Of course, Jarvis didn't act with the mentality of wanting to kill the opponent at this time... It's just because the opponent's strength is too powerful and mysterious to be used. It is common sense to describe the degree, so Jarvis will carry out this attack at this time without any reservation... But Jarvis also knows very well that this time In fact, the other party must have hidden means to attack, and there is no need to worry about the situation of killing the other party all at once!

At most, it can force the opponent to use the hidden means, and this battle is just the beginning. The real long battle has to wait for the next confrontation. Be able to know the final result!

In the process of the continuous shrinking of the giant net of sword light, Jarvis and Tony Stark could not continue to observe the situation in the giant net of sword light... Under the shroud of the giant net of sword light, everything there is already completely unclear, only a light ball that is becoming more and more can be seen, taking shape in the air!

This is a sword light cage completely formed by countless sword lights intertwined together... It has the lethal power of destroying the world... If it is said that at this time, it appears here Inside a sword light cage is not a member of a mysterious force, but a deadpool with super-fast regeneration ability, if it is Wolverine, it will not be able to escape, and it will be smashed into pieces!

......It's just that there is only a little space left in the inside of this sword light cage...that member of the mysterious force has already appeared at this time. The new change, I saw his ten fingers lifted at the same time, and the figure that was originally falling, has stopped strangely at this moment... If you can see clearly If you click a little, you will be able to discover that a member of this mysterious force has that kind of dark dots appearing under both feet at the same time!

It's just that this kind of pitch-black dot exists under the feet of this member of the mysterious force. Not only does it not hurt him in the slightest, but it supports his body like a palm!


Chapter 587 Endless sword light! (two)

It is precisely because this sword light cage has completely become a space that can be said to be closed at this time, so a situation where the inside and the outside are separated for a short time, in this sword. Anything that happens inside the light cage is only from such a mysterious force inside the sword light cage, and no one in the outside world, even Jarvis who created this sword light cage, has no idea what is inside. What the hell is going on!

And at this time, the member of the mysterious force that was trapped in the Jianguang cage seemed to be aware of this very important key factor!

It is precisely because of this that there is only a little space left in the inside of this sword light cage... that member of the mysterious force has also undergone new changes at this time. I saw that his ten fingers were raised at the same time, and the figure that was originally falling has stopped eerily at this moment... If you can see it a little more clearly, then To be able to discover the members of this mysterious force, that kind of dark dots appeared under both feet at the same time!

It's just that this kind of pitch-black dot exists under the feet of this member of the mysterious force. Not only does it not hurt him in the slightest, but it supports his body like a palm!

These two appeared on the left and right at the dark origin under the feet of the members of the mysterious force, and thus became the source of power for the members of the mysterious force to float in mid-air!

It is precisely because of this reason that when the members of the gods can float in mid-air and no longer continue to fall toward the ground, suddenly, the speed of those sword lights has already reached the fastest speed. Degree!

In the blink of an eye, all of them approached the body of the members of the mysterious force, and there was only a space of less than half a meter left. Obviously, in such a narrow space, with such a rapid contraction speed, I am afraid I only need to pass more. Zero one second.



Within the time, the members of this mysterious force will be directly cut into pieces, and in such a dense cage of sword light that even mosquitoes can't fly, once they are cut, they will be completely smashed to pieces, even if it is a Wolverine, who has regeneration ability, suffered damage of this level, and I am afraid it is impossible to come back to life again!

However, for the members of this mysterious force, all of this is still within the acceptable range...because until the last moment, the members of this mysterious force did not Finally got a solution!

Accompanied by his ten fingers pointing in different directions at the same time, he can clearly see the ten fingers of this mysterious force member, and at the same time it has also emerged very clearly. The dark origin of ...... and the appearance of these dark dots, while being generated at an extremely fast speed, is also connected to each other, it looks like ten 10 dark dots Between them, a simple pattern was formed together, and this pattern turned out to be a shield-like pattern!

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Chapter 588 Endless sword light! (three)

No one can know what kind of thinking is in the brain of this mysterious force member who is in the prison of sword light that is about to bring disaster to the end at this time. Everyone knows The only thing is...the members of this mysterious force, until the last moment, finally broke the weird silence that they have kept for a long time, and chose a positive one. Cope with what's going on!

However, for the members of this mysterious force, all of this is still within the acceptable range...because until the last moment, the members of this mysterious force did not Finally got a solution!

