Today, the number of employees in the umbrella company has changed a lot since the last expansion.

Originally, there were about 10,000 security members, but after the increase, it is now close to 20,000, and Wesker and Sergei each manage half of it.

In addition, the biological weapons control department has also expanded a lot, from the original 100 to about 300.

Because the production of biological weapons has not stopped, the biological weapons control department must have more employees to keep up with the increase in the scale of biological weapons.

For a biological weapon with extremely strong individual strength like a tyrant, an employee can only drive one!

For biological weapons like lickers, which don’t need to be fully controlled, just give orders, Will divides them into many groups, with every 10 lickers in a squad controlled by a pilot.

Today, there are nearly 2,000 lickers in the biowarehouse of the underground base of the umbrella company!

At the current rate of production, I am afraid that in a while, there will be not enough employees in the biological weapons control department!


The next day, early in the morning, Obadyastan, Wesker and Sergei came to Will, saying that all departments had been arranged and could start injecting the T virus at any time.

Moreover, all members of all three sectors yesterday signed an agreement on voluntary injections, which spelled out the consequences of failure.

Moreover, at Will’s behest, the three also revealed to all employees that if the fusion fails, the company can transplant the brain of the loser into the tyrant!

Although it has lost its human body, it is much stronger than a vegetative person.

Moreover, after this news was issued, most people even hoped that they would fail, and many people actually wanted a body as powerful as a tyrant….


Will then contacted Anna.

Anna said that her side is also ready, because after the improvement of the T virus, it is easy to combine with the human body, but it is not a sudden super strength, but gradually fused in the next ten days or so to reach the strongest state.

This process of slow integration does not need to worry about the situation of uncontrollable and destructive damage caused by the newly acquired power.

Hearing this, Will ordered that the Umbrella Company employees be injected with the new T virus and begin!

For the first time in the history of the umbrella company, the largest virus injection of all combat employees has begun!


The umbrella company Raccoon City underground base, all entrances and exits are closed, red queen was ordered to strictly monitor all rooms and personnel, and report immediately if there was an accident.

The respective departments, led by Sergei, Wesker and Obadyastan, inject separately, complete one department, and then move on to the next.

The entire injection process was completely under Will’s control, without a trace of confusion.

As the leader, Sergei and Obadiastan did not inject at the first time, but prepared to inject after all employees were injected.

Two plus Wesker, the task for the three of them is heavy.

In particular, when the injection reaches about three hundred people, the first person who failed to fuse appeared!

Will immediately issued his own order, for the integration of failed employees, immediately transferred to the senior ward, by the medical staff throughout the care, for the integration of the failed, the company will arrange brain transplantation work as soon as possible.

Also, for the families of these people, Will provided a lot of compensation, and all of them were arranged to live in higher residential areas!

Under all these policies, the people waiting to receive the injection have no worries at all.

Time is ticking.

Nearly 20,000 people were injected, and with the assistance of everyone, mainly Anna’s scientific research department, all of them were about to be injected in two days.

At this time, only Sergei and Obadiastan have not yet been injected!

Among the employees who have been injected earlier, five people have failed to fuse, and this probability can be said to be quite lucky.

The probability of failure that Anna said will definitely not be higher than one in a thousand, which is still very conservative.

Finally, both Obadiastan and Sergei, began to inject at the same time!

The dark green new T virus was slowly pushed into the veins of the two people in the transparent needle, and then the blood vessels on the two people were all dyed green, which looked a little terrifying.

However, this is a normal phenomenon, and the next ten days can completely dissipate the T virus in the flesh and blood.

The injection process is very fast, and since it is a slow fusion, it can be moved after injection without any effect at all.

Obadiastan sat up from the bed, he felt as if his blood was boiling, and he had a feeling that his whole body was burning.

But he’s not worried, because that’s normal.

The previous 20,000 people felt this way.

However, Obadiastan who sat up stretched his body, and then looked at Sergei on the bed next to him, his eyes suddenly widened!


At this time, on the other bed, Sergei’s eyes were closed, and his whole body began to tremble violently!

This is what fusion failure looks like!

Since Obadiastan, Wesker and Sergei watched the injections of their men almost the whole time, they knew this phenomenon of full-body convulsions!

At this time, Wesker also noticed Sergei’s appearance and hurriedly walked over, with a terrified expression on his face!


Sergey, fusion failed!

Moreover, the failure of this fusion cannot be reversed at all, and what awaits Sergei can only be the weakening of the whole body except for the brain!

Or, a new body!

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