I saw that the Iron Legion battle suit at this time was still standing in the same state as before!

It's just that at this time, on the front of the body of the Iron Legion's battle suit, there were several obvious cracks that suddenly appeared. Those...very obvious cracks are directly... It runs through the front of the entire Iron Legion battle suit, and it looks as if it is enough to open all the knots in the entire Iron Legion battle. But these are the straight cracks, although it is said to be covered with Legion The front of the battle suit, and every corner from head to toe has been covered!

But in fact, the positions where the cracks appear are very clever, and it can be said that they have completely avoided those which are also spread over every position on the corners of the entire body of the Iron Legion suit. There are extremely dense bullet holes, so these... The cracks can be said to be completely integrated with holes, and there is no conflict between them. It is also natural. There will be no damage whatsoever.

Sometimes, when two Tony Starks saw such an exquisite design at the same time, and the craftsmanship that can be said to be ingenious, they couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement, because they were just now. Know...why did Jarvis spend so much energy when he made the assembly line steel army battle suit manufacturing equipment before, and even consumed more than half of his body. Nano metal to do this one thing!

It is to achieve such exquisite craftsmanship, this level of exquisite craftsmanship can be said to have reached the micron-level error-free condition, it can perfectly create a steel army battle suit.

If it is manufactured using manufacturing equipment with insufficient precision, the probability of elimination may exceed 90%... In simple terms, that is if ordinary manufacturing equipment is used.... .. To manufacture more than 10 Iron Legion suits of the same volume, it is possible to find out that one Iron Legion suit conforms to this perfect specification!

Chapter 443 The reason for it! (two)

The above situation is enough to show... What a horrible piece of equipment Jarvis has made, such a manufacturing equipment that can be accurate to the micron level is absolutely very Incredible things!

I am afraid that it is indeed only the kind of fine parts made of nano-metals that can control the error situation caused by design and manufacturing to the micron level.

Otherwise, if the general-level manufacturing equipment was used to manufacture the Iron Legion campaign, there would be 9 out of ten manufactured products, and only one was a perfect quality Iron Legion battle suit that could be used directly. !

As for the rest...the ones that can't perfectly meet the specifications of this Iron Legion suit...all of them can be said to be defective products that can be eliminated directly, there is no such thing as Any effect...even if it is directly put into use, it may cause all kinds of huge risks!

So after the two Tony Starks who thoroughly understood this situation, it seems that Jarvis has really accomplished a feat that can be called a miracle!

"Really amazing!

Jarvis, your equipment is so horribly accurate...you can call it a miracle, it's the most accurate manufacturing equipment I've ever seen, Don't say that it is used to create the combat power of the Iron Legion... Even to make an arc reactor that must be controlled manually, it can be said that it was easy last time... I'm afraid it won't be long. In the future, even arc reactors can achieve rapid mass production like this!


Tony Stark of the timeline now has a very high evaluation of Jarvis, and he is not stingy, which is enough to show that he feels that Jarvis is doing this series. What a shock!

And Tucker on the other side of the future timeline also hinted that he nodded silently, as if to indicate that he also agrees with the other one's statement!

At the same time, being praised by the super genius of the human side, Jarvis really seemed very calm, as if he had done a small thing within his power, and there was no pride on his face at all, or pride appeared on his face. , is still controlling the Iron Legion battle suit in front of him extremely smoothly and begins to show a more terrifying inner situation!

Now, under the control of Jarvis's stable and very safe electromagnetic wave consciousness, the level of sophistication, the incredible Iron Legion battle suit, has completely opened up all the outer armors that exist outside. !

Until this time...the two Tony Starks discovered a very shocking thing...because the structure of the Iron Legion battle suit in front of me turned out to be like It's like a thousand-layer cake... layer upon layer, only after the upper layer is displayed, can the situation of the next layer be completely displayed!

It's like this moment...the normal armor of the 1st layer is opened...the bullet hole layer of the 2nd layer...now what is displayed is...the 3rd layer !

Chapter 444 The reason for it! (three)

"Just a little problem, I still have a little doubt..."

