the Infinity Stones as before, he will definitely be very strongly hindered!

It may even lead to more fierce confrontations among the members of the Tenjin group!

And in order to solve this small problem, Lin Fan made the decision to let the superheroes willingly find the Infinity Stones for him!

And for these beings who are the protagonists of the plot, the process of finding the Infinity Stones must be easier than Lin Fan!

This is the real purpose of Lin Fan, and also the reason why Lin Fan is willing to sit down and negotiate with Tony Stark!

It's just a pity that the current Tony Stark is obviously not aware of the key to this point!

Therefore, Lin Fan decided to remind the other party a little!

Chapter 266 Traces of Reality Gems! (three)

Obviously, Tony Stark in front of him did not realize the key of this key!

If this is the case, then Lin Fan naturally needs to remind the other party a little. After all, time is always very precious!

"You feel!

Now...or the earth you represent, what qualifications do you have to stand in front of me to bargain?"

Lin Fan looked at Tony Stark lightly, and asked with a hint of indifference in his tone!

After hearing such a sentence, Tony Stark's face suddenly became: a little pale, because, facing Lin Fan's problem, he really didn't have much confidence to carry out Reply!

However, at this moment, the Ancient One Mage, who had been standing behind Tony Stark, suddenly made a sound!

"Although we don't know what exactly you did for this series of actions!

But we believe...there must be something on earth that can make you want it,!

If that's the case, then let's talk openly and openly!

What kind of things you need, we can provide you as a price, but you must also let us understand, who is the third party hidden in this war... Who is it? What kind of intention did it come with!


It seems that being a bystander can make Master Gu Yi's thinking extraordinarily clear, so he directly hit the most critical point of this negotiation!

That is, Lin Fan appeared in the perimeter several times in a row, and he must have come with a certain purpose. If the purpose of Lin Fan's arrival on Earth last time was to capture the time treasure space gem, then this time Lin Fan The purpose of appearing here is probably no more than that.


As a mage professional, your mind is still very clear, if it is not because the lack of dark laws is too serious, you are indeed the most outstanding supreme mage ever!


Lin Fan turned his attention to Master Gu Yi, but at this time he gave a rare compliment to Master Gu Yi.

In the face of such praise from Lin Fan, Master Gu Yi did not change his face, and continued: "If I guessed correctly, you have collected more than half of the Infinity Gems in your hand, and you have already collected more than half of them. Is to obtain the most critical equipment!


After speaking, Master Gu Yi's eyes fell on the golden infinity glove in Lin Fan's hand!

Obviously, the most critical piece of equipment mentioned by Master Gu Yi is... the Infinity Gloves in Lin Fan's hands!

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