The so-called interstellar civilization is not just a battleship that can carry out outer space battles!

Must have the technology to be able to develop and build large-scale civilian interstellar transport ships that can be affordable by civilians, and... also able to operate in various extreme environments that are not suitable for human survival. The technology to build temporary living areas on the planet, and even directly transform the environment of extreme planets that are not inhabitable!

That is to say, when ordinary people on earth can achieve random migration on different planets in outer space, and the cost is only equivalent to the price of a plane ticket in this era!

Only then can it truly be called an interstellar civilization!

The accidental appearance of one or two superheroes who are beyond the norm and can survive in outer space or even jump in space is not enough to represent that the earth has truly entered the category of interstellar civilization!

The current level of Earth science and technology, no matter from which aspect, can be said that such an interstellar civilization still has a very large distance to cross!

Therefore, if the promise made by Lin Fan is true and effective, then... the manpower, material resources and wealth required to push the earth directly into the category of interstellar civilization will be a very terrifying thing. !

I am afraid that only... the Lord of the Dark Quadrant, who is in charge of countless planets and even countless galaxies, can say such words so easily!

Chapter 316 Resurrection of Thor! (two)

When Tony Stark listened to the condition given by Lin Fan, he suddenly felt that his heart rate almost doubled!

Because, this condition is too amazing!

Even Tony Stark, a superhero who has seen many stormy scenes like this, can't help but feel the shock in his heart at this time!

He even wanted to agree to this condition from Lin Fan right away!

You know, if it is in accordance with the normal development law, even with the addition of Tony Stark from the future time period, but want to upgrade the earth as a whole enough to be called a complete interstellar civilization This stage... I'm afraid it will take last year's time to really achieve it!

And it is not necessarily 100% sure, after spending hundreds of years, it must be able to make the earth enter the interstellar civilization!

There must be many difficulties and obstacles in this process, as well as unexpected situations!

So...the success rate of being able to develop smoothly to that stage of interstellar civilization is probably less than 30%.

However, if all of this is joined by the dark quadrant under Lin Fan's control, then everything will become: completely different!

I am afraid that it will only take a few years for the earth to improve the overall technological level to a stage sufficient to reach the interstellar civilization!

This reward, in exchange for the possession of two Infinity Stones, is an absolutely cost-effective thing from what perspective!

However, if Tony Stark is only here to negotiate terms with Lin Fan on his own behalf, then he would naturally agree to come without hesitation!

It's just a pity that the current Tony Stark not only represents himself, but there are thousands of superheroes behind him, and more importantly, billions of human beings on the earth, in this one By then you have taken him as a plenipotentiary figure!

Therefore, Tony Stark must be careful and careful!

After a fierce ideological struggle, Tony Stark made a call to the professor in his mind!

"Give...Please connect my mind...with all the superheroes!

Here I need to reach a complete consensus with everyone!


The professor in the distance, just after the call from Tony Stark's spiritual power!

Without hesitation, he immediately followed Tony Stark's request to link him with the spirits of all the superheroes on the scene!

Suddenly, countless mental shocks filled Tony Stark's brain in an instant. If it wasn't for the protection of the professor's powerful mental power, I'm afraid the current Tony Stark would faint immediately!

However, the current Tony Stark just experienced a very short period of dizziness, and he has already adapted.

Chapter 317 Resurrection of Thor! (three)

The reason why Tony Stark asked the professor to do this is to tell everyone about the problems he is facing now, and whether he needs to agree to the conditions set by Lin Fan!

At this moment, Tony Stark is constantly announcing the content of a preliminary agreement that he and Lin Fan have just reached for the thousands of superheroes. ..and the promises and rewards made by Lin Fan!

Sure enough, as expected by Tony Stark, when he said the promise made by Lin Fan, it turned out to be to directly forcibly upgrade the civilization of the earth from a planetary civilization to an interstellar civilization. A huge sensation!

Thousands of superheroes present at the same time became: excited, and it was still a kind of incomparably excited excitement!

So much so that even if Tony Stark had the protection of the mental power from the grant, he was shocked by the countless mental power shocks to the point of fainting almost instantly!

Because there are too many superheroes talking at the same time!

There are so many that even the teaching cannot calm down at the same time!

So much so that the current Tony Stark has an illusion, that illusion is that there are tens of thousands of flies running rampant in his brain, and even a little bit of clear content cannot be heard clearly!

In the end, out of desperation, I limited the number of people who spoke, and filtered out those... meaningless or repetitive words, and finally allowed Totak to be able to speak. Hear what the majority of people really want to say!

These voices, even after the restriction and after, still seem to be extremely numerous, and among these voices, the most numerous are still the dialogues that have almost the same meaning!

"What are you hesitating about... such a condition!

Of course, you have to agree immediately!

Otherwise, if that guy changes his mind...then we'll lose too much!


"That's right!

This condition is really suitable for our earth. If we only look at the normal development speed, if we want to reach the level of interstellar civilization, we are afraid that it will take hundreds of years and 100 years to achieve it!


"But is there really such a guy in this world who doesn't count on return? You know... how terrifying the resources it takes to elevate an entire planet to the level of interstellar civilization!

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