Through the sterilization room and a series of laboratories, Will and the others once again arrived in the large laboratory they had been to before.

Here, there is no longer a figure of hatred, replaced by countless glassware.

In the glass jars one by one, there are many strange-looking yellow organs….

It seems that those disgusting things should be the abomination of what the body looks like after it is decomposed.

Will looked at Alexia, this woman must be a terrible demon in the eyes of ordinary people, but for Will, Alexia is the cutest person…

“What about my new biological weapon?” Will asked.

“In front, I put him in the biological weapons warehouse.” Alexia said.

The biological weapons warehouse is actually a cell-like place, where there are all the biological weapons of the umbrella underground base.

“Let’s go, let’s take a look.” Will was anxious and desperate to see this latest guy.

Traversing the last big laboratory, Will, Alexia and Alice finally reach the deepest part of the underground base.

The lighting here is dim, but the area is large, and the space is divided into countless small rooms by cold hard metal, and in each small room, there are several lickers.

Hearing movement, the lickers got up from the ground, tilted their ears sideways, and listened to something.

When no orders are given to them, they are like docile cats who will not do anything.

However, once they receive an order, they will immediately become crazy hunters, regardless of their own life or death, and everything with the ultimate goal of completing the mission.

After taking a look, there are many more lickers here than the previous 55, and it seems that Alexia has arranged to increase production in the past few days!

“What happened to my army of lickers, how many are in stock?” Will asked lightly.

“Boss, the number of lickers is now about two hundred and sixty, and you should be able to complete the task of three hundred you set today.” Alexia replied.

For this manufacturing speed, Will still feels a little slow.

However, because he was more anxious to see the new biological weapons, Will did not say anything, and he was ready to arrange the problem of adding production lines later.

A few people walked through the licker warehouse, and in the deepest part of the biological weapons warehouse, in a metal room that was a little larger than the average room, Will finally saw the biological weapon he had in mind.

In the dim light, the thing seemed to be asleep, standing there motionless.

It was a huge, extremely athletic creature that was probably a head taller than Abomination.

He had a bare head, a sharp bony protrusion on the five fingers of both hands, and his whole body was bare, covered with rough, gray skin, and had no reproductive organs….

It just stood there with its eyes closed, and Will seemed to feel the furious power in its body!

Recalling the powerful biological weapon tyrant in the movie in his previous life, and comparing it with the creature in front of him, Will found that there was almost no difference in size between this guy and the tyrant.

The only difference is that it has some more bony protrusions than the tyrant’s body.

On the fingers, on the spine behind you, on your elbows, on your leg joints!

Countless sharp bone spurs, pointing to the sky.

Its whole body seems to be a weapon! If this thing fights with the enemy in close combat, it will definitely be a killing move everywhere!




In Will’s eyes, this is a perfect war machine!

“Good! I’m satisfied. Will had an unstoppable smile on his face!

“What about its actual combat capability? Tested it? Will turned his head and asked.

Hearing the boss’s question, Alexia smiled slightly, nodded, and said: “Tested, its ultimate strength should be about 55 tons, running speed of about 80 kilometers per hour, because the test site is not large, so these data are only approximate values, but I promise, its ability will only be higher than this value!” ”

When Alexia said these words, the corners of her mouth kept rising, indicating that she was still very satisfied with this data.

Compared to the licker, the individual power of this new biological weapon is simply powerful to explode!

Nodding gently, Will was still quite satisfied with the data.

The power of 55 tons, in Will’s impression, the average heavy tank is almost this weight, then the capabilities of this biological weapon can almost be expected.

“How’s its defense?” Will asked again.

For this guy, Will can be regarded as quite attentive.

However, Alexia felt a little regretful about this problem.

“In terms of defense, it is his only weakness, its skin has been strengthened many times by our research department, but due to various reasons, his defense power can probably only resist ordinary heavy machine guns, and machine guns with armor-piercing and shells can cause a lot of damage to it.”

“Its weaknesses are in the head and heart, and in order to compensate for the lack of defense, I have protected his heart with high-density metal, but there is no good way for the head to be temporary.” Alexia explained in detail.

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