Because these superheroes know very well that only when they are strong enough can they shoulder enough burdens to face all kinds of difficulties!

This can also be regarded as some progress for these new generation of superheroes!

Chapter 406 Refactoring! (one)

Just when the two Tony Starks completely ignored the reactions of the new generation of superheroes, they moved at full speed in this steel tunnel at full speed, rushing towards their laboratory!

At the same time... in Tony Stark's laboratory, Jarvis' figure also appeared at this time!

I saw that the figure of Jarvis appeared on the ground at this time, and he also used the method that he had shown before to directly differentiate into countless nanometer-level metal particles. The gaps in the metal ground are like countless dusts appearing in this space, and the pieces are reassembled into a complete individual!

Such a method is naturally full of extremely strong visual impact!

And... it is precisely because of the use of such an almost incredible method that Jarvis' speed can be said to be far beyond Tony Stark's imagination!

It can almost be said that when the two Tony Starks just came out of the secret room, Jarvis' figure was already reassembled in Tony Stark's laboratory, and then Completely came to this laboratory!

And after the figures were completely gathered, Jarvis slowly opened his eyes that were like golden gems!

Then... as if returning to the inside, Jarvis can be said to be extremely clear about the layout of Tony Stark's laboratory. The goal you need to find!

Jarvis' goal, of course, is... Tony Stark's suit repair system, which he mentioned before!

And this battle suit repair system is actually hidden in the most conspicuous place in this laboratory!

I saw that Jarvis walked directly to the middle of the laboratory, which is as large as half a basketball court, and then... Jarvis stretched out his palm. , The palm that Jarvis stretched out slightly produced some kind of extremely subtle vibration that could not be observed at all!

With the appearance of this vibration, Jarvis's palm, which was originally intact, turned into countless nano-metals at this time. These... Nano-metals are like Dust generally floated in the office, and then quickly swept into the gap in the ground under Jarvis' feet!

When the countless nano-metals all entered the gap, the silent changes began to occur in invisible corners, and soon a series of metal collisions sounded from the soles of Jarvis' feet!

Immediately afterwards, at a position about one meter in front of Jarvis, the ground slowly opened to both sides in a series of roars, and then a device full of extremely high-tech atmosphere rose up!

This turned out to be a device like an operating table, but with many tools and instruments that the operating table could not have!

Chapter 407 Refactoring! (two)

This equipment is full of extremely high-tech atmosphere. Although it is a device like an operating table, it has many tools and instruments that the operating table cannot have!

Because, along the edge of this operating table-like device, dozens of mechanical arms extend extremely densely, and all kinds of things connected from these mechanical arms can be It can be seen that each mechanical arm has a special function. Some are able to repair the damage to the steel battle suit, some are responsible for replacing parts for the steel battle suit, and some are responsible for replenishing ammunition for the steel battle suit. !

Apparently, this one piece of equipment is exactly what Jarvis is looking for right now... a repair system that can repair steel suits!

And it's a brand new one, I haven't used it many times at all, so I don't need to worry about wear and tear at all!

It can be said that the battle suit repair system in front of me is... a prop that Jarvis said must be used for a long time in the future!

Can a large number of Iron Legion suits be produced... all of them can be said to be true, we must rely on this steel suit repair system in front of us!

For such a battle suit repair system, it is natural to use the fastest time for adjustment and reconstruction, so as to ensure the fastest speed and create the most Iron Legion battles!

After all, although the current air and space battle has temporarily stabilized the collapse of the entire moon, and the superheroes living on this space and space battleship have been persuaded by Sis here, we can temporarily wait for Jarvis to complete the construction. After a lunar base, move on to the next action!

But this does not mean that Jarvis has unlimited time, which can be wasted at will. Every minute and second left now can be said to be extremely precious, and there must be no waste of any kind. , especially for Jarvis, a super artificial intelligence that pursues absolute efficiency!

Therefore, when Jarvis summoned the extremely brand-new fighter repair system in front of him, he never sat idle again. First of all, Jarvis transformed the nano-metal particles that he had transformed into before. All were summoned back, and then reassembled to become their own complete arm!

Immediately afterwards, Jarvis had already raised his footsteps and came to the front of this battle suit repair system that had completely risen from the ground!

Until this time, the two Tony Starks were still too late to get here, and it can be said that they were completely unable to know what was happening in his laboratory now!

At this time, when Jarvis came into contact with this battle suit repair system at close range, in the depths of his eyes, it suddenly flashed like countless stars, which represented Jia The core processor owned by Weiss is constantly running, and it is the one with the highest frequency!

Moments later, Jarvis had the result he wanted!

Chapter 408 Refactoring! (three)

After an extremely short period of time, Jarvis has already achieved the results he hoped for!

At this time, the light in Jarvis' the twinkling of stars, has begun to gradually extinguish, and instead: what is... The battle suit repair system that exists in front of Jarvis has already started to flash a series of rays of light!

The light that flickered on the combat power repair system turned out to be a mixture of gold and red light, which looked unusually similar to the main color of the Mark suit series worn by Tony Stark!

At that time, it can be seen that I am afraid that Jarvis has completely activated a battle suit repair system!

And it is not the activation under ordinary circumstances, but the activation under the condition of complete activation. The dozens of mechanical arms extending from the edge of the battle suit repair system actually began to use a This kind of neat and uniform movement is beginning to reverse the operation of the main equipment like an operating table as the main body, and it seems as if he is completing some extremely complex adjustments and tests for himself!

And this is not the final result. I saw that with Jarvis not knowing what kind of means to use, so that this battle suit repair system turned out to be a kind of transformation and repair on himself, Jarvis also did not know how to use it. Don't stop at this moment!

I saw Jarvis at this time, although he said that the flashing light like the stars before was no longer in his eyes, but he replaced it: what appeared was actually completely opening his two palms in person, Aiming at the location of the battle suit repair system!

Then countless dust-like nano-metal particles spread out from the palm of the hand, turning into dozens of different dust-like micro tornadoes, and instantly entered the various parts of the battle suit repair system. corner!

Moreover, the number of those nanoparticles is becoming more and more, but no matter how many nano metal particles appear, all of them are already at the same time, and any stay will directly enter the battle suit repair system!

It seems that Jarvis has already made enough psychological preparations. In order to modify this set of combat power repair system, he has already spared no expense, even if this price is to consume the nanometers that make up his entire structure. Metal!

You must know that this nano-metal is like the flesh and blood of Jarvis at this time. The more it decreases, the more it will weaken the strength of Jarvis!

Such a process is simply... no less than Jarvis is using his own flesh and blood to carry out the transformation of this battle suit repair system!

The price that must be paid for this is simply too great!

However, Jarvis, who is paying such a price that seems unacceptable, has no complaints, and his eyes are fixed on everything in front of him. Jarvis already knows that this kind of sacrifice is absolutely worth it!

Chapter 409 Success! (one)

At that time, Jarvis was staring at everything in front of him, and he already knew that this kind of sacrifice of his seemed a bit unreasonable, but it was definitely worth it.

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