“Boom !!!”

The video in front of Will trembled.

The two tyrants collided violently.

Smoke and dust rise.

In the biological weapons control room, all employees waited with bated breath.

Even Will, the big boss, stared at the big screen expectantly, wanting to know the latest results.

The smoke cleared.

In the venue, the 2nd generation of tyrants stood tall in the center of the field, and on the ground more than ten meters in front of him, the 1st generation of tyrants was lying on the ground, with several huge blood holes on his body, which was miserable.

Although Tyrant 1 looks lighter in speed than Tyrant 2, Tyrant 2’s body is more powerful with steel armor.

In particular, the spikes on his body are much sharper than those of the 1st generation of tyrants.

On top of the hand-to-hand collision, completely crush the tyrant 1 generation.

However, this scar is completely negligible for the tyrant.

In Will’s expectation, Tyrant 1 stands up again, and two strong monsters begin to fight.

The stormy attack unfolded between the two tyrants, dazzling everyone.

It has to be said that although Obadiastan is the first time to control the biological weapon of a tyrant, his talent is very high, and in the face of the elite employees selected among hundreds of drivers, Obadiastan does not show weakness.

If only in terms of control, Obadiastan is not at all inferior to the other side.

This scene made the countless academies behind them a little shocked, this person who was quite old and had never heard of it before, could be comparable to the best of them, and he did have some skills.

The battle lasted for a full ten minutes, and in the end, the 1st generation of tyrants still did not resist the strong attack of the 2nd generation of tyrants and retreated.

If it weren’t for the fact that every tyrant is the precious property of the umbrella company, Obadiastan might have controlled the tyrant for 2 generations, and the opponent was torn to shreds!

And in this battle, the strength of the 2nd generation of tyrants was undoubtedly revealed!

At the end of the battle, there were only a few shallow traces on the Tyrant 2nd generation! This obviously shows that the defense of the 2nd generation of tyrants is in an absolute advantage.

Apparently, Will is happy with the performance of Tyrant 2 in this battle.

Obadiastan was also satisfied, the battle made his blood boil, something he had never experienced before.

Even, it was more enjoyable than when she put on that steel suit!

It was a feeling of rejuvenation.

After the battle, Obadiastan approached Will again and showed his intentions.

He was already a little tired of his original life, and he intrigued every day for the development of the enterprise, which was completely contrary to his original dream.

Now, in the umbrella company, he feels that he has realized the value of life!

Will once said that he put Obadiastan in charge of the biological weapons control department, and Obadiastan felt that he was born to control this powerful biological weapon!

In the end, the two talked for a long time, and Obadiastan gladly accepted Will’s appointment!

At this point, after completing the first test task assigned by Will, Obadiastan became a core member of the umbrella company, responsible for the military machinery and biological weapons control department of the umbrella company!

The original biological weapons control department has never had a person in charge, and Alexia was previously in charge, but Alexia has no experience in this area, so the management has been very negligent.

After this battle between two tyrants, all the employees of the biological weapons control department were convinced of Obadiastan, so this time the appointment went smoothly!


Five days later, new good news reached Will again.

Thanks to Alexia’s efforts, Wesker’s G2 virus fusion was quite successful!

After the successful fusion, the two came to Will’s room for the first time to report the situation.

Will sat on the sofa with a smile and looked at the two cronies standing in front of him.

Alexia was fine, nothing had ever affected her mood, and unless there was a major breakthrough in research, it would generally be cold.

And Wesker standing next to her is different, he has always been a joyful person.

At this time, Wesker had an uncontrollable smile on his face.

“Well, it looks like the fusion with the G2 virus should be successful.” Will asked with a smile.

Without waiting for Alexia, a professional, to say anything, Wesker couldn’t bear it for a long time, and said: “Quite good, boss, I feel that I am full of strength, even if a wall is in front of me, I can smash it with one punch!” ”

Wicks clenched his fists and hurriedly told his boss, Will, about his excitement.

Will also understood Wesker’s mood, and nodded with a smile: “Well, not bad!” ”

“Doesn’t the G2 virus have a second form? So what is the second form of Wesker? Will then asked Alexia.

Alexia is relatively rational, so if you want a more objective explanation or ask her, Wesker is about to jump up with excitement at this time, and he can’t say any accurate information in his mouth.

Hearing the boss ask himself, Alexia said with some regret: “The second form obtained by the previous experimental subjects is a form that can enhance its own aggression, but Wesker’s second form is somewhat different…”

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