Accompanied by his ten fingers pointing in different directions at the same time, he can clearly see the ten fingers of this mysterious force member, and at the same time it has also emerged very clearly. The dark origin of ...... and the appearance of these dark dots, while being generated at an extremely fast speed, is also connected to each other, it looks like ten 10 dark dots Between them, a simple pattern was formed together, and this pattern turned out to be a shield-like pattern!

That's right, when those dark circles appeared, it seemed that there was some kind of special relationship between them. A pitch-black circle, under different circumstances, has already vaguely shown a line-like relationship, and then, under the mutual straight-line relationship of the different pitch-black balls, all the At this time, the jet-black spheres were already connected to each other into a straight line, and finally the clear pattern formed after these straight lines were entangled with each other, a pattern like a shield!


This shield-like pattern is not too clear when displayed at first, but after a period of gathering, these patterns can easily show their characteristics, that is, a full Half-person height, looks like an unusually heavy card-like pattern!

And what's even more surprising is that it's almost... the shield-like thing formed by the lines between the dark circles, with the beginning of the thoroughness, the surrounding ones. ......The giant net of sword light has also shrunk to the point where it can completely reach members of this mysterious force!

Accompanied by the frenzied promotion of those...Jiangguang giant nets, soon, the black dots and the connecting lines in the hands of the members of this mysterious force formed a simple pattern. The heavy shield, at this time, has officially started to collide with the surrounding giant net of sword light!

No one can imagine that when these, which look like shields made by hand graffiti, completely collide with the giant net of sword light...the reaction will be like this. !

I saw those...the giant net of sword light, in the first time it spread, it collided with these shields without any pause!


Chapter 589 The Shield of Devouring! (one)

If it is judged from the types of abilities that the members of this mysterious force have displayed one after another, this one seems to be a mysterious shield composed of very complicated dark dots and dark straight lines. , must also have the characteristic of being able to devour or annihilate all energy and matter!

If such a shield really has such characteristics, then it is obvious that the power possessed by such a shield is really too powerful, and it can even be said that it is a little more powerful than It's normal to feel that way.

However, no matter how you say it, the next situation will be able to verify with your own eyes whether all of this is absolutely irresistible and terrifying like the abilities that the members of this mysterious force had displayed before. !

Accompanied by the frenzied promotion of those...Jiangguang giant nets, soon, the black dots and the connecting lines in the hands of the members of this mysterious force formed a simple pattern. The heavy shield, at this time, has officially started to collide with the surrounding giant net of sword light!

No one can imagine that when these, which look like shields made by hand graffiti, completely collide with the giant net of sword light...the reaction will be like this. !

I saw those... the first time the giant net of sword light spread, it collided with these shields without any pause!

And when such a collision that can be said to be without hindrance occurs for the first time, the change that occurs naturally has already presented a change that can be said to be the actual situation!

Because it can almost be said to be a moment... In the gap where the giant net of sword light and the dark shield came into contact, there was no accident at all, just as the dark origin used to be The armor layer and lightsaber weapon of the Iron Legion's suit were all swallowed up at once!

When the lightsaber weapon is swung, these sword light cages collide with the black shield formed by the black dots, when all the sword light touches this black shield... . There is no accident at all, just like the previous lightsaber weapon, it disappeared in an instant... As if it never existed, there is no trace at all, which can prove it. Stuff used to exist!

In fact... such a situation is becoming even more terrifying, because as the golden light cage continues to collide with this dark circular shield, more and more At this time, the Jianguang has been continuously absorbed by the dark shield or swallowed up!

In a short period of time, this sword-light cage had completely locked the members of the mysterious forces with every trace of space to dodge, but at this moment... all the situation has been reversed. , Because this member of this mysterious force, effortlessly tore a crack in the Jianguang prison!

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Chapter 590 The Shield of Devouring! (two)

This one is completely a black shield constructed from very simple lines. Although it looks like a graffiti-like work on the surface, in fact, when it really starts to show its effect. At the same time, it also directly triggered a series of unbelievable powers!

When the lightsaber weapon is swung, at the moment when the formed sword light cages collide with the black shield formed by the black dots, when all the sword light touches this black shield... .. without any accident, just like the previous lightsaber weapon, it disappeared in an instant... as if it never existed, there is no trace at all, it can be proved that this is the case something that ever existed!

In fact... such a situation is becoming even more terrifying, because as the golden light cage continues to collide with this dark circular shield, more and more At this time, the Jianguang has been continuously absorbed by the dark shield or swallowed up!

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