In fact, Will felt that after this battle, after all the forces in the Marvel world have seen the combat power of the umbrella company, it should not be difficult to get those alien corpses.

However, there will always be small troubles, such as the threat of the military, or accidentally missing something.

And Will is a person who is most afraid of trouble.

If the shield of the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is placed in front, it will save a lot of trouble, so it can be used as soon as it can.

Will didn’t take this opportunity either, although Will did have something he wanted, such as… Space carrier!

The space carrier is a good thing, it is the crystallization of S.H.I.E.L.D. technology, and Will has long wanted a base to fly in the sky.

However, at this time, the troops of the umbrella company were already close to the edge of the battlefield!

Talk to Fury again, and when he sees his troops, then there will be no negotiation.

So be it, it’s not bad, Will has a scheming smile on his face.


On the other side, as soon as Fury hung up the communicator in his hand, his cronie Agent Hill exclaimed.

“Boss, look at the big screen.” Agent Hill said, pointing to the screen in front of him.

On the screen, more than two hundred helicopters wearing conspicuous umbrella symbols on the fuselage landed on the edge of the battlefield in New York.

Then, on the helicopter, thousands of armed men fully armed and dressed in black combat uniforms quickly walked down.

Immediately afterwards, some of these people were divided and relied on the building to establish a defensive line.

The other part, on the other hand, took out a lot of equipment and defense facilities from the helicopter and began to assemble it.

These people, each of them is more flexible than elite agents like Black Widow, Fury saw that the speed of their running when they were armed, even the camera could not capture it…

There were also some employees, who easily jumped off the plane carrying equipment five or six times larger than themselves….

“They, they’re people from the umbrella company?” Fury was dumbfounded.

This kind of physical fitness, the captain of the United States is just that!

Are all people at Umbrella Company Superman?


The other party just put forward conditions with themselves, why did their people go to the battlefield?

No way!

From Raccoon City to New York, even a helicopter takes twenty minutes!


Fury simply hated Will this old guy at this time, their troops were almost on the battlefield, and they asked themselves for conditions! Really meow treacherous!

However, after a while, Fury stopped thinking about it.

Because, after the arrival of these vanguards, S.H.I.E.L.D. satellites have detected that a larger team is about to arrive on the battlefield!

Looking at the satellite image, the long line of transport vehicles, and the dozens of super-large transport helicopters further behind, the corners of Fury’s mouth twitched, and he felt more and more that the umbrella company must have some plan!

With so many troops, is the umbrella company ready to destroy the United States?

Moreover, are their people human beings at all?


On the battlefield of New York, at this time, the vanguard of the Chitari people, many soldiers had already discovered the new team of the umbrella company.

From their eyes, except for the hammer, the one wearing the golden and red armor, and the stupid green big man, the rest of the earthlings are weak beings like ants.

Therefore, when they saw the vanguard of the umbrella, they all howled madly and rushed over.


In the distance, an armed man with an umbrella pulled the trigger in his hand.

A Chitauri who was piloting a flying machine suddenly had a blood hole in his brain and fell from the aircraft, and after losing the pilot, the aircraft crashed into a building and exploded.

Then, only gunshots were heard, and more than a dozen Zitari aircraft were all wiped out in a matter of seconds.

After the injection of the new T virus, the umbrella armed personnel not only increased their strength and speed, but also their physical fitness was enhanced in all aspects, including their facial features and perception.

After nearly a month of training, their marksmanship has generally improved by a level.

The army of the Chitari suddenly woke up, these people are very lethal to flying units!

They liaised with each other and began sending ground troops to approach the vanguard of the umbrella company.

However, although the body of the Zitari is much stronger than that of the earthlings, it has no advantage in the face of the umbrella employees who have been injected with the T-virus.

Even, on one road, the vanguard of the umbrella company dispatched only twenty members, and easily stopped the hundreds of Chitauri troops in the distance.

Occasionally, one or two Zitari soldiers approach, and in an instant, umbrella armed men rush up to solve it cleanly!

All the armed personnel of the Umbrella Company are equipped with hand-to-hand combat daggers, and each of them is fully capable, and if they put down their guns, they can instantly become ghostly assassins!

Their strong body allowed them to firmly establish the command and defense base of the Umbrella Company in New York!

Then, only the earth was heard.

Hundreds of taels of vehicles came from a distance, smoke and dust billowing out!

Tens of thousands of armed personnel of the umbrella company, lined up in a neat line, came to the temporary base.

However, these people did not rush to join the battlefield, but rested in place, it seems, they were waiting for something!

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