At this time, Pepper Potts, who was hiding on the side, received a call from Tony the Iron Man.

On the phone, Tony was worried about his girlfriend’s safety: “How are you, it’s okay, I’ll be there soon!” ”

“I, I’m fine, but, oh my God, what kind of monsters are that!” Potts said incoherently.

Tony also thought that Potts was talking about Obadiastan’s steel suit, so he comforted: “Just be safe, it should be Stan’s old guy’s steel suit, I’ll be there soon, let me solve him!” ”

Tony is confident, his own steel suit has been tested many times and is very strong.

Moreover, Tony has always been an arrogant guy, and he has always looked down on his cheap uncle.

However, Pepper Potts heard that Tony was coming over, but hurriedly said: “Tony, don’t come over, there are monsters here, it’s terrible, don’t come over!” ”

Potts was worried that if these monsters were coming for Tony, it would be dangerous for Tony to come here again.

She didn’t believe that Tony could defeat these five terrifying monsters in that little steel suit!

However, how could Tony back down because of a few words from Potts, otherwise, he would not be Iron Man, and the megalomania would not be in vain.


On the battlefield, Obadiastan’s words were like a sea of stones, and the five tyrants did not respond to him at all.

They are just biological weapons, and when the manipulators do not give them the right to act autonomously, they are just puppets without their own thoughts at all!

Moreover, they will not speak either.

Just as the five tyrants were preparing to carry out their mission and retrieve the heavy armor in front of them, a rapid sound suddenly came from the sky.

Iron Man Tony arrives.

However, when he saw the situation on the ground, he was suddenly stunned.

“This, what is the situation…”

The powerful and terrifying image of the five tyrants, even Tony, the megalomaniac, was a little stunned.

He also thought that the monster Pepper Potts was talking about was his cheap uncle.

At this time, looking at the ground again, the steel suit worn by Obadiastan was cute like a good baby in front of the five monsters.

Umbrella underground base, Will is watching the situation on the battlefield through the images given by the Red Queen.

At this time, Will suddenly ordered: “Control a tyrant, stare at the little guy flying in the sky, the other four immediately act, bring that heavy armor back with the people inside, I want to live!” ”

Will’s order reached the ears of the five elite pilots directly as the Red Queen was transmitted.

For Will’s order, they naturally carried it out without hesitation.

I saw that on the field, one of the tyrants slowly turned around, his figure squatted slightly, preparing for battle, and his eyes were fixed on Tony who was flying in the sky.

At the altitude at which Tony is flying now, the pilot is confident that controlling the tyrant can control the opponent with a single jump.

However, the boss stared at him at his orders and did not let himself take the initiative, so he just controlled the tyrant to defend and prevent accidents.

And the other four tyrants suddenly sprang into action!

With a force under their feet, with the help of the reaction force, the speed soared, and they reached their fastest speed in an instant!

Obadiastan’s heart was beating wildly, and his expression was tense!

These monsters actually came at themselves!

Although he had been prepared, he was also horrified!

On Obadiastan’s heavy steel suit, he installed a lot of powerful weapons, and at this time, the weapon system was all turned on in an instant!

On the shoulders, waist, and arms of the heavy steel suit, various weapons and equipment sprayed dazzling attacks.

Machine guns, missiles all poured out as if they didn’t want money.

Obadiastan alone has the effect of shooting like an entire combat squad.

However, tyrants are not living targets!

On the contrary, as a biological weapon, its flexibility is unmatched, and it is completely incomparable with purely mechanical weapons.

And even if a few bullets hit the tyrant, it was like tickling.

In the previous conversation between Will and Alexia, the tyrant’s defense was low, which only said that the armor-piercing bullet could hurt the tyrant, but as long as his vital heart and head were not seriously damaged, then it would not lose any combat ability!

Not only that, the tyrant also has a strong recovery ability, a little scar for it, even a dozen seconds can recover as before.

This ability actually comes from the genes of the Hulk, after all, abomination can be regarded as the same source as the Hulk.

On the battlefield, I saw four tyrants dodging slightly, and they dodged most of the attacks.

Then, in a matter of seconds, the four tyrants grabbed the limbs of the heavy steel suit, and under the powerful force, Obadiastan was directly incapacitated.

Although Obadiastan’s heavy steel suit has great power, it is completely unable to withstand the powerful power of the 4 tyrants!

However, Obadiastan was not ready to tie his hands, and he launched the jet device located on the legs of the heavy steel suit!

The heavy steel suit, like Tony’s suit, has the ability to fly!

If he really let him fly, then he really could run away at the hands of 4 tyrants.

In the underground base of the umbrella, the five biological weapons pilots involved in this operation were ordered to bring back an intact steel suit!

Therefore, at this time, the 4 tyrants seem a little passive!

See, the powerful thruster of the heavy steel suit is about to take the four-limbed tyrant into the sky!

Will, who was sitting in his room and had been paying attention to the situation on the field, suddenly snorted coldly and ordered: “Destroy his flying device for me, and I still want to run, dream!” ”

Will gave an order, and the command instantly reached the ears of the 4 drivers through the system of the red queen!

At this time, on the battlefield, Obadiastan has already shown a smile like a catastrophe, and the heavy steel suit has risen to a height of nearly a hundred meters with 4 tyrants, and immediately, Obadiastan can throw off these four monsters by flying at high speed!

However, after Will gave the order, two of the tyrants who were grabbing the legs of the suit suddenly exerted their strength and grabbed the jet device on the legs of the suit!

Powerful forces burst out!

PS: Recently, the flowers and evaluation tickets have not moved, some are in a hurry, please support ah please support ….

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