A few minutes later, a fighter plane slowly lifted off from the umbrella company’s Raccoon City underground base.

On the fighter, in addition to the pilot, there is only Wesker alone!

This time, he decided to go out on his own, and after the G2 virus injection, he felt like a god! The strength in his body seemed endless.

Since he had just successfully fused the G2 virus, he went to report the results to his boss Will, so he didn’t have time to test how strong his current body was, but it didn’t matter, when he immediately performed the task, he knew how strong he was.

Wesker was excited!

On the other side, Will sat in his room, but he was always a little worried, so he said to the Red Queen: “Red Queen, connect me to Wesker!” ”

The voice was connected, and Wesker asked suspiciously: “Boss, what other orders do you have?” ”

Will thought for a while and said: “Wesker, this mission is very important, you will dispatch after the other party is invaded, and then go to get the scepter as soon as possible!” Don’t make a mistake for me, don’t ask for your G2 virus if you can’t complete the task! ”

Will was very uneasy, he was afraid that if Wesker swelled his self-confidence and really hit someone when he saw someone, it would be troublesome.

“Received, boss…” said Wesker ruefully, as if Will didn’t specifically emphasize that he was really ready to make a big fuss on the S.H.I.E.L.D. space carrier…

After hanging up the communication, Will arranged to the red queen: “Let me monitor Wesker’s actions throughout the process, and report any emergencies in time!” ”

Only by getting the Psychic Scepter can the portal be prevented from closing, and the side quest arranged by the system to collect the corpses of 100,000 Zitari can be completed, so the success of this mission is very important to the completion of the system side quest.

Although Wesker has always been very reassuring, this time the situation is different, and Will is ready to keep an eye on this matter at any time.

Just when Wesker was far away, secretly hanging behind the S.H.I.E.L.D. space carrier, a black fighter slowly approached the S.H.I.E.L.D. space carrier.

Above the S.H.I.E.L.D. space carrier, in Earth orbit, Umbrella’s most advanced satellites are monitoring the movements of the space carrier.

As the world’s largest pharmaceutical monopoly, the financial strength of the umbrella company is much stronger than that of Stark Industries, after all, the two companies have different fields.

Drugs, as a daily necessities that ordinary people must use, are lucrative and have huge sales.

The umbrella company has long had a plan, and naturally it has also been involved in cutting-edge technology such as satellites.

I saw that the rear hatch of the black fighter slowly opened, and the figure of Hawkeye appeared there, drawing a bow and shooting arrows!

Hawkeye’s arrow skills are naturally not said, plus his bow and arrow are high-tech products, the arrow of the arrow he shot before is equivalent to a powerful bomb!

“Boom !!!”

With a loud explosion, one of the four thrusters of the S.H.I.E.L.D. space carrier exploded!

Inside the space carrier, the siren sounded!

At this time, Thor, the god of thunder. Captain America, Black Widow, and Dr. Banner are all inside the space carrier.

Originally, Loki’s psychic scepter was in the same room as them, but after this explosion, everyone mobilized to meet the incoming enemy.

Outside the space carrier, the black plane landed on it, and Hawkeye led the assault team to enter the interior of the space carrier through the vent!

Interior of a space carrier.

And due to the influence of the psychic scepter, Dr. Banner suddenly transformed, lost his mind, and wrecked everywhere on the space carrier.

At this time, no one has the energy to manage the spiritual scepter!

Everyone is busy stopping the chaos, Thor has his eyes on the Hulk, Captain America and Iron Man are preparing to repair the thrusters, and Black Widow is looking for the location of her best friend, Hawkeye.


Wesker naturally would not miss such a good opportunity, seeing the chaos of the space carrier, he immediately arranged for the pilot to approach the space carrier.

And Wesker undressed inside the plane ….

Then, the slick Wesker disappeared out of thin air, as if it had never appeared!

Wesker in stealth, following Hawkeye and his squad, also secretly entered the interior of the space carrier!

Because at this time, in order to maintain stealth, Wesker did not have anything on him, and Will had no way to contact the other party, which could still control Wisk’s actions, and could only rely on Wesker himself to play freely.

In a stealthy state, Wesker is like a ghost, quickly searching for the chaotic space carrier.

But because the space carrier is so big, there are countless rooms inside, and it is really difficult to find.

In order to quickly complete the task assigned by the boss, Wesker is ready to ask someone.

At this time, in front of him, a woman who was running in a panic suddenly appeared.

Wesker’s eyes narrowed, this woman was the Black Widow who had been to the umbrella company.

Although there was a relationship, this did not affect Wesker’s decision at all!

In Wesker’s heart, completing the task assigned by the boss is the most important, so he quietly touched Black Widow’s side, and a hand suddenly attacked and grabbed Black Widow’s neck.

For a sneak attack, Wesker in stealth is simply an expert !!

Moreover, after injecting the G2 virus, Wesker is extremely fast.

The running Black Widow suddenly felt a pain in her neck, and was grabbed by the neck and lifted up!

But what about people?

Black Widow grabbed her neck with both hands, there was obviously a hand scratching herself, but there was no one in front of her!

What a situation!

Black Widow was scared stupid, he had never heard of this situation, could it be an invisible person?

At this time, Wesker spoke, he deliberately suppressed his voice, and said a little hoarsely: “Don’t move, just pinch your neck when you move!” Say quickly, where is Loki’s scepter? ”

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