When I saw this scene in front of my eyes, all the superheroes were dumbfounded at the same time!

Everyone has been deceived!

And it is still used in such a stupid way, which makes it even more obvious that everyone is so stupid!

Therefore, all the superheroes who responded at this time all expressed extreme anger at the same time!

It is even more clear that they feel that Tony Stark has betrayed all of them!


Tony has really betrayed us!


"When did this bastard start betraying us, why did he betray us, and what exactly is he trying to do now,!

Why is he going to the moon now!




"Don't say that.... Useless stuff!

Hurry up and think of a way to stop this spaceship!

Otherwise we'll hit the moon soon!


......At this time, there are still a lot of rational voices among the superheroes who have been completely messed up, so these rational voices are the first time to let everyone renew. Found a way to deal with the current situation that is slowly getting out of control!

That is to stop this aerospace battleship!

As long as this space battleship can be stopped, then this huge crisis can be completely stopped!

Therefore, the aerospace battleship at this time is already under the control of Jarvis, and it is getting closer and closer to the moon, so that the moon, which originally seemed extremely distant, seems to be extremely huge at this time!

As if the next moment was about to hit the moon's surface directly!

In such a situation, the superheroes immediately began to be full of power like never before under the extreme sense of oppression, and they all rushed to the front of the electronic instruments... The superheroes with the corresponding special abilities are desperately trying to crack the control of Jarvis, and want to regain control of this spaceship under the artificial intelligence of Jarvis!

But it is a pity that it is impossible for this aerospace battleship to be regained control, because Jarvis can be said to be the strongest artificial intelligence on the earth so far!

There is no existence that ordinary superhero abilities can resist!

............At this moment, after all the superheroes have left the position that surrounded Tony Stark, it was already considered to be an illusory projection by everyone. The two Tony Starks looked at each other!

The eyes of both of them have an unusual light flickering!

Chapter 366 Deterrence! (three)

At this time, when all the superheroes thought that these two existed at the moment, the Tony Stark was completely... some illusory projections, not real physical existence, it was already It's that they don't care about these two illusory projections at all!

Instead... let's focus all our attention on how to regain control of this aerospace battleship!

So, at this time... even though these two are completely... Tony Stark, who exists in the projection, glanced at each other, and then raised a strange smile at the corner of his mouth, respectively, But it was completely undiscovered by any superheroes!

Then... these two virtual projections belonging to Tony Stark turned out to be... After a few flashes in place, they disappeared as quickly as the electromagnetic signals that had been disturbed. , only a cloud of air remains!

Obviously, the two virtual projections of Tony Stark were cancelled at this time!

To accompany the disappearance of these two virtual projections belonging to Tony Stark, on a certain corner of this space battleship... there is a dark room that no one knows about!

In this dark room at the moment, it was already lit up at the same time as the two virtual projections belonging to Tony Stark in the command room disappeared!

With the light on, this special... Obviously the dark room that was deliberately hidden can be seen clearly again!

I saw that in this dark room, the area is not too left and right: the area... and in the room, except... at the most central position, there is a rectangular Except for the steel metal table and two ordinary steel metal chairs, there is nothing superfluous!

At this time, sitting on both sides of a steel metal table, it turned out to be the two figures of Tony Stark who disappeared in the command room!

It's just that the two Tonys tanks that exist in the command room are just virtual projections. What appears here is the real body of Tony Stark, not those virtual projections!

As for why these two Tony Starks from different times were transferred to this dark secret room without attracting anyone's attention in a short period of time, and then replaced by virtual projections !

In fact, it all comes from the credit of Jarvis. The extremely smart Jarvis has already seen the emotional changes of those superheroes, and has already predicted the scene, and it may become: bad situation!

So it was already a step ahead, transferring the two Tonys tanks at the same time, and then replacing them with virtual projections!

At the same time, the scene that appeared in the command room was completely seen by the two Tonys tanks in the room at the same time!

Chapter 367 Critical moment! (one)

That's right!

It's... In this secret room that no one knows about, two Tony Starks belonging to different timelines have both seen the ones just now... what superheroes do Absolutely unqualified performance!

For the sake of his own safety, he actually wanted to directly attack his comrades. This is definitely not the behavior of a qualified superhero!

"These guys are all lack of faith. After they lack belief, they just live for themselves, and selfishness is very normal!

So...it doesn't seem strange to do something like this!


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