Tony Stark of the future timeline suddenly raised his palm at this time and made a questioning voice at Jarvis!

At this time, Jarvis also heard this kind of questioning voice from Tony Stark in the future timeline. At the same time, he turned his head and used a very patient and gentle look. , looking at the future timeline, Tony Stark seems to be waiting for the next question from the other party!

I saw Tony Stark in the future timeline asked Jarvis like this: "I still have a little doubt that...!

Since this Iron Legion battle suit is used to build the moon base... Is it a bit too wasteful to have so many equipment and weapons on this just now... I think this More space for the Iron Legion suit should be used to accommodate it. The tools that must be used to manufacture the moon base are a reasonable choice. Otherwise, the place where the Iron Legion suit should appear is not for the construction of the lunar space. The place, it should be on the battlefield!


The question raised by Tony Stark of the future timeline is obviously just right, that is... the question that directly hits the most critical point!

Indeed, as he said, this Iron Legion suit, after containing so many weapons, equipment and ammunition, does not look like a building-type robot used to build a moon base, but more like a building-type robot. A battle robot for war use!

In fact, it's not just Tucker of the future timeline who is a little confused about this question. After he thoroughly raised such a question, Tony Stark of the current timeline, which has also been a set, was brought along. I feel the same doubt!

Because, this arrangement of Jarvis does seem a bit unreasonable... Could it be that Jarvis made this iron army suit full of weapons in combat form... .... In fact, there is still another deep meaning to know that the combat power of the Iron Legion battle suit in this form is already enough to reach a quite amazing level!

To put it bluntly, if such a steel army suit is placed in the team of superheroes for a comparative battle!

I am afraid that this Iron Legion battle suit is enough to defeat more than half of the superheroes... Because the strength of the vast majority of superheroes is actually about this level!

Because the abilities of most superheroes are not actually born for fighting, and many superheroes' abilities are actually in various fields where they really exert their strengths!

In other words... In fact, many superheroes' abilities are not too suitable for combat!

Moreover, if it is purely discussing lethality, it is indeed the Iron Legion suit that integrates the latest technology and the most powerful weapons and equipment to be even more powerful!

This is an unquestionable situation!

Chapter 445 Suspicion! (one)

On the surface, superheroes are actually some very powerful characters!

But that's not the case!

There are also many levels among superheroes. Powerful superheroes, such as Thor or Odin, who are beyond the limits of human beings, do have the power to destroy the world. !

But...there are other superheroes, who are just a little bit stronger than humans, such as Captain America, the Winter Soldier and the Black Widow, who have only reached their peak levels. The power of human beings is only supplemented by a variety of weapons and equipment, as well as strong knowledge and combat techniques, but in fact, if the real battle is to be fought, the god of thunder or the god king Odin, The superhero standing at the top of the superhero ranks... but can easily defeat hundreds of weak superheroes by himself!

Such a thing is enough to prove that this is the combat power within the superhero, and it also has a huge gap, which cannot be measured by common sense!

Not to mention the superheroes who are standing at their extreme peaks and the special existences they contain, such as the sentinels with the power of billions of star explosions... they can be easily killed Losing all life in an entire galaxy, even a powerful superhero like Thor or Odin, facing an existence like a sentinel, can only be solved with a flick of a finger: That's it!

Of course, the above mentioned the difference in combat power between so many heroes, not to explain that some weak superheroes don't actually have any existence... In fact, the reason why every superhero can exist , all have their corresponding rational existence!

Invented so many gaps in the combat power of superheroes, this time is just to illustrate that the Iron Legion battle suit made by Jarvis now is placed in the team of superheroes, and it has already been It's a pretty good level!

It is precisely because of this, so... Nystark and the others will or want to talk about why, why do they make such a steel army battle suit that is only used to build a moon base after all. Terrible... It can be said that the combat power is directly full!

This seems a bit too unnecessary... After all, in this situation, fighting is not the first thing to consider, but how to efficiently build a lunar base, which is the first thing Something to consider!

If... Jarvis chose to replace the weapons, ammunition and equipment that filled the entire Iron Legion campaign with the tools and equipment used to build the moon base!

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