That is... as long as he can give him a perfect fulcrum, then he can even move the earth directly!

And now, what Jarvis has to do is... find the so-called perfect fulcrum, that is, the balance that Jarvis said!

As long as the existence of this balance point can be found, then Jarvis can increase his own power, that is, the power of the aerospace battleship he completely controls at this moment, thousands of times!

Maybe an ordinary person's fist attack can't knock all the stones.

Once the power of an ordinary person's fist attack is amplified by hundreds or thousands of times, then it is possible to smash an armored vehicle into smashes with ease!

And the aerospace battleship is already very powerful, if it is also amplified by hundreds or thousands, then no one knows what kind of effect it will achieve!

No one has the guts to figure it out!

However, the only thing that can be known is that this force is already huge enough to easily destroy the moon, and naturally it can restore the crumbling moon!

Not even to say that it is to prevent the collapse of a star of the size of the moon, even if you want to prevent the collapse of a star of the size of the earth, it is not a problem at all!

However, all questions must be based on only one premise!

The premise of this is..., we must find that crucial balance point!

And this question is obviously what Tony Stark is most worried about at the moment!

Even after he has thoroughly understood Jarvis' plan, Tony Stark still looks extremely worried!

Because, although Tony Stark knows that Jarvis's plan can have a very reliable chance of success, there is also a very huge risk!

That is... once the balance point mentioned by Jarvis cannot be found, all the things mentioned above will be untenable, and the aerospace battleship is equivalent to It's like killing yourself!

Chapter 357 Balance Point! (three)

Such a desperate move of an aerospace battleship, if it is impossible to find a balance point at the last moment, then it is equivalent to asking for a dead end!

Therefore, Tony Stark is still extremely worried that he can't stop it!

Whether the balance point can be found in the end is the last crucial key!

Therefore, Tony Stark is still expressing such a worried look!

So after listening to all the explanations from Jarvis, he still expressed extreme concern!

"Jarvis!'re still a little too impulsive!

It is very difficult to calculate the balance point, how can you do such a thing easily?"

Tony Stark is not saying that he has no trust in.. Jarvis at all, but just because such a thing is too difficult, it is really impossible to do it, and it is so short-lived In time, it becomes even more difficult!

Even Jarvis, a super artificial intelligence, is simply impossible to complete such a task!

Don't forget, calculating this balance point must require a huge amount of calculation, and the amount of calculation needs to rely on time to accumulate slowly, but in the current situation, what is most lacking is naturally not needed. More to say - it's definitely time!

But what is lacking the most right now is time!

The speed of the current aerospace battleship is already at the limit, and there are only a few minutes left to the moon that is collapsing!

And there is not much time left now. Basically, what can be said is..., when an aerospace battleship here goes to that place on the moon, it is basically necessary to make the final work!

But that last job.

It is something that must be a headache for everyone, because it needs the support of a balance point!

Such difficulty is simply... It is even more difficult to search for a specific person in the whole world in a few seconds!

Even if it is a super artificial intelligence like Jarvis, whether it can do it or not is still a matter of choice!

At least for now, the probability of success is still too low!

However, the current bad situation is not just this. With Jarvis taking all control of the space battleship, in the command room at this moment, those...... The Aegis and the agents who stayed behind to maintain the basic operation of the space battleship all suddenly screamed in surprise!

"what happened!

The battleship is entering a state of automatic sailing, and the destination of the route is... the position of the moon!


"I also lost all control!

It is impossible to make any adjustments to the space battleship at all!


"I'm the same here!

Is it a mechanical failure or a computer problem... This kind of situation has never happened before!


......More and more voices are constantly sounding, and of course it has attracted the attention of many superheroes who have not left!

Chapter 358 Alarmed! (one)

At this time, along with the aerospace warship controlled by Jarvis, it has already begun to deviate significantly from the original navigation track, and it has reached the highest power acceleration and started to sail towards the position of the moon!

The verb is... triggering a series of chain reactions, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. began to sound in the command room immediately.


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