The T virus, the most important research achievement of the umbrella company, is very powerful.

However, in the later stage of the umbrella company, it basically developed and updated viruses on the basis of the T virus.

Some of those viruses combine a certain gene, and some borrow from other viruses.

In short, they are not the original T virus anymore.

And the progenitor version of the T virus, there is only one copy, and only Alice has been successfully injected!

So far, neither Umbrella nor Will has discovered where the growth limit of Alice, the only Archaeopteryx host, is.

Since Alice is only Will’s butler, there are many combat things Will does not let her out.

Moreover, at the company’s headquarters, Alice did not have much room to exert her strength.

However, in the days when the Ancestor T virus and Alice fused, Alice has been slowly getting stronger.

Both physical and mental.

What’s more terrifying is not only her growth ceiling!

Rather, Alice’s power will continue to increase with her willpower!

At this time, Will’s room.

Alice felt that the owner was on that sofa, but she couldn’t see it.

She’s crazy!

Will, the host, is her everything.

Even if she exchanges her life for the life of her master, she doesn’t care!

Alice raised her right hand!

Orientation towards the sofa.

Five fingers outstretched!

Then, Alice closed her eyes!


In the real world, after Alice closed her eyes, the space in front of her began to fluctuate a little.

That shape, like a broken lens!

It’s just that that lens has only a very small area!

Alice, unexpectedly, used her spiritual power to directly connect to the mirror space!

At this time, Will finally couldn’t sit still.

He stood up and looked in amazement at his butler, the man he trusted the most.

At this time, Alice, although her eyes were closed, her face was a little hideous!

However, that fierceness and madness, Will did not feel terrible, on the contrary, he just felt that he had an inexplicable distress!

In Will’s eyes, Alice’s spiritual power is still climbing!

And, faster than before!

Nosebleeds slowly flowed out of Alice’s nose, but she didn’t seem to care.

Alice is working hard for herself!

Even if Will doesn’t understand how to use spiritual power, he can see that Alice at this time is ignoring her own life to stimulate the ancestor T virus!

Even if she fights for her life, she will save her master!

Next to Alice, Wesker also saw her situation at this time, but he couldn’t help much!

Wesker clenched his fists tightly! The same hideous!

He was shouting madly in his heart, he wanted to crush the people who robbed his boss into ten thousand pieces!

“Red Queen! Call people, everyone!!! Wesker whispered lowly, as if suppressing endless anger!

If it was usual, the Red Queen would definitely ask the boss Will, but now, the boss has been kidnapped, and Wesker’s order is obviously beneficial to save the boss!

The highest code of conduct of the Red Queen is to put the safety of the boss Will first.

Subsequently, the red queen connected the heads of all departments of the umbrella company!

“All dispatch, boss crisis!”


Javier, along with hundreds of elites from the armed department of the umbrella company, was the first to appear in the passage in front of Will’s room.

Javier stood in front of the door, looking at the scene inside.

Serious complexion.

Hundreds of elite armed sectors crowded the entire passage.


Immediately afterwards, tens of thousands of armed personnel who were on duty or still sleeping in the underground base, dressed in equipment, quickly came to the ground base.

Armed at all points!

Outside, the outer wall of the umbrella company, tens of thousands of armed personnel jumped off the wall, ignoring the external defense and the guarding of zombies, rushed to the headquarters of the umbrella company’s ground base.


Sergey, flying at extreme speed with five special operators, then stood in front of the window of Will’s room, staring closely at what was happening in the room!


After this period of increase in the underground base, thousands of biological weapons pilots, led by Obadiastan, all dispatched and sat in front of the console.

Act fast!

Tens of thousands of lickers and hundreds of tyrants rushed from the underground base along the secret passage to the ground, encircling the entire mothership! After the improvement of Obadiastan, the lickers at this time have been upgraded to the 2nd generation, they are more exaggerated, and under the improvement of bio-energy converters, they are more powerful. And hundreds of tyrants 2 generations have advanced to tyrant 3 generations, and their combat effectiveness is more powerful.

Cold eyes!

In the mothership’s main control room, Alexia and Anna, with hundreds of researchers, quickly turned on the mothership’s “brain” to control the 30,000 hunters that had been produced.

Then, 30,000 hunters dressed in metal scales, crawling on all fours, with terrifying figures, and long-range bioenergy weapons appeared on the ground!

They all scattered, and the water that surrounded the entire mothership could not be drained! The bioenergy weapons on his body condensed a lilac light, and just waiting for Alexia’s order, they would all be launched!

The army is coming!

Even the researchers of the underground base all ran out, standing on the ground, holding all kinds of weapons in their hands, staring at the room above the mothership, which belonged to the boss Will!

At night, the umbrella company, the whole army is dispatched!

No one spoke, and no one flinched.

They stood there with solemn expressions, like a moment of silence before the great war.

Will room.

Gu Yi was already standing on the spot.

Through the large window of Will’s room, she saw the soldiers who surrounded it, the biological weapons, and even the researchers who were just ordinary people.

They all had a hint of worry and anger on their faces.

Two different emotions appeared on their faces at the same time.

Moreover, Gu Yi also “saw” more anxious people through his strong spiritual power.

What is it that makes them so crazy!

In the room, Wesker’s hands were pierced by his own nails! Blood flow!

At the door, Javier’s hand holding the gun burst out!

And Alice, blood began to ooze from her eyes!

What is it that makes them so crazy!

So, desperately!

Gu Yi turned his head in a daze and saw that old man who was in tears!

“Click!” At this time, in front of Alice, a crack suddenly appeared in that mirror-like space!

PS: Honor your first hundred chapters!

Flood of tears! Just use this name!

If you in front of the phone screen see this special chapter 100, I hope to give Alice your flowers, evaluation tickets and monthly passes.

To this person who is not very pretty, but it makes Will burst into tears!

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