If the two of them join, it must be... It can relieve a lot of Jarvis' pressure!

Chapter 412 Critical Supplement! (one)

If Tony Stark and the others are added, then Jarvis' pressure will definitely be relieved to a considerable extent!

At least Jarvis doesn't need to be like before, while consuming his own nano-metals, he has to work hard to transform these battle suit repair systems, so the double consumption is obviously a very inefficient, And what a waste of energy!

After thinking of such a decision, the two Tonys tanks immediately began to act without any hesitation!

Two Tony Starks have already started to step out of their own pace at the same time, running fast in this laboratory that already belongs to him, and with every step of Tony Stark. , the steel battle suits he wore on him were also made of nano-metal, and they were already spreading and receding on Tony Stark's body like a self-conscious life form!

In the end, all the nano-metals... have returned to the prismatic luminous crystal inlaid on Tony Stark's chest!

Such a luminous crystal with a prismatic shape is actually... the most important energy core that Tony Stark possesses!

Although it is said that when Tony Stark just became Iron Man, the huge wound that threatened his heart has been completely repaired, but because it was torn apart by a cannonball, it has a considerable size. On top of the volume wound, Tony Stark did not choose to make it up, but directly stuffed such a luminous crystal that could continuously supply the entire suit for battle!

This luminous crystal has a very special origin, and it is also the most version of the arc reactor!

At this time, this latest version of the core energy has not only become the supply energy for Tony Stark's suit, but also has become the habitat of those nano-metals!

Usually in the process of not fighting, all those ...... nano-metals will gather in the gap of the arc reactor, in this way, it can not only replenish energy, but also can be used anytime, anywhere. Stand by, waiting for an order from Tony Stark!

In this way, a complete steel battle suit can be formed at the fastest speed, just like the battle form that Tony Stark has shown countless times.

However, now the two Tony Starks have taken the initiative to lose their nano-metal fighting form and return to the state of ordinary people!

Obviously, making this decision is not a very easy thing, because it is equivalent to directly turning a superhero into an ordinary person without any superpowers. It does take a very huge courage to bear such a situation risks of!

Why the current Tony Stark suddenly made such a decision to close the combat form of his steel suit is obviously because Tony Stark has other uses for his nano-metal!

Chapter 413 Critical Supplement! (two)

At this time, the two Tony Starks have already made the same choice at the same time, and after closing the nano-metal battle form on their bodies, it obviously means one thing... ...that is, the two Tony Starks have already reached a certain consensus that there is already a new use for the nano-metal they are using now!

And as for what this new use is... Next will be demonstrated by Tony Stark himself!

I saw that these two Tony Starks, who had personally removed the steel suits on their bodies, had both recovered to become ordinary people in their normal form, and they were no longer able to fly away. It is a terrifying ability that can span thousands of miles in an instant.

However, although it is said that the power of superheroes has been lost, it does not mean that the two Tony Starks are completely devoid of any superpowers. After all, the other side of them as superheroes is... .they possess super intelligence that is different from ordinary people!

With the complete fading of the steel suits, the two Tony Starks have used a movement that can be said to be uniform, and at the same time removed the arc-shaped reactor on their bodies, and saw On top of the diamond-shaped arc reactor the size of a fist, there was still: a very dazzling dark blue light, as if it was completely excited.

Moreover, if you can see the core of the arc reactor at this time through the dark blue light, you can see that the arc reaction is covered with a huge number of layers on top of each other. These nano-metals are all integrated together in a very compressed form, and obviously they have entered the fastest charging state.

The appearance of such a situation not only means that the arc reactor is still in an excited state at this time, but also represents the nano-metals inside these core reactors at the same time. It can be said that It is a supplement to get the most abundant energy.

It is enough to call it a state of being ready to go!

Once it enters this state of being ready to go, it already represents these.... Nano metal is absolutely impossible to stop and no longer use as it seems on the surface. status!

Sure enough, I saw that even though the two Tony Starks had already removed their steel suits, their running speed was still extremely fast, and it took just a few seconds to instantly cross the door of the laboratory. And the distance between Jarvis, rushing to the front of Jarvis, who is still consuming the nano-metals on his body!

