Then, Will looked at the subordinates of the three research departments and said: “While the old biological weapons are upgraded and the new biological weapons are manufactured, the production line should not stop if it can run, and continue to live at full strength!” Don’t stop for a moment!! ”

Immediately afterwards, Will looked at Wesker again and said: “Wesker, the progress on your side should also be accelerated, complete the recruit training as soon as possible, and then the security work around the mothership must be cautious, and no one is allowed to approach within 100 meters of the wall!” ”

At this time, spies or intelligence personnel from many other forces and organizations began to gradually appear, and they did not choose to sneak into the umbrella company, but they were not idle.

These people often wander around the perimeter of the wall, which is really annoying.

Will never had any scruples about this kind of person.

Who will peep, who dies!

When the umbrella company does not disclose some things in the main “seven six zero” movement, anyone who wants to peek must be prepared for the arrival of death.

“Javier!” Will looked at Javier, who had done well in cleaning the floor before, and said.

“Boss!” Javier replied excitedly.

“There is one more task, I am ready to leave it to you.”

“In terms of biological weapons storage, our original warehouse is no longer large enough, I need you to be responsible for the expansion of the base throughout the process, and I need you to expand the biological weapons warehouse of the underground base tenfold!” All manpower and material resources at your disposal, completed within a month! Is there a problem?! Will asked, looking at the rough man.

“Guaranteed to complete the mission!” For Javier, this is an opportunity.

A chance to prove yourself to your boss.

Only by proving your value and better completing the tasks assigned by the boss can you get the boss’s generous rewards!

Of course, the boss has the final say.

“Good! Then disband! Will said.


Accompanied by Alice, Will returned to his room.

The entire umbrella company is running at high speed, but his boss only needs to arrange the overall situation, and other specific things are done by experts in various fields.

The sofa in Will’s room was quite large, wide and thick.

Will half lay on it, comfortably closing his eyes ready to rest.

Alice dutifully hurried over and helped Will massage.

However, after not enjoying it for a few minutes, the appearance of the red queen disturbed this comfort and tranquility.

Although the red queen’s calculation speed is fast and the analysis of various data is very accurate, after all, she is only a computer system, and she does not know anything about human affairs.

It’s not even as good as the Jarvis depicted in the Iron Man movie.

I don’t know if Jarvis really has some emotional thinking ability, Will thinks, should he go to Iron Man and ask?

After all, the Avengers and the Umbrella Corporation fought together!

The red queen didn’t care what Will was doing, after the cash was made, he immediately reported: “Boss, there is a news I need to report to you, recently through the monitoring of the social platform and communication equipment in Raccoon City, I found that there are many people who are dissatisfied with our company, and there are even many people who have received huge compensation from the umbrella company, compared with before, the company’s reputation in Raccoon City has declined significantly.” ”

As a supercomputer system, Red Queen turns off too much every day.

And the entire raccoon city is almost under her nose, and any wind and grass cannot hide her eyes.

However, for such a trifle, Will did not care.

Support is not supported, satisfied or dissatisfied, it doesn’t matter!

The existence of umbrella companies does not require them to be satisfied.

“Okay, I see, keep watching.” Will waved his hand and said.

Although he didn’t care, Will still let the Red Queen continue to monitor, after all, even if he didn’t care about a lot of news, it was good to be able to know it in his heart.

Will then continued to close his eyes.


Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, another month passed.

The Marvel world has been quiet during this time, and nothing major has happened.

But what Will wanted most was nothing to happen.

Today, the strength of umbrella companies is increasing dramatically.

Training in the armed forces is carried out every day, and injections of the new T virus for new recruits are gradually carried out.

The expansion of the umbrella company’s Raccoon City underground base is also nearing completion.

Although Javier wants to complete the work as soon as possible, he cannot reduce the quality, after all, this is the lair of the umbrella company0….

This should be the place with the strongest defense!

However, the amount of work is indeed a bit large.

Especially what Will asked for was a tenfold expansion!

Originally, the biological weapons warehouse was terrifyingly large, and it could even pile up hundreds of thousands of Zitari corpses and countless flying machines, but now it has expanded tenfold, and the area is almost the same size as the entire raccoon city.

For this reason, Javier stuck to his post every day, and even often did not sleep once in two or three days.

Fortunately, his body is much stronger than normal people after being injected with the new T poison, otherwise Javier may be paralyzed this time.

In addition, the production of new biological weapons, the most important thing for the umbrella company, has already begun, and the speed has been greatly improved than before.

According to daily progress reports, close to 10,000 hunters have now been produced and all put into biological weapons warehouses.

Moreover, the old bioweapons warehouses are almost full.

Fortunately, the new warehouse will be ready for use immediately, otherwise production would have been delayed.

Again, about the vitality of the 2nd generation of lickers and tyrants, it has also been carried out in the later stages.

The lickers in the biological weapons warehouse have all been modified, and then the new production line is directly the 2nd generation of lickers.

The 2nd generation of tyrants has also been successfully leveled to the 3rd generation of tyrants, and the combat effectiveness has been significantly improved by 4.2.

In addition, Sergei and the special combat team members led by him have also undergone a comprehensive transformation.

Their bodies have been implanted with the energy conversion devices they learned from the Zitari people, and after being modified, their bodies are more powerful than before.

Moreover, on their backs and legs, something like a flame propulsion device has been added, which can be used to convert the powerful biological energy in the body and fly short distances!

The strength of the umbrella company has increased dramatically!

On this day, Will was listening to the report of the Red Queen, and the question about the progress of the biological weapons warehouse, the voice of the system suddenly sounded in his head!

“Ding, it has been detected that the overall strength of the umbrella company has reached the requirements, and the main task of the system is starting…”

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