I have to say that Lin Fan unknowingly found a way to become a multiverse-level existence!

But so far, Lin Fan has not fully and clearly expected it!

However, as Lin Fan collects more and more perfect gene fragments, such a thing will be realized by Lin Fan himself one day sooner or later!

After waiting until all the illusory shadows following Lin Fan returned to Lin Fan, Lin Fan closed his eyes for a few seconds, then opened his eyes again and walked forward!

This time, Lin Fan's body did not reappear on his body... illusory shadows!

Chapter 311 A win-win situation! (three)

This time, when Lin Fan resumed the movement of walking forward again, some of the previously incomparably illusory appearances never appeared, following him like a shadow clone, repeating the traces of every movement!

It seems to be... a lot more normal, so much so that the appearance of an extremely astonishing abnormal situation just now made many people think that it might be an illusion they saw under their dazzling eyes. , is not true!

However, everyone knows that the hallucinations of one person may still be explained, but if it is said that thousands of people hallucinations occur at the same time at the scene, it is something that cannot be resolved no matter what!

All of a sudden, a huge mystery appeared in the hearts of all the superheroes, and everyone was thinking about the change in Lin Fan just now!

Even Madara Uchiha was extremely curious about why Lin Fan's body had such a change at this time. You must know... even with his writing wheel eyes, at that time just now I can't see any abnormal situation at all, and even in the world of Sharinyan, there are no traces of those illusory shadows just now, everything seems to be just an illusion!

"The situation just now is definitely not an illusion, it must be explained by a certain analysis... However, it is indeed an unimaginable question under what kind of situation will such a change occur. !


At this time, Madara Uchiha had already made a decision in his heart, that is, after returning home, he had to ask Lin Fan what was going on with this change, but before that, Uchiha had Madara may only be able to continue to wait with such doubts!

When Lin Fan stepped down from the throne again, this time he came directly in front of Tony Stark and Doctor Strange!

Then, looking at Tony Stark Linfan said slowly!

"Let's continue what we just talked about!


But Tony Stark looked puzzled, because he didn't know what Lin Fan wanted to discuss!

So much so that Tony Stark felt a little humiliated and questioned Lin Fan at this time!

"That...what we discussed just now..."

"What are the things to discuss"

Lin Fan heard the question from Tony Stark, the representative of all superheroes!

There was also an intriguing change in expression on his face!

Then, with an inexplicable expression change on Lin Fan's face, he said slowly, "Naturally, we are looking for a win-win situation that can satisfy all of us!


A win-win situation: Tony Stark was immediately taken aback!

He also never imagined that Lin Fan would actually give such an answer!

You know, the current Lin Fan can be said to have completely occupied all the favorable situations!

Chapter 312 Surprising reward! (one)

It should have been an absolute advantage situation where he said one, and others dared not say two and two!

Lin Fan actually said that the situation that both parties can achieve a win-win situation is indeed a situation that Tony Stark has never thought of!

For a time, even a being as smart as Tony Stark could not understand Lin Fan's mind completely!

However, for... the current change in Tony Stark's mood, Lin Fan has a complete insight into everything!

In fact, Lin Fan did not lie on this answer!

Lin Fan really wanted to achieve a win-win situation in this cooperation!

The reason why he was able to find out why he chose to bring a win-win situation to the superheroes in such a situation where he obviously had an advantage would not be too disadvantageous!

That's because Lin Fan has already obtained his ultimate goal after coming to Earth this time... that is the Time Stone and the perfect genetic fragment belonging to Doctor Strange!

After finally achieving this final goal, Lin Fan's trip to the earth can be said to have achieved a complete success again... The mood is naturally very good!

So, that is, I don't care about giving some obvious benefits to the superhero side!

After all, no matter what, Lin Fan can use the perfect genetic fragment of the Time Stone this time, it can be said that it is thanks to Master Gu Yi and Doctor Strange!

If it wasn't for the pressure exerted by Lin's trip to the earth, Master Gu had made him find Doctor Strange and accepted him as a disciple in advance, so that he could learn the spells of the Supreme Law in advance, thus successfully activating the perfect gene fragments in his body. if!

Lin Fan is afraid that it will take a lot of work to finally find Doctor Strange, and even find a way to help Doctor Strange activate the perfect genetic fragment in his body!

In this way, it is equivalent to intangibly saving a lot of time for Lin Fan... But for Lin Fan at this stage, time is naturally a very precious thing, after all... Lin Fan can It is said that every minute and every second is due to the members of the Tianshen group doing the race, whoever can run to the finish line faster, then whoever can win!

Since he has already obtained such a huge benefit, Lin Fan is not a stingy person. It is naturally a matter of course to give some of the benefits to the superheroes in front of him!

And not to mention, Lin Fan's taking... a win-win: approach is actually more sensible than unilaterally squeezing out all the value of superheroes!

Because unilateral exploitation can only bring short-term benefits, and only with win-win results for both parties... Under the condition of common development, can the interests of both parties reach a level that can be maintained for a long time. Happening!

The ultimate benefits will far exceed the short-term benefits, this is the choice a wise person needs to make!

When Tony Stark was sure that Lin Fan didn't lie about this answer, and he didn't understand what Lin Fan meant wrongly, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes!

Chapter 313 Surprising reward! (two)

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