When the two Tony Starks appeared in front of Jarvis at the same time, they also raised their hands synchronously, holding the place in their palms on the left and the right respectively. 's core reactor, pressed directly on Jarvis' body!

Chapter 414 Critical Supplement! (three)

The actions taken by the two Tony Starks at this time can be said to be extremely uniform. They raised their palms at the same time, and then moved the core reactors they were using to the right and left according to the standard. On the body of Weiss!

That's right!

, these two Tony Starks don't know what kind of thoughts they are holding, and under such circumstances, they will directly press the arc-shaped reactor containing very terrifying energy fluctuations and a large number of nano-metals directly on the On top of Jarvis' body, he didn't care what kind of dangerous situation it might cause!

You must know that the arc reactor is a very stable nuclear reactor, but it does not mean that it can still remain intact under such a violent collision. If an arc-shaped reactor produces a number of dangerous situations, such as nuclear radiation leakage or direct detonation, the resulting disaster will be devastating!

In the interior of such a completely enclosed space battleship, once there is a direct explosion of the extremely terrifying energy substance such as the arc reactor, then... it will be one of the directly ordered space battleships. More than 90% of the superheroes on the Internet have been directly thrown into the outer space, trying what is called a miserable encounter that is called Tiantian, should not be called Earthly Difficulty.

However, as expected... the explosion did not occur at all, and the two arc reactors actually stopped running completely at the same time that they touched the surface of Jarvis' body!

That's right, the reactor was running at this time. No one could have imagined that the arc that could have been running for 10 years without any weakening was actually very rare at this time and stopped immediately. Running, fell into a state of stagnation, and such an appearance seems to have created the expectations of the two Tony Starks. The two Tony Starks not only did not show any surprises, but even revealed With a natural expression, it seems that all this has long been expected!

It's just that what happened next still exceeded the expectations of the two Tony Starks at the beginning!

Originally, according to the expectations of the two Tony Starks at the beginning, the method they used to directly press the arc reactor on Jarvis would be a method that did not pose much risk, because they A certain setting has already been made when designing the arc reactor. When it comes into contact with the super artificial intelligence made by them such as Jarvis, the arc reactor will become a battery. In addition, the reason why they chose to make such a method is because they want to keep the nanometers between the arc reactors at this time. The metal is directly extracted and supplemented by Jarvis. This is their initial and core idea.

This is the best way to help Jarvis!

Chapter 415 You're done! (one)

Using the nano-metals that I still have not used at this time, just... extract them all and give them to Jarvis to supplement, this is what the two Tony Starks are preparing to do!

It is precisely because of this that the two Tony Starks acted as if they had just done that... It seemed a bit reckless, but in fact, such a behavior had already been carefully considered and could never be called a Recklessness, even for Tony Stark, is quite a confident thing.

And with the two Tony Starks starting to act at the same time, the two arc reactors that carry all of Tony Stark's beliefs are already using a time with almost no delay, the same Time has fallen on this Jarvis body!

Moreover, judging from the landing points of the two arc-shaped reactors, they all landed on both sides of Jarvis' shoulders at the same time!

Although Jarvis has lost both hands and feet at this time, the position of the shoulders still exists, so at this time it seems that Jarvis's body suddenly grows in two at the back Like short wings.

Although such a description will inevitably seem a bit weird, it is true. Just when the two micro-reactors fell behind Jarvis' body at the same time, Jarvis' pair was already a bit dim. , Even the eyes that have a faint smell that is about to be extinguished are suddenly bright again!

It was as if the candle was about to burn out in the final stage, and it was suddenly poured with new burning material, which is directly...so that the burning light can continue.

As for releasing more light than before.

When he saw the change in Jarvis' eyes at the moment, all Tony Stark silently cheered in his heart at the same time, because he knew very well that the appearance of such a scene, Apparently it's the kind that represented them before...with a lot of pretentiousness, it finally worked!

And from the results, it is quite perfect... At least the first time the arc reactor came into contact with Jarvis, it was equivalent to giving Jia a new battery. Power supply!

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