Because such a complex transportation system and a huge base are built, there is only one purpose, that is, a place to live and a place to live! is precisely because of the large number of members in this huge force that it is worth building so many huge bases to house these...... .member of a mysterious force!

And being able to become a member of this mysterious force is not a simple matter, it must have a certain ability or ability to be selected by a mysterious force.

This is the most inexplicable thing. If a large number of superpower owners disappear directly on the earth, it will definitely cause a sensation.

Not to mention that it is very difficult to use a large amount of wealth unknowingly, to buy enough material to transport it to the moon, and provide it to the members of the mysterious forces here.

Chapter 455 Number! (two)

Even without considering the method of this mysterious force hidden in the moon... Create such a huge force, and where did it get so many superpowers? The members of , live in these huge bases that have been created!

Just considering that there are many members who must consume enough substances every day is already a difficult thing to solve!

Because, with the members of these huge numbers of mysterious forces living on the moon, the substances consumed every day are extremely huge. If all these necessities are transported from the earth to the moon by spaceships , It is also a very difficult thing to provide to the members of the mysterious forces here.

It can even be said to be a near-impossible thing!

Because, every spacecraft that departs from the earth is actually monitoring those outer space satellites that will be shrouded in the world all the time. It is impossible for the spacecraft to exist silently for a long time on the moon and the earth. It keeps going back and forth!

"My God!

How did these guys survive on the moon, and where did their necessities come from... Have they developed self-sufficient technology on the moon? In that case, energy and did they solve this problem?"

Tony Stark at this time, and both Tony Starks have already accepted this reality... After all, Jarvis is like this, the complete situation is the two of them, Even the two Tony Starks would be reluctant to accept the fact and have to admit that this happened under their own son!

However, despite the fact that it has been used to explain the fact, it does not make the doubts of the two Tony Starks can be solved...even the two of them produced at this time. Doubt has grown even bigger!

So, Toniske of the future timeline raised this question of living matter almost immediately!

That Jarvis was obviously prepared for a long time. After hearing this question asked by Tony Stark of the future timeline, he answered it without hesitation!

"It's exactly as you said... this mysterious force hidden in the moon... has developed a fairly high level of technology, and they seem to have mastered similar The technology of arc reactors can quickly and safely obtain a large amount of nuclear energy as a supplement of energy. As for the problem of food, if I guess correctly, they should use artificial synthesis to make food.. …”

Jarvis answered quickly, but just when Jarvis's voice was halfway through, now time is now Tony Stark frowned and interrupted Jarvis's voice!

"It's too early to make a conclusion... We still don't know where the forces hidden in the moon came from... Maybe they also came from outside. Creatures from space!


Chapter 456 Number! (three)

Surprisingly, Tony Stark of the current timeline suddenly took the initiative to interrupt Jarvis who was talking at this time, and then said something like this: " It's too early for this conclusion... We still don't know where the forces hidden in the moon come from... Maybe they also come from outer space creature!


Although Jarvis has personally denied it just now, these mysterious forces that exist inside the moon... have there been any abnormal traces, so that they can be detected by some existence or forces in the earth? observed.

This means that from the beginning to the end, no one knows about this mysterious force inside the moon, so it is natural that Tony Stark of the modern timeline at this time will naturally arise. Come out and wonder if this mysterious force that suddenly appeared is... It may come from outer space, not from the earth.

The reason why Tony Stark would say this is actually a very normal thing, because if you consider it from the perspective of Tony Stark, such a situation is indeed possible. In other cases, if you simply analyze this matter from a rational perspective, it has to be said that the situation just mentioned by Tony Stark is indeed very likely to be... the truth!

It is precisely because of this reason that when Tony Stark of the modern timeline just said this guess, he was immediately recognized by Tony of the future timeline, just... nodded, his eyes were deep. There was also a ray of light like this, and then the two came from different Tony Starks, and they took the same action, that is, looking at Jarvis at the same time, as if waiting for this time to give information about it. The truth of this guess!

However, Jia, among the three at the scene, obviously didn't think so, because when he heard the guess made by Tony Stark, he shook his head very directly. .... and then began to say: "Mr. Stark said that your guess has a fairly good rationality, but in fact it is not true... It is a pity that you have to tell Stark Mr. Ke, the mysterious forces that exist in the interior of the moon are definitely originating from the earth, because please observe these carefully.... Traffic left in various parts of the moon You can see the traces of the passage, why I am so firm in saying that this mysterious force comes from the earth, not from outer space!


The two Tony Starks were at the same time, according to what Jarvis said, and then looked up at the projections simulated by Jarvis, and yes.

Immediately start to focus on observing the traces belonging to the traffic passages that Jarvis specifically told them to pay attention to!

At the beginning, the two of them couldn't see it at all....... What's special about the traces of the traffic passage, but soon, they already understood Jarvis's mean!

Chapter 457 Action! (one)

At the beginning, no matter which of the two Tony Starks were, there was absolutely nothing special about the traces of these passages!

They don't even understand why Jarvis would let them observe these things.

But soon, they already understood why Jarvis said the words just now!

Because both of them have discovered some kind of secret that exists in the traces of all the traffic passages for the first time!

I saw that the kind of surprised light in the bottom of the eyes of the two Tony Starks was becoming more and more obvious, as if they had discovered a certain kind of traffic on the traces of these seemingly ordinary traffic passages in front of them. It's amazing, it's like a big secret.

This is all because... in the traces of these traffic passages, Tony Stark found something very familiar.

And this one thing that Tony Stark feels very familiar with is the...rules!

That's right, the traces of these traffic passages of the two Tony Starks at the same time found the existence of rules.

These so-called rules represent naturally these.... The traffic passages are actually... built according to the rules of the traffic passages on this earth, Not only the angle of turning or the direction of travel, but also some of the signs and symbols that exist in various positions are completely copied from the set on the earth, and there is not even any in it. difference, that's why Tony Stark at the same time had such a familiar feeling to these... traffic lanes!

It is because of these things, that is... something they have almost every day, but it is because they are too familiar, so two Tony Starks have unknowingly missed this one at the same time. vital factor!

So if it wasn't for Jia Yi reminding them, the two of them would even think that the things they saw didn't exist at all!

This may be the reason why the so-called devil hides in the details.

If you are not careful, if you miss this crucial factor, it will really make the truth of the whole thing lead to a completely different conclusion.

"That's it, I get it!

It is because of these traffic rules that Jarvis concluded that these mysterious forces did not originate from outer space, but definitely originate from the earth